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Yes it does seem easy enough and he did tweet last night about people getting leo and the engagement going through the roof, which makes me wonder what was it like before?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many posts and a few comments, I guess. Too many people post and bye-bye. But yes, it's not too difficult to beat him, last week I didn't make too many comments with the app and I was still above him so let's do it, Super Ed. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

ah the old post and run brigade. I guess there must be loads of them in LeoFinance, We shall do it, I actually used the app this morning as ecency was down, it was okay although I saw you could not reblog from it. I was talking to CJ and she was saying she had checked stats and that her engagement was only half today what it was normally( but that was hours ago) I did ask how she checked her stats, no answer jeje so do you know if there is a hive app, I remember jfang did say there was one he used, but I can't remember what it was and now I am curious.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't use the app, I prefer to use the frontend on the laptop. I only use the mobile apps for Hive if I'm not at home. Maybe the app activity is not counting for the engagement stats yet as it is a new one.

I don't know where to check the stats besides

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I do use the ecency app and I thought I would use the Leo app, it is okay but I think will be better once the upgrade happens. Yes it is far easing to use the frontend and as for stats well look at ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello, I use the ecency app out of home and I like it.
That for the stats is great !! You finally found it πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ Thank you, Super Ed! muah β™‘πŸ’™

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh I often use the ecency app at home, if I am cooking for example, and no I do NOT burn the food unlike some that I know jaja
YOu like the stats, it is kind of cool, and gives us a heads up now, well I am glad that I found it, seems not everyone wants to share information...
Anyways enjoy it Super Eli and I really need to write that post jaja

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta