Thanks for the clarifications, I think I'm getting a better picture. I made the mistake of assuming your business was larger than a one person shop and I applaud your chosen path. I am a staunch proponent of individuality and promoting those around me in the hopes of a better world for all.
It seems to me that what we have discussed so far, the contrast between centralization and decentralization, is almost identical to that between dystopia and utopia. It also seems that we have at least some agreement that the dystopia of centralization is a very bad idea and that the utopia of absolute decentralization isn't feasible. For myself I have always sought what Aristotle called the Golden Mean or the middle way. And I believe this is in keeping with seeking balance.
In your reply to @eternaldreamer's comment you say, "We all have our own natures and not everyone shares a single 'human nature' by any means". I would contend that there is in fact a universal human nature, the very fact of being human is a commonality that suggests this, but as each of us is a totally unique expression of being human we each have a completely unique Character. This is precisely what the philosophical study of ethics is all about. In fact one of the 'laws' of human nature would have to be our individual uniqueness, which gives rise to the common argument that there is no universal human nature.
Also in that same response you point out the 'pyramid' of your community, Healing, Balancing and Evolving. I like it! That is a very simple analog to Abraham Mazlow's Hierarchy of Need, another pyramid which has Self Actualization at the top. The question that I believe we are trying to answer here is how can individuals effectively promote a paradigm shift that will allow for a positive evolution of society while maintaining balance between collectivism and individualism? The Hive ecosystem is an awesome start but what can we do to amplify and accelerate the movement?
" can individuals effectively promote a paradigm shift that will allow for a positive evolution of society while maintaining balance between collectivism and individualism?"
I think that's a very good way of phrasing the question. Or, how can we facilitate an intellectual and spiritual evolution that will ultimately render both centralized government and centralized economy obsolete?