I've been pondering how I measure my progress. I think it's easy to focus on celebrating the outcomes (or outputs):
- How much HIVE did my post receive?
- How many HBD did I earn this month?
- How much HP did I accrue?
And, if I'm pulling HIVE (the currency) out of my wallet and off the Hive platform:
- How much HIVE did I "earn" through the blockchain this month that I can use to fuel my life?
Now, to be clear, I don't think we should ignore these metrics, not at all. I think they should be measured, acknowledged and celebrated but if we only put our attention there I think we are missing an important set of metrics that could actually boost of all these things.
Those metrics are the inputs.
On the Hive blockchain, whether you're blogging through Hive.blog or Ecency or Peakd (or another front end interface), the inputs that I think are worth paying attention to and celebrating can be found by asking these questions:
- How many (good quality) posts did I create (and share)?
- How many upvotes did I give out (on good quality posts that deserve my vote)?
- How many (meaningful) comments did I make on other people's posts? and
- How many replies did I write following on from comments on my own posts or other people's posts?
These inputs are what are in our conscious control. If we focus on driving these numbers up then the outputs will take care of themselves.
This post was inspired by watching the notifications from @hivebuzz show up periodically on my posts. It got me thinking about what I'm measuring, where I'm putting my attention and what is the best use of my energy on the Hive blockchain.
For me it's not just writing posts (which I do totally love doing, after all I am a teacher and a writer), it's also creating connections with other like-minded people who share similar values to myself. And beyond that, it's learning about people who are different from me, whose life experiences and life circumstances challenge me and help me grow as a human being.
Having a regular way to assess my progress on Hive and be challenged (in a gamified kind of way) to both be consistent and get better at the tangible things (like posting decent content and commenting and replying thoughtfully on things that my fellow Hivians have said) help me to do the less tangible things like learn, grow and be a better human.
So consider this a shout out to hivebuzz and the project's creator arcange for the small and large ways that this project and your work is impacting my behaviour (and no doubt, countless others') on Hive.
Photo is a screenshot of an automatic hivebuzz notification on one of my previous posts. Taken by me, on my laptop.
Thanks so much for the reblog @anthonytanj! 🙏
Welcome, have a nice day 😊
Check out Hivestats for the most detail and analytics for your Hive account. Helps me a lot!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ooooh! Thank you @l337m45732. I didn't know about this so I'll have to check it out 🙏
The more I am on Hive, the more I look for posts like this. I think the ability to connect on a human level is very important. I tend to follow people who have different interest than mine because I think travel, even by internet, is a wonderful way for us to come together. I am now following you. And here's a question that may seem unusual but hopefully will become clearer in the future: Given the chance to be a vampire or a clergy (vampire slayer), which would you prefer? @cryptocharmers bvamp or bhuman
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bless 🙏 Thank you @methodofmad. Sounds like we're very much on the same page about some of these things I think are vitally important.
Hmmm, I shall entertain your strange question. However, since I'm not a big vamp movie or game fan, I need some context.
What's your definition of a vampire?
And... I've never heard of clergy also being vampire slayers. So please tell me more about that.
In Ernest 😉 CC.
We are working on a passive game that is Hive blockchain based. The game doesn't cost anything and it doesn't pay anything either. We use data from Hive Blockchain to build teams of vampires and clergy. When we say passive, what we mean is that it doesn't require active engagement. Instead, your regular interactions on Hive will help your team. Let us know if you are interested. I am #bevamp team leader and @cryptocharmers is #behuman team leader.
Nah, doesn't sound like my kind thing 😆😃😅
But I'm all for people creating projects that they !LUV 😍😻💖
So I wish you all the best with it @methodofmad 🙌👋🙏
(4/5) gave you LUV.
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Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@consciouscat
Very interesting question you putted there Caroline 😊 I love the Hivebuzz iniciative and for me here on Hive it's really about connecting with people and being in a judgement free environment as internet can also really be a place of hate and illusion...
Glad to see you have goals set in mind and ways to measuring them! Way to go ^^
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@blackdaisyft
I'm not at all surprised that we're on the same page about this, Margarida.
I'm not sure that Hive is judgement free, per se. I've still seen hateful behaviour and expressions of disillusionment (if that's a word) on here. I think where there's people, there's all manner of human behaviour. But maybe there's less here? Maybe because it's newer and it attracts people who want to make something of themselves?
Either way, I notice when I see judgements, hate, etc and just breathe and be with what comes up for me, and then choose my response or action or non-action from a calm place again.
Thanks for the love, !LUV 😍
(5/5) gave you LUV.
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Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@consciouscat
Uhhh I'm a bit delayed in responding to you sweet Caroline 🙏.
I hope you are well and having a great weekend ^^ Today I was thinking quite a bit of you. I was doing some house chores and thinking you expressed interest in seeing my warbrobe but I missed last LOH contest 😩 So I thought of a way to include my closet for this week assignment to answer you back 😊 Pictures are taken and I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my nice sunday night to free write a little bit 😍
That's a very needed reminder 😣 Even today I saw a post warning about new scammers appearing on Hive. This bad human behaviour is donne by leaving links to supposed HIVE rewards and it's only malware or something to steal your account... Really awful! We really need to be careful at all times.
I consider myself very very lucky that I've only met nice and encouraging people so far, like you 🙏. Hope it continues that way!
Stay safe! !LUV you 😘
Oh, good! Yes, I try and remind myself that even if I miss a contest cut off then I can still create the post anyway and share it anyway as its own standalone post. It also means I can twist it into any other kind of post I want because I don't have to adhere to the contest rules! 😁
I haven't seen anything about this (well, I guess now you've told me about it I have) but I do see bits of shadowy human behaviour pop up around the place here. I just pay attention and stay as present in my body as I can so I know what to trust and what to avoid. And common sense goes a long way. As someone said in a post somewhere today sometime (🤣): "Don't give your keys to anyone!"
Look forward to seeing your post, my !LUV 😍😊🙏
That's the amazing thing about contests! You can always take some inspiration to write about the questions they pose. And some of them are so interesting that what I lack is time to explore them all 🙈 but slowly and with compromisse we'll go a long way I believe 🙏
Defenitely Don't give your keys to anyone! About the recent hacker events here on Hive you can check this post from @jaydr 😉
Have a great week! 😘
YES!! 🙌 And there are so many interesting things to explore on Hive, I simply cannot keep up. I think, even if I did Hive full time, I'd still find more things I wanted to explore than I have time for ⏰
I believe we already are, my dear 😉😘
Thank you! 🙏 Yes, I saw the Hivewatcher's original post a day or two ago. 😠 You reminded me I should reblog it (so I just have). 👊
Have a gorgeous week being your honest lovely self, Margarida 🤗
I feel the same way! We can only give the time we have available after other priorities in life 🙏
Thank you! Have a great week yourself with lots of long walks in nature 😍 give a hi to your gecko friends for me will ya? 🙈
Talk soon ❤️
You're so welcome! 🙏
BTW, I noticed I miss your witness vote 😢
Would you mind casting one to me? It would be much appreciated!
Oh! Thanks for pointing that out, my love! I'm still getting my head around all things Web 3.0 and I really don't get the whole witness thing very well! But after some digging around (because I don't know how to use HiveSigner - yet) I think I have voted for you as a witness! (Gladly) 😃
And, for the sake of my learning @arcange, could you tell me if you or someone else you trust/like has written a really good post on the role of witnesses and what you guys/ladies are doing? I want to learn and I don't know where to look!
Thank you for your support @consciouscat, really appreciate it! 👍
On the Hive blockchain, witnesses serve the role of validating signatures and timestamping transactions by including them in blocks. A block is any group of transactions (posts, votes, transfers, etc) that update the state of the database.
Witnesses are generally expected to manage a reliable block-producing node, implement a failover system, maintain a public seed node, tune blockchain operating parameters, publish correct price feeds, author/discuss improvement proposals, review code changes, and be active! Some contribute to core repositories. Some fund the development of other apps and infrastructure projects.
Every round of block production begins with the shuffling of 21 witnesses: the top 20 witnesses (by vote), plus one backup witness. Each is given a turn to produce a single block at a fixed rate of one block every 3 seconds. If a witness does not produce a block in their time slot, then that time slot is skipped, and the next witness produces the next block.
You can see the witness list here
You're welcome, !LUV 😉
Thank you for the explanation. 🙏 And I can confidently say that my clever brain understood almost all the individual words and very little of what it means when I put it altogether. !LOL
What this reinforces for me, yet again, is how grateful I am that we are all so wonderfully different and that people like you who like developing, building and maintaining tech type things allow people like me to share my heart felt words on a(n online) page so others may consume them. 😃
So thank you for this. Keep up the great work, being you. Til next our paths cross. 😊
(1/5) gave you LUV.
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You're invited! - LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@consciouscat
Can I interest you in a little row-mance?
Credit: Happy Valentine's Day
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)@arcange, I sent you an on behalf of @consciouscat
Super welcome @hivebuzz! 😍