There is one word that constantly comes to mind, and over the years, I have come to understand that it can change everything and make a significant difference between success and failure. That word is "focus." No matter how much you desire to learn about something, true understanding only comes when you focus.
We have been introduced to numerous financial principles, but one that is frequently emphasized by motivational speakers and financial experts is the idea of having multiple streams of income. Undoubtedly, having multiple streams of income can provide financial freedom and breakthrough.
However, those who have succeeded in building multiple businesses under their portfolio first focused on one business to ensure its success before contemplating the next profitable venture. Trust me, no businessperson would consider adding another business to their business portfolio if they knew it wouldn't be profitable. They first had to focus on one that generated significant income, work on it, and nurture its growth before branching out.

It's not about doing many things that make one's life better, but rather, it's about focusing on just one thing. I see this simple act reflected in everything we do in life. You can never achieve true success until you start paying more attention and concentrating on your chosen path.
Three years ago, I became fascinated with the idea of starting businesses, driven by the principle of having multiple streams of income to achieve success. I decided to venture into the transport business by purchasing a vehicle. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a complete failure, and I had to sell the vehicle to recoup my invested capital. This experience made me swear off the transportation business altogether.
Even while I had the vehicle in operation, I was constantly searching for another opportunity to invest in and considering how I could use the daily earnings from the vehicle to start another business. However, my lack of focus and failure to truly understand the transportation business led to my failure. I made a promise to myself never to venture into the business again.
Fast forward, I eventually succeeded with my business endeavors involving two more vehicles, despite my initial vow never to pursue the transportation business again. I learned from my past failures and decided to take another risk in the same field. The key to my success was the unwavering focus I had on that particular business.
I dedicated time to understanding it, employed capable individuals to run the operations, and committed myself fully to its success. In the end, it was the newfound focus I had, both on the business itself and the people involved, that led to my success. It taught me the importance of focus and learning from failures in order to achieve success in any venture.

Many things can capture our attention from time to time, but what truly matters is what we choose to focus on. It is through unwavering focus and continuous learning that we gain mastery. In the ever-tempting world of materialism and ambition, individuals who lack focus on their true desires can easily get caught up. Those who don't stay focused on what truly matters to them can easily become distracted or influenced by other unimportant factors.
We often witness people pursuing something and if they succeed, suddenly everyone begins to chase after the same thing. However, this tendency of imitating or following others is often an erroneous decision made by most people. It is a fact that if we all choose to follow one thing we believe will bring success, not many find success in that same idea that is thought to bring success. There is something that everyone could excel at more than the many things we see others do, which often distracts and leads to a loss of focus.
There is always one thing that can lead us to success, which perhaps we have not paid attention to, but instead, we allow what others do to distract us. Maintaining focus is crucial in achieving our goals and finding true success. It requires identifying what truly matters to us and dedicating our energy, time, and resources towards it. If we keep our attention on what's important, we can avoid getting influenced by short-lived fads or what other people are doing. Instead, we can follow our own special way to find success or achieve our goals.
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Yes!!!! 🙌 !LUV it!
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoThank you for the love
As you have said, focus truly matters, and it is what leads to success in any endeavor. Your experience reminds me of a time when I was torn between which course to pursue at the tertiary level. I was almost swayed by what most of my peers were choosing, but when I directed my attention to myself, my passion, and what I truly wanted to do, I emerged successful from Midwifery school. Sometimes people fail not because they consciously decide to, but because they lose their focus. This is a beautiful write-up, thanks for sharing
Focus really matters as it helps us give our attention, time, energy and any other resources towards achieving any kind of goal. I'm glad that you made it successfully when you decided to stay focused. Thanks for your nice comment my dear
It's good to be focused on one thing at a time than trying to do everything or follow the next shiny or big thing that's coming.
I bet things would have turned out way better(maybe you'll have more than 2 cars now) if you had concentrated on only the transportation business when you first started.
But we sure do need to learn our lessons and try again with a new set of laser-focused eyes. Congrats on being able to turn the business around.
Thank you. I believe that if I had focused on one thing at a time, I would not have failed in my first endeavor. However, in retrospect, the failure proved to be beneficial as it taught me valuable lessons and helped me improve my ability to stay focused. Thanks again for stopping by and leaving a comment @mviews
Thks for your words. Focus is what I'm lacking these days. It's important to separate our real interests from things that tangle us up. When we have many many interests it's so difficult. Sometimes I think "Jack of all trades masters none". It is true in a way, but when you are in many different things, you are capable of adapting to circumstances better. So in this dance we are. Just looking to focus on priorities. Have a happy Sunday!
Your perspective is also true, sometimes you are able to adapt to circumstance better when you involve in many difference things. I would say it helps in giving so much experiences but then if it's about one thing you would like to succeed or achieve then focus is a key ingredient. Thanks for your thoughtful comment.
(1/1) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily@collinz, @palimanali
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoI read an article about a serial entrepreneur who had a tendency to succeed greatly at his businesses. He said roughly the same thing. His way of putting it was that you can have it all, but not at the same time. According to him, he did like you by focusing everything on the one business before moving on. He would sell his businesses after making them successful.
I like that coming from the entrepreneur, that's where I think focusing at one thing at a time comes in. From what I have learned by experience, if I have many things to do, I will rather focus my energy on one before moving to the next.
Focus entails diligence, hardwork, time, energy and resources. When one is not focused, I'm not sure he or she will successfully achieve a set goal
exactly, thanks