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RE: Pay It Back Later

in LeoFinancelast year

One of the things that’s annoying is that we could do massive infrastructure programs, with restrictions in place that could be a whole different discussion, and it could rebuild the crumbling infrastructure of the many countries of the world, get people to work and put a lot of money into pockets. This would pay off in spades and it may lead to more debt perhaps but I think it could lead to less as more people are employed and full time, busier and less time for that type of shit. Granted that doesn’t create the dependent, soft people that are so desired by the woke ideologues that seem to be running the show in many realms but it makes sense for the average people like you and I. It takes millions of people and puts them to work in various roles and levels and could be a huge win for everyone. It’s all dreams of course but there are so many options and ways to get out of this debt hole that we are in, it seems like it’s got to be a conspiracy to keep people in debt. Some whacky shit dude.


Debt spending can be used to invest in the future, or steal from it. I think much of what goes on now is for stealing purposes, to line pockets now and secure control for later.