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RE: LeoThread 2024-10-25 14:06

in LeoFinance5 months ago

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Edition #113
October 25


In the #sports of #Cricket, #India is hanging in by thread to survive in the Second test match against #NewZealand in #Pune with Indi set a target of 359 to win.

India have started off well with 81 already on board with the loss of the wicket of their captain Rohit Sharma.

Fingers crossed for a better Saturday for team India.

#India #sports #cricket #freecompliments #cent


Estêvão se firma como estrela do Palmeiras e pode dobrar marca de Endrick no último Brasileiro

Se Endrick foi o protagonista do Palmeiras na conquista do Brasileirão de 2023, Estêvão assumiu o papel na busca pelo título nacional deste ano. Brigando pela artilharia da competição, o camisa 41 já tem números melhores do que o amigo, cria da base alviverde e hoje no Real Madrid, da Espanha.

#newsonleo #sports #Palmeiras

Isto porque Estêvão é o jogador com mais participações diretas para gols na atual edição do campeonato: 18, sendo dez gols e oito assistências. Com a lesão de Pedro, ele briga pela artilharia e está a um gol de empatar com o atacante do Flamengo.

Se levar em conta apenas os gols feitos, o meia-atacante está a um também de empatar com a marca de Endrick, que balançou as redes 11 vezes no Brasileirão passado. A diferença é que o ex-camisa 9 não deu assistências naquela edição, contra as oito do atual destaque alviverde.

É provável, portanto, que Estêvão tenha o dobro de participações em gols comparado ao atacante do Real Madrid no título do ano passado. Ele precisa marcar ou dar assistência mais quatro vezes nos oito jogos restantes.

Há uma diferença de posicionamento entre as duas crias palmeirenses, já que Endrick era um dos atacantes e quem concluía as jogadas no time de 2023, e Estêvão faz não apenas isso, pois atua aberto pelo lado direito. Participa, portanto, mais do jogo.

Os líderes da geração de R$ 1 bilhão das categorias de base do Palmeiras têm similaridades na trajetória: ambos se firmaram como titulares aos 17 anos, foram negociados com antecedência para a Europa e já foram convocados para a seleção brasileira principal.

Estêvão permanecerá na Academia de Futebol até o fim do primeiro semestre de 2025, quando se apresentará ao Chelsea, da Inglaterra. Até lá, disputa até o fim o Brasileirão, além do Paulista e o novo Mundial de Clubes, ano que vem.

Com o desempenho destacado, Abel Ferreira e os companheiros de elenco são só elogios para o garoto, que deve ser mais uma vez titular no jogo contra o Fortaleza, sábado, às 16h30 (de Brasília).

Eu tenho alguma dificuldade em dar moral aos jogadores, não gosto porque às vezes os elogios podem ser traiçoeiros, porque o que ele fez já passou e o jogador tem que estar top outra vez. Ele contribui muito na qualidade que tem, é driblador. Já falei que é para aproveitar muito enquanto ele está aqui – afirmou Abel.

O Estêvão tem tudo para ser um dos melhores do mundo, tem muito repertório, bateu a marca do Neymar no Brasil por idade. Ele para mim é o cara. (...) Eu com 17 anos não tinha o que ele tem hoje, é o que faz ele se tornar um cara diferente, vai viver muita coisa diferente no futebol – reforçou Raphael Veiga.


Morre Zé Carlos, ex-lateral do São Paulo que jogou a Copa do Mundo de 1998

Morreu o ex-lateral Zé Carlos, de 56 anos, que jogou no São Paulo e disputou a Copa do Mundo de 1998 pela seleção brasileira. A morte foi confirmada na manhã desta sexta-feira, em Osasco.

#newsonleo #sports #luto #rip

Zé Carlos é natural de Presidente Bernardes, a quase 600km de distância da capital paulista. Nos últimos dias, estava em Osasco, na Grande São Paulo, na casa de uma sobrinha.

A família achou estranho que ele demorou para acordar nesta sexta e acionou o Corpo de Bombeiros diante da suspeita de parada cardiorrespiratória. Ele foi atendido no Pronto Socorro do bairro Santo Antônio, onde foi constatada a morte.

Zé Carlos deixa uma filha de 8 anos e um filho de 16.

Zé Carlos teve uma ascensão tardia, porém meteórica no futebol. Depois de rodar por clubes como São José, Nacional, São Caetano e Marília, o lateral-direito se destacou na Matonense, em 1997, quando ajudou o clube do interior paulista a conseguir o acesso à Série A1 do Paulistão.

No meio daquele ano, acertou com o São Paulo e chegou como um ilustre desconhecido, mas começou 1998 como titular, jogando bem e participando da campanha do título paulista. O desempenho lhe rendeu uma surpreendente convocação da seleção brasileira para a Copa do Mundo de 1998, na França. Zé Carlos foi à Copa como reserva de Cafu e precisou substituir o lateral, suspenso, na semifinal contra a Holanda.

Depois, porém, Zé não defendeu mais a Seleção, continuou no São Paulo até 2000 e passou a rodar o Brasil novamente, por clubes como Grêmio, Ponte Preta e Joinville. Encerrou a carreira no Noroeste, em 2005.

Série B

Chances Série B: Santos tem 97% de potencial de voltar à Série A, e Sport, 96%; Ceará corre por fora com 21%

A cinco rodadas do fim da Série B, Santos e Sport ampliaram na 33ª rodada seus potenciais de regresso à elite nacional: com a vitória no confronto direto com o Ceará, a probabilidade de o Santos voltar para a Série A subiu de 92,43% da rodada passada para 97,40% agora. O Sport goleou o Guarani elevando suas chances de acesso de 89,95% para 96,44%.

#newsonleo #sports #serieb

A derrota do Ceará abriu caminho para os quatro primeiros colocados. O terceiro colocado Novorizontino tinha 71,09% de chances de disputar a Série A no ano que vem ao fim da rodada passada e agora, com a vitória sobre o Avaí, está com 84,53%. O Mirassol derrotou fora de casa o CRB e ampliou seu potencial de acesso de 64,33% para 77,82%.

As chances de acesso do Ceará diminuíram de 47,32% para 21,21%, mas a equipe ainda é a maior candidata para atrapalhar os planos dos quatro primeiros colocados. O Vila Nova derrotou o Amazonas e a possibilidade de conseguir o acesso foi de 10,14% para 13,03%.

A superação das dificuldades encontradas nas últimas rodadas teve como consequência colocar Santos e Sport em uma disputa particular pelo título da Série B. O potencial de o Santos ser o campeão passou de 44,58% para 50,37%, enquanto as chances do Sport passaram de 32,54% pra 33,09%. Os dois times se enfrentam na última rodada, no Recife.

O último colocado Guarani tem cinco pontos a menos que o CRB, 16º colocado e primeiro time fora do Z4 que leva para a Série C. A goleada sofrida para o Sport mostra o tamanho da dificuldade da equipe campineira para se manter na Série B e, consequentemente, o risco de rebaixamento da equipe foi de 88,05% para 94,31%.

O Brusque foi derrotado pela Ponte Preta e está sob um risco maior de disputar a Série C no ano que vem: foi de 73,70% para 87,56% a probabilidade de queda.

No confronto direto entre equipes do interior de São Paulo contra o rebaixamento, O Botafogo-SP foi derrotado em casa pelo Ituano, que está em uma posição tão difícil que, mesmo com os três pontos conquistados, ainda está mais ameaçado do que o Botafogo de Ribeirão Preto. O risco de queda do Ituano foi de 84,51% para 73,57%, enquanto o Botafogo-SP tinha risco de 34,95% de ir para a Série C e agora está com 45,63%.

Apresentamos as probabilidades estatísticas baseadas em parâmetros de ataque e defesa das equipes quando jogam em casa ou fora. O modelo empregado nas análises segue uma distribuição estatística chamada Poisson Bivariada, que calcula as probabilidades de eventos (no caso, os gols de cada equipe) acontecerem dentro de um certo intervalo de tempo (o jogo). Para chegar às previsões sobre as chances de cada time terminar o campeonato em cada posição foi empregado o método de Monte Carlo, que basicamente se baseia em simulações para gerar resultados. Para cada jogo ainda não disputado, realizamos dez mil simulações.


Artur Jorge detalha pedido ao time no intervalo de Botafogo x Peñarol e faz homenagem a Allan

Artur Jorge explicou alguns pontos da goleada por 5 a 0 do Botafogo sobre o Peñarol, que foram fundamentais para a vitória histórica do time no jogo de ida da semifinal da Conmebol Libertadores, na última quarta-feira. Em entrevista para a Botafogo TV, na manhã desta sexta, ele detalhou a conversa que teve com o time no intervalo, que fez mudar a postura para o segundo tempo.

#newsonleo #sports #botafogo

Para ele, a etapa inicial foi muito amarrada e sem grandes oportunidades, muito pelo respeito entre os dois times, e pelo momento da competição em que um erro pode sair caro.

Estávamos perdendo a segunda bola e não conseguíamos tê-la. Precisávamos aumentar um pouco da velocidade de circulação para ter mais espaços para criar e encontrar os jogadores nesses espaços porque o adversário estava nos condicionando. Precisávamos chegar uma fração de segundos antes para conseguirmos ter uma decisão mais adequada. E isso existiu. Tivemos o que queríamos que era desmontar a linha defensiva para entrar nela.

O que lhes disse foi para continuem a acreditar no plano, mas com velocidade acima, e nós gostamos do jogo vivo, de intensidade, nós queríamos jogar o espetáculo, o jogo. E quando conseguimos isso, com nosso domínio, ficamos mais próximos do gol.

De forma geral, tenho que sentir, eu conheço os meus atletas, sentir os meus atletas, o plano proposto, se não estamos executando por incapacidade, desleixo, há uma série de questões no intervalo. Já cheguei no intervalo muito p*** (em outros jogos), que, se pudesse quebrava tudo, e dava uma dura grande neles, mas há momentos que é necessário mais carinho e incentivar dentro do que está sendo feito - disse ele, ao comparar com outros jogos.

Além das mudanças táticas e anímicas, ele destacou a ação do volante Allan na comemoração dos gols. O meio-campista não entrou no jogo, mas, segundo o treinador, conseguiu passar o espírito da comissão técnica aos atletas através de gestos na comemoração dos dois primeiros gols.

Vejam as imagens de celebração do primeiro e do segundo gol, não só a forma como todos se reúnem em volta do autor do gol, mas percebam o Allan, que não jogou, o gesto que ele faz para que a equipe continue, sempre à procura de mais. Reparem nesse detalhe, e faço aqui a homenagem ao Allan porque é merecida também.

A imagem do Allan que ele puxa os colegas para frente, a mentalidade de equipe, não é só do treinador, mais da equipe, e não só de quem joga mais tempo, mas de todo grupo de trabalho. Allan demonstra isso mesmo para que a equipe jogasse mais e buscar mais.

Questionado sobre o jogo mais importante em sua trajetória no Alvinegro, ele optou por não definir nenhum, mas projetou o que espera nas próximas partidas para que momentos ainda melhores sejam vividos.

Temos que fazer jogos excepcionais, sabemos que seremos postos a prova em todos os sentidos e temos que fazer a diferença.


Com coincidência nos desfalques, Filipe Luís terá ensaio no Flamengo sábado para final da Copa do Brasil

O último jogo do Flamengo para Filipe Luís fazer testes antes da primeira partida da final da Copa do Brasil será na quarta-feira, contra o Inter no Beira-Rio. Mas é neste sábado diante do Juventude, às 16h30 (de Brasília) no Maracanã, que o técnico rubro-negro terá uma espécie de ensaio do time para a decisão com o Atlético-MG no dia 3 de novemrbo. Isso por causa da coincidências de desfalques.

#newsonleo #sports #flamengo

Duas das três baixas rubro-negras na equipe titular para o duelo com o Galo também estão fora neste sábado: Bruno Henrique, suspenso pela expulsão na Copa do Brasil e pelo terceiro amarelo no Campeonato Brasileiro, e De la Cruz, que sofreu uma lesão e vai parar por aproximadamente um mês. Do trio, só Pulgar, que não enfrenta o Atlético-MG também por suspensão, encara o Juventude.

Assim, os dois substitutos que Filipe Luís escalar neste sábado provavelmente indicarão os escolhidos para o primeiro jogo da final, que também será no Maracanã. Para a vaga de segundo volante, o técnico tem as opções de Alcaraz, Allan, Evertton Araújo, recuar Gerson ou adiantar Léo Ortiz. Já no ataque, as alternativas são Michael, Plata e Matheus Gonçalves.

Meio de campo

Com Alcaraz: o meia argentino tem características parecidas com De la Cruz e, apesar de ser um coringa no meio de campo, jogava de segundo homem na Juventus. Filipe Luís já o utilizou tanto de meia como segundo volante, mas foi mais recuado que se saiu melhor nos jogos contra Corinthians e Athletico-PR. Com ele na função, manteria a estrutura do time;

Com Allan: ele já fez dupla com Pulgar durante a Era Tite, então não seria algo inédito. Por terem mais características de primeiro volante, o time em tese ganharia mais em marcação e perderia em chegada ao ataque;

Com Evertton Araújo: o jovem de 21 anos também é mais um primeiro volante, mas mostrou desenvoltura em lances no ataque contra o Grêmio em Porto Alegre, quando quase fez um gol de placa. Porém, ele ainda não foi usado por Filipe Luís;

Com Gerson: o meia também é um coringa no meio de campo e já fez a função de segundo volante, inclusive no "time mágico" de Jorge Jesus em 2019. Mas desde que voltou ao Flamengo no ano passado tem tido uma função mais ofensiva e feito mais gols. Com Tite e Filipe Luís, atua como um "falso ponta-direita", construindo de fora para dentro;

Com Léo Ortiz: o zagueiro já foi volante no início da carreira e fez a função com maestria quando precisou durante a Era Tite. Com Filipe Luís, já foi escalado assim no uma vez, Fla-Flu. Mas ele também tem mais características de um primeiro volante. Se for o escolhido, Fabrício Bruno entraria em seu lugar na zaga;


Com Michael: o "Robozinho" em tese seria a opção mais provável por estar acostumado a jogar na ponta esquerda, onde costuma cortar para o meio e bater de direita, seu pé dominante. Mas ele tem facilidade de atuar dos dois lados, tanto que no Al-Hilal jogou muitas vezes do lado oposto. Porém, ele recém-recuperou-se de uma grave lesão e ainda busca o melhor ritmo;

Com Plata: o equatoriano, por sua vez, joga mais pelo lado direito do ataque, tanto nos clubes quanto na sua seleção. Uma inversão requereria uma adaptação do atacante, mas por ser canhoto teoricamente não teria tanta dificuldade. Por ter chegado recentemente, ainda busca o melhor entrosamento com a equipe;

Com Matheus Gonçalves: o garoto de apenas 19 anos sempre se sentiu mais à vontade atuando na ponta direita, onde tem como ponto forte o corte para dentro e o chute de canhota. Foi assim que fez um gol contra o Grêmio. Mas ele também chegou a ser utilizado por Tite do lado esquerdo, embora sem grandes destaques. O jovem tem ganhado espaço com Filipe Luís;

O Flamengo tem na final da Copa do Brasil a sua prioridade nesta reta final do ano, mas o clube ainda não jogou a toalha no Brasileirão. Com 51 pontos, 10 pontos e um jogo a menos em relação ao líder Botafogo, o Rubro-Negro mantém as esperanças restando nove rodadas para o fim da Série A.


Why is there a Nike Hi-Vis winter ball this weekend?

The Premier League's winter ball will get its first outing this Friday October 25, with the debut of the 2024/25 Nike Flight Hi-Vis ball when Leicester City host Nottingham Forest.

#newsonleo #sports #epl #football

But what are the reasons for the Premier League winter ball and what are its origins?

When was the first Nike winter ball introduced?

The first Nike Premier League winter ball was introduced in the 2004/05 season with a hi-vis yellow version of the Total 90 Aerow I introduced.

This inaugural ball was used for two seasons before being succeeded by a new model, the Total 90 Aerow II, in 2006. This showed greater differentiation from the main ball through the use of two separate colours - yellow and purple.

From 2008/09 onwards, a new winter ball was introduced each season, along the same lines as the main ball. In total, there have been 19 hi-vis balls for the Premier League produced by Nike.

The introduction of the winter ball comes with the switch from British Summer Time (BST) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), with the clocks going back an hour. This year, the clocks will go back on Sunday 27 October at 02:00.

The return of GMT means that as the daylight time reduces with the seasons, the days end earlier. By the winter equinox of 21 December, the sun will be setting at about 16:00 GMT, meaning that the majority of Premier League matches will be taking place under floodlights.

Over the years, the technicians at Nike have done extensive testing, in theory and in practice, to use yellow and the accompanying colours in a design that optimises the visibility of the winter ball so that players can track it faster and react to its movement quicker than ever.

This enhancement not only benefits those on the pitch but also elevates the experience for fans in the stadium and those watching from home. Not only in dark and wet weather but when it snows as well.

This innovation aims to ensure that matches can be played effectively and safely, even in less than ideal conditions, maintaining the quality and excitement of Premier League football throughout the winter season.

How long will we see the winter ball for?

The Hi-Vis balls are traditionally in play until early spring. In the early years, the main white ball returned but from 2019/20, it was replaced for the first time by the Nike third ball, which is used for the remainder of the campaign until the denouement when the champions, the European places and relegation spots are confirmed.

Where can I buy the latest ball?

Buy the new Nike Flight Hi-Vis ball here

Where can I get more information on the history of the Nike Premier League ball?

You can visit our Nike Ball Hub to see all the different designs and how the technology has evolved since 2000.


NFL fines Ravens LB Roquan Smith over $16K for hip-drop tackle that ended Chris Godwin's season

Upon review, the NFL determined Ravens linebacker Roquan Smith performed a hip-drop tackle on Buccaneers receiver Chris Godwin in Baltimore's win and has fined the linebacker over $16,000, NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport reported.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

A hip-drop tackle is officially defined as when a player grabs a runner with both hands or wraps the runner with both arms and then unweights himself by swiveling and dropping his hips and/or lower body, landing on and trapping the runner's leg(s) at or below the knee.

The tackle resulted in a season-ending ankle dislocation for Godwin, who underwent surgery on the injured ankle this week. It also drew criticism of Buccaneers coach Todd Bowles, who had kept Godwin on the field in the final minute of a game his team was unlikely to win.

At first glance on the television broadcast, it didn't appear as though Smith performed a hip-drop tackle. However, All-22 footage shot from the end zone shows Smith contacting Godwin with his upper body and wrapping both arms around him. Immediately after making contact, Smith's legs swing forward and his body lands on Godwin's left leg, causing the ankle injury.

Smith was not flagged for the tackle during the game.

Outcomes like Monday night's are precisely why the league banned the hip-drop tackle during the Annual League Meeting in March. It isn't the first notable hip-drop tackle resulting in injury -- Texans running back Joe Mixon was taken down by Bears linebacker T.J. Edwards via a hip-drop tackle in Week 2, causing a high-ankle sprain that cost Mixon three games -- but it has produced the most significant injury to a star player this season. Despite the league's efforts, it's clear the tackle won't disappear from football immediately, as Smith became the 10th player to be fined for the tackle this season.

The injury ended a season that could have been Godwin's best of his career. Through seven weeks, he'd racked up a league-leading 50 receptions for 576 yards and five touchdowns, serving as the perfect complement to Buccaneers star Mike Evans in an explosive offense.

Evans also exited Monday night's game with a hamstring injury, making for a nightmarish evening for the Buccaneers.


Commanders QB Jayden Daniels (rib) returns to practice, will be game-time decision vs. Bears

The Washington Commanders appear ready to give Jayden Daniels until game time to see if he can play Sunday against the Chicago Bears.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

Coach Dan Quinn said that the rookie QB was able to get in some practice reps on Friday after not participating in the two prior sessions due to a rib injury suffered in Week 7.

"Jayden was able to practice today," Quinn said. "We followed the plan really that we set at the start of the week. … Think crawl, walk, run. … We will assess how he responds to the work that we did over the next 48 hours, but we really pushed it today.

"We'll make the best decision for him and the team."

Daniels is expected to be listed as limited, per Quinn.

"I think the response to say you're feeling good, like you're not in pain to do that," Quinn said when asked if there was anything he needed to see from Daniels after Friday's workout. "How does your body respond from really getting pushed to go? I would say that's what we need to see. The testing is ongoing to get to that spot, but it was a good day."

The Offensive Rookie of the Year frontrunner suffered the rib injury on the opening drive of last week's win over the Carolina Panthers. Marcus Mariota took over and helped lead the blowout victory.

If Daniels can't go, Mariota would get the start.

Sunday's Bears-Commanders matchup was moved to the late afternoon window with the No. 1 overall pick, Caleb Williams, versus Daniels, the No. 2 selection, as the main attractions. We'll see if the matchup holds, or we'll have to wait for the draftmates to clash another time.

Dodgers leave top reliever Evan Phillips off World Series roster

The Dodgers, with just three starting pitchers, will rely heavily on their bullpen to try to topple the New York Yankees and win the World Series. And they'll have to do it without one of their top relievers.

Evan Phillips was left off the club's roster, which was unveiled Friday morning ahead of Game 1 at Dodger Stadium, after suffering an arm injury during Game 6 of the National League Championship Series, according to a person with knowledge of the situation.

#dodgers #worldseries #mlb #evanphillips #sports

His absence registers as a significant blow. The right-hander didn't allow a run in 6⅔ innings across five postseason games through the NLCS after posting a 3.62 ERA with 18 saves in 61 appearances during the regular season.

The good news for the Dodgers is Alex Vesia, the team's best left-hander, and infielder Miguel Rojas are on the roster after missing the NLCS with injuries. Brusdar Graterol, who hasn't pitched in the postseason, was also included. Outfielder Kevin Kiermaier, who was used as a late-inning defensive replacement and pinch runner in the NLCS, was left off the roster.

The Aaron Judge-Shohei Ohtani numbers that could make World Series difference

On the surface, it seems like there’s hardly anything that separates Aaron Judge and Shohei Ohtani this year.

The megastars are massive favorites to win the American League and National League MVP awards, respectively.

Judge led MLB in the regular season with 58 homers, 144 RBIs, a .458 on-base percentage, a .701 slugging percentage and a 1.159 OPS.

#judge #otani #mlb #worldseries #sports

Ohtani was second in all categories with 54 homers, 130 RBIs, a .390 on-base percentage, a .646 slugging percentage and a 1.036 OPS.

Their contracts — a nine-year, $360 million deal for Judge and a 10-year, $700 million deal for Ohtani — rank fourth and first in MLB in total value.

They’re separated by just two years — Judge is 32, while Ohtani is 30.

Bronny James to start Lakers-G League split after trip

Los Angeles Lakers rookie Bronny James is expected to travel on the team's upcoming road trip from Oct. 28-Nov. 6 and then begin shuttling between the active roster and the franchise's South Bay G League affiliate, sources told ESPN on Friday.

#bronnyjames #lakers #gleague #nba #sports

The Lakers defeated the Minnesota Timberwolves in Tuesday's season opener, making history as LeBron James and Bronny James became the first father-son duo ever to play in an NBA game together. L.A. next faces the Phoenix Suns on Friday night (ESPN) at Arena and then hosts the Sacramento Kings on Saturday before traveling to Phoenix, Cleveland, Toronto, Detroit and Memphis.

LeBron, of course, spent 11 of his first 21 years in the league with the Cavaliers. He was about to begin his second season with the Cavs when Bronny was born, Oct. 6, 2004, in Akron, Ohio, making for a momentous occasion when the Jameses return there next Wednesday.

The G League draft is Saturday and team training camps run through Nov. 7.

As Bronny James and his representative, Klutch Sports CEO Rich Paul, discussed development throughout his predraft process with NBA teams, sources told ESPN that the concept of the G League was welcomed. Those sources said Paul advocated for a standard contract -- not a two-way deal -- during predraft while making clear he and Bronny, selected by L.A. in the second round with the No. 55 pick, were fully aware and open to the development process.

Rudy May, ex-Yankees hurler and ERA champ, dead at 80

Rudy May, who played seven seasons, with the Yankees, died at the age of 80.

Former Yankees pitcher Rudy May died at the age of 80 on Saturday.

May played 16 years in Major League Baseball, including seven with the Yankees over several stints in the 70s and 80s. He also suited up for the California Angels, Montreal Expos and Baltimore Orioles.

#mlb #rudymay #yankees #sports #orioles

A cause of death was not given, though the southpaw reportedly dealt with diabetes.

Rudy May on his way to a 2-hitter win over the Red Sox on August 5, 1974. New York Post
During the course of his career, May went 152-156 with a 3.46 ERA and 1,760 strikeouts and was a member of Yankees squads that lost in the American League Championship Series in 1980 and the World Series in 1981.

May began his first stint with the Bronx Bombers on June 15, 1974, when he was purchased from the Angels and remained a member of the club until he was traded to the Orioles two years to the day that he was acquired on June 15, 1976.

The lefty eventually returned to the Yankees in the winter of 1979 when he signed with them as a free agent.

In an interview with the New York Times just days before he inked a contract with the Yankees, May expressed plenty of excitement over the prospect of returning to the Bronx.

Panthers WRs Diontae Johnson, Adam Thielen ruled out vs. Broncos

Less than 24 hours after wide receiver Diontae Johnson said he expected to play in Sunday's game at Denver the Carolina Panthers ruled him out with a rib injury.

Asked if the decision had anything to do with keeping Johnson healthy for trade value, coach Dave Canales deferred to general manager Dan Morgan and Brandt Tilis, the executive vice president of football operations.

#nfl #panthers #sports

Johnson had the same injury along with an ankle injury last week, but played in a 40-7 loss to the Washington Commanders. He was acquired in a trade with the Pittsburgh Steelers during the offseason and is in the last year of his contract.

'I never was out of it': Bryce Young ready to start Sunday after weeks as the Panthers' scout team QB
1dDavid Newton

"I want to do the best thing for Diontae, the best thing for the offense and continuity of what we're trying to get done,'' Canales said after Friday's practice. "The fact that we couldn't get him back on the field ... I felt confident in the guys stepping in.''


Alexis Lafreniere nearing massive seven-year, $53 million extension with Rangers in critical move

Alexis Lafreniere's Broadway show will be going on for a while longer.

The Post’s Larry Brooks reported Friday that the Rangers are closing in on a seven-year extension with the forward with an annual average value of a little less than $7.6 million per season.

Lafreniere, the top pick in the 2020 NHL Draft, is coming off a season in which he posted career-highs across the board with 28 goals, 29 assists and 57 points.

#rangers #nhl #hockey #sports

He added 14 points in 16 postseason games.

Entering his fifth season, the Rangers and their fans see the 23-year-old on the cusp of a star-turn that could finally see him realize the potential that made him the NHL’s top prospect with QMJHL’s Rimouski at the age of 19.

“It’s a good league — the best league in the world — and you’ve got to adjust,” Lafreniere told The Post’s Mollie Walker of his NHL transition. “Just tried to trust the process and play your game and have a good attitude. Stay patient.”

It’s seemingly paid off for both, especially with the Canadian-born in the final season of a two-year, $4.65 million deal he signed as a restricted free agent in August 2023.

Boise State's Ashton Jeanty has turned the ground game into a blockbuster

On a gloomy October morning, Boise State's Albertsons Stadium was nearly empty but full of action. There were a few scattered donors among the grandstands and a handful of NFL scouts dotting the sidelines of the blue turf during this bye-week practice.

All of them want to catch a glimpse of Ashton Jeanty.

#sports #boisestate #football

It doesn't take long to see that inside this universe, Jeanty has become the sun. The 2023 Mountain West Offensive Player of the Year is no sudden revelation, but the season that the 20-year-old junior running back has put together is turning him into a local phenomenon and a nationwide sensation.

"I did have high hopes for myself," Jeanty told ESPN. "I had it in my mind that this was going to be a legendary season, but I didn't know exactly how that was going to unravel."

The traditional traits and stories that accompany an athlete of Jeanty's makeup are there. Yes, he's the humble, down-to-earth star, and wouldn't you believe that he's also the first one in the building? Or that he is the one who doesn't turn down an extra workout even if it's in the snowy winter and after the season has ended?

Kylian Mbappé: PSG to go to courts after wage dispute ruling

Paris Saint-Germain will take their wage dispute with Kylian Mbappé to court after the Ligue de Football Professionnel (LFP) ruled in favor of the France captain on Friday.

French media reported Mbappé, who has not commented on the dispute, is seeking around €55 million ($60m) in salary and bonuses he says he is owed by the club.

#mbappe #football #sports

The Ligue 1 champions have said Mbappé's contract was "legally amended" and that he reneged on commitments when he left the club to join Spanish giants Real Madrid during the summer transfer window.

PSG said last month that Mbappé, 25, had refused an offer from the LFP to mediate on the issue.

The LFP's National Joint Appeals Commission heard the parties on Oct. 15 and announced on Friday it had ruled in favour of Mbappé.

Cristiano Ronaldo makes request of Al-Nassr fans that could make one elderly supporter’s day

Cristiano Ronaldo is out to make one Al-Nassr superfan's day after a video of him went viral.

The supporter of the Saudi Arabian club can be seen holding up a phone and singing along to chants of 'Ronaldo, Ronaldo' with tears in his eyes.

#ronaldo #football #alnassr #sports

The elderly fan also has a Ronaldo shirt on backwards so that the Portuguese superstar's name is on the front of his body.

It's clearly a video that has moved the former Real Madrid striker, who has sent out a plea to find out who this man is.

In a tweet on X, he said: "Looking for him! Any info would be appreciated."

It's unclear what Ronaldo has planned for this super supporter, but you would think it would be a moment to cherish.

So, the search for him starts now.

Ronaldo is known for being generous to his fans and has convinced security stewards to let supporters onto the field to get pictures, while at Euro 2024, he allowed a young pitch invader to take a quick snap with him.

Certainly, this elderly gentleman will be hoping that Ronaldo finds him and reaches out.

Early Life and Family

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, to José Dinis Aveiro and Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro. His father was a gardener and his mother was a cook. Ronaldo has one older sister, Katia Aveiro, who is three years older than him.

Ronaldo's family was poor, and his father often struggled to provide for his family. Despite the financial difficulties, Ronaldo's parents encouraged his love for football, and he began playing the sport at a young age.

Youth Career

Ronaldo joined his first football club, CF Andorinha, at the age of 8. He later moved to Nacional da Madeira, where he developed his skills and gained recognition for his exceptional talent.

In 1993, Ronaldo joined the youth academy of Sporting CP, a Portuguese football club, at the age of 8. Sporting CP's youth academy was known for producing talented players, and Ronaldo quickly established himself as one of the most promising young players.

Professional Career

Ronaldo made his professional debut for Sporting CP in 2002, scoring 3 goals in 19 appearances. However, he was not happy with the limited playing time and the lack of development opportunities at Sporting CP.

In 2002, Ronaldo was sold to Manchester United for a then-world record transfer fee of £12.24 million. The transfer fee was a major milestone in Ronaldo's career, and he was eager to prove himself in the English Premier League.

Manchester United (2003-2009)

Ronaldo made his debut for Manchester United in 2003, scoring 2 goals in 7 appearances. He quickly established himself as a key player for the team, winning the UEFA Champions League in 2008.

During his six-year stint at Manchester United, Ronaldo won three Premier League titles, one Champions League title, and the FIFA Club world cUP. He also won the Ballon d'Or award in 2008, beating out Lionel Messi and Kaka.

Ronaldo's performances at Manchester United were impressive, and he became one of the most feared players in the world. He was known for his exceptional speed, skill, and goal-scoring ability.

Real Madrid (2009-2018)

In 2009, Ronaldo left Manchester United to join Real Madrid for a world record transfer fee of £80 million. The transfer fee was a major milestone in Ronaldo's career, and he was eager to prove himself in La Liga.

During his nine-year stint at Real Madrid, Ronaldo won two La Liga titles, four Champions League titles, and numerous individual awards, including the FIFA World Player of the year award four times.

Ronaldo's performances at Real Madrid were impressive, and he became one of the most successful players in the club's history. He was known for his exceptional skill, speed, and goal-scoring ability, and he became a fan favorite at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium.

Juventus (2018-Present)

In 2018, Ronaldo joined Juventus FC on a four-year contract, signing a new deal that was reportedly worth £525,000 per week. The transfer fee was a major milestone in Ronaldo's career, and he was eager to prove himself in Serie A.

During his time at Juventus, Ronaldo has won two Serie A titles, one Supercoppa Italiana, and numerous individual awards. He has also become one of the most successful players in the club's history, known for his exceptional skill, speed, and goal-scoring ability.

International Career

Ronaldo made his debut for the Portugal national team in 2003, scoring 2 goals in 3 appearances. He quickly established himself as one of the most promising young players in the team and went on to become one of the most capped players in the team's history.

Ronaldo has represented Portugal at three European Championships and one FIFA World Cup, winning the European Championship in 2016.

Awards and Achievements

Ronaldo has won numerous individual awards and accolades throughout his career, including:

  • Five Ballon d'Or awards
  • Four UEFA Best Player in Europe awards
  • Three European Championship titles
  • One FIFA World Cup title
  • Two La Liga titles
  • One Serie A title
  • One UEFA Champions League title
  • One UEFA European Championship title

Philanthropy and Personal Life

Ronaldo is known for his philanthropic efforts, particularly in his hometown of Funchal. He has donated to various charities, including the Cristiano Ronaldo Foundation, which he founded in 2002.

Ronaldo has also built several schools and sports facilities in Madeira, including a football stadium and a sports complex. He has also donated to various other charities, including the UNICEF and the Red Cross.

Ronaldo has been in high-profile relationships, including with model Irina Shayk and singer Georgina Rodríguez, with whom he has four children.

Records and Controversies

Ronaldo has broken numerous records throughout his career, including:

  • Most UEFA Champions League goals (134)
  • Most UEFA Champions League titles won by a player (5)
  • Most goals scored in the UEFA Champions League for a single club (134)

Ronaldo has also been involved in several controversies, including:

  • tax evasion charges in Spain, which he was eventually cleared of
  • A high-profile dispute with former agent Jorge Mendes
  • A controversy surrounding his relationship with his former agent, who was accused of using Ronaldo's name and image without his consent

Overall, Cristiano Ronaldo is widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of aLL time, known for his exceptional skill, speed, and goal-scoring ability.


Baker Mayfield 'extremely confident' in Buccaneers' remaining receivers after Godwin, Evans injuries

Injuries to Mike Evans and Chris Godwin have thrust the spotlight on the rest of the wide receiver corps in Tampa Bay.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

With Godwin out for the season and Evans expected to miss at least four weeks, Baker Mayfield's receiver corps is now led by Sterling Shepard, rookie Jalen McMillan, Trey Palmer and undrafted second-year player Ryan Miller.

"I'll be extremely confident in those guys," Mayfield said Wednesday. "Obviously, I had rapport with Trey going back to last year, Sterling for years obviously, and Jalen, all of offseason and training camp. I expect those guys to have success and play really well, and you know, throughout the week, getting on the same page within the game plan as we continue to nail this thing down. We expect everybody to step up in a big way and [we're] still leaning on our offensive line -- [I] thought they played great."

The loss of Mayfield's top two targets can't be overstated. Evans and Godwin are the only pair of teammates each with five-plus receiving touchdowns in 2024 -- Evans: six rec TDs, tied for first in the NFL; Godwin: five rec TDs, tied for third.

Mayfield has a 101.7 passer rating when Evans and Godwin are both on the field since the QB joined the Buccaneers in 2023, per NFL Research. That dips to an 88.4 passer rating when at least one of them is not on the field and a 54.9 passer rating when neither is on the field.

After Godwin (50 catches, 576 yards) and Evans (45 catches, 335 yards), the Buccaneers' third-leading wide receiver in 2024 is Shepard with eight receptions and 93 receiving yards.


Amari Cooper 'ready to pounce' on more chances in Bills offense

Amari Cooper dipped his toe in the water in his first game in Western New York. The star receiver is ready to dive into the deep end moving forward.

#newsonleo #sports #nfl

"Yeah, of course. I mean, I think that's why they traded for me, definitely ready for an increased role, definitely ready for more opportunities," the Bills wideout said Thursday, via Alaina Getzenberg of ESPN. "I'm ready to pounce on it."

In Week 7, on a short week following the trade from Cleveland, Cooper played just 18 snaps, per Next Gen Stats, catching four of five targets for 66 yards and a touchdown, all coming in the second half, with a drop.

"I thought he did a good job responding," Bills offensive coordinator Joe Brady said. "Obviously, that first catch, he's going to want back, but did a good job not letting that kind of breed mistakes, and again, speaks to kind of who he is, and having the trust and made some huge plays in the second half. And obviously you can see the impact it kind of has on the offense."


Grêmio mostra interesse por Bolasie, do Criciúma; veja detalhes e concorrentes

Um dos personagens do ano no futebol brasileiro é Yannick Bolasie, atualmente no Criciúma. O atacante está em vias de ficar livre no mercado ao final da temporada e desperta diversos interessados no Brasil. Um deles é o Grêmio, que procurou o jogador nas últimas semanas com a intenção de contratá-lo.

#newsonleo #sports #gremio

Um contato há cerca de 10 dias ocorreu com o estafe do atacante para o time gaúcho iniciar as conversas e mostrar a estrutura do clube. Aliás, depois da vitória gremista sobre o Tigre, em agosto, o técnico Renato Portaluppi elogiou a atuação do congolês em papo ainda no campo do Heriberto Hülse.

Eu assisti aos vídeos, achei similar.Direita, esquerda... Eu ouvi uma entrevista que o Suárez não tinha visto ele – brincou Bolasie sobre Renato no programa Um Assado para..., de Duda Garbi.

Mas o Grêmio não é o único atrás de Bolasie. São diversas procuras de clubes da Série A pelo atacante, todas informais e ainda sem formalizar oferta. Conforme apurou o ge, o Cruzeiro teve uma conversa e prometeu uma proposta – o clube mineiro negou a sondagem em contato com o ge.

Ceará, Sport, Vitória e Novorizontino também fizeram contatos. O Goiás enviou uma proposta oficial, mas quer uma decisão rápida do jogador, o que não deve ocorrer.

Obviamente vão ter muitas conversas, meu contrato termina em dezembro então são normais essas especulações. Isso sempre acontece. A mensagem que eu posso passar pra torcida é que quando eu vim para o Criciúma tínhamos um objetivo de ajudar a manter o clube na Série A e no momento estamos nesse caminho. Veremos o que vai acontecer depois, mas é muito provável que eu permaneça no Brasil no ano que vem – disse Bolasie recentemente.

Bolasie tem interesse em dar um salto no futebol brasileiro e seguir na Série A em 2025. O contrato com o Criciúma vai até o final deste ano, sem opção de renovação ou ampliação automática.

O jogador pretende se manter em uma equipe com torcida de massa e gostou especialmente da aproximação do Cruzeiro, mas vê com bons olhos todos os clubes. Bolasie é informado do interesse superficialmente e mantém distância até as negociações se tornarem mais formais, com proposta efetivada.

O Grêmio faz movimentos tímidos no mercado para o próximo ano, já que pretende definir antes a situação no Brasileirão. O Tricolor ainda não tem a certeza, por exemplo, da sequência do técnico Renato Portaluppi no próximo ano.