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RE: LeoThread 2024-10-30 14:21

in LeoFinance5 months ago

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Edition #118
October 30


Em decisão com o Cruzeiro, Fernando Diniz tenta feito de Tite e Gallardo e evitar pior jejum em inícios

O técnico Fernando Diniz tenta evitar o pior início da carreira, nesta quarta, contra o Lanús, pela semifinal da Sul-Americana. Em busca de continuar com o sonho de título sul-americano, o treinador tenta evitar a marca negativa.

#sports #cruzeiro

Até o momento, Fernando Diniz tem quatro empates e duas derrotas no comando do Cruzeiro. Com o desempenho, ele já igualou o pior jejum em inícios de trabalho.

Em 2015, no comando do Audax (hoje Grêmio Osasco), o treinador teve o mesmo desempenho nos seis primeiros jogos: quatro empates e derrotas pelo Paulista. Só venceu o sétimo jogo, quando bateu o São Bernardo por 3 a 0.

No Cruzeiro, é a chance de Fernando Diniz está na segunda final sul-americana em duas temporadas seguidas. Ano passado, foi campeão da Conmebol Libertadores com o Fluminense diante do Boca Juniors.

Assim, o treinador terá a chance de tentar igualar os dois treinadores multicampeões na carreira: Tite e Marcelo Gallardo. Somente a dupla conseguiu títulos de Libertadores e Sul-Americana na carreira.

Ex-técnico do Flamengo, Tite foi o primeiro a atingir o feito. Conquistou a Sul-Americana de 2008 com o Internacional. Quatro anos depois, levantou a taça da Libertadores com o Corinthians. Na atual edição, ele foi eliminado pelo Peñarol nas quartas de final com o time carioca.

Quem o alcançou foi o argentino Marcelo Gallardo. Com o River Plate, foi campeão da Sul-Americana em 2014. No ano seguinte, levou a Libertadores e repetiu a dose em 2018, sempre com a equipe de Buenos Aires.

De olho na Seleção, Rodrygo volta a treinar no Real; lateral da Fiorentina é novidade em pré-lista

Boa notícia para Dorival Júnior em semana de convocação. Em fase final de recuperação de lesão muscular na coxa, Rodrygo já treina com bola no Real Madrid e o cenário é otimista para que possa participar das partidas contra Venezuela e Uruguai pelas eliminatórias.


Mesmo com o problema sofrido na vitória por 5 a 2 sobre o Borussia Dortmund, há uma semana, o jovem foi incluído na pré-lista e contatos entre os médicos do Real e da Seleção definirão a convocação na próxima sexta. Outros que estão na relação enviada pela CBF aos clubes são o do lateral-direito Dodô, da Fiorentina, e o trio do Flamengo: Fabrício Bruno, Léo Ortiz e Gerson.

A comissão técnica comandada por Dorival Júnior acompanha com atenção a situação de Rodrygo, que em um primeiro momento tinha expectativa de cerca de 20 dias para ser liberado. O prazo coincidiria com a partida diante da Venezuela, o que inviabilizaria uma convocação, mas a recuperação do jogador foi melhor do que o esperado.

O camisa 10 da Seleção iniciou o processo de transição da fisioterapia para o campo na segunda-feira e a programação prevê que siga fora do jogo com o Valência, sábado, mas fique disponível diante do Milan, terça, pela Champions, e Osasuna, dia 9 de novembro. Com a confirmação deste cenário, Rodrygo estará na lista de Dorival.

Depois da boa participação de Vanderson na Data Fifa de outubro, quando foi titular na vitória sobre o Peru, Dorival Júnior dá indícios de que segue de olho em novas opções para a lateral direita. Dodô, da Fiorentina, é uma das poucas caras novas na pré-lista enviada na última sexta-feira para os clubes.

Revelado pelo Coritiba e com passagens por Shakhtar Donetsk, da Ucrânia, e Vitória, de Portugal, o jogador de 25 anos está na Itália desde 2022/23. Já são 80 partidas com camisa da Fiorentina, apesar de uma grave lesão de ligamento cruzado anterior ter comprometido parte da última temporada.

Danilo, que não vive boa fase na Juventus, e Vanderson foram os escolhidos por Dorival na última convocação. Chamado para a Copa América, Yan Couto se recupera de uma lesão muscular e não entra em campo pelo Borussia Dortmund desde o último dia 5.

A Seleção será convocada na próxima sexta-feira, às 15h (de Brasília), para a Data Fifa de outubro. No dia 14, após período de treinos em Belém, o Brasil pega a Venezuela, em Maturín, às 17h. Já no dia 19, o adversário será o Uruguai, às 21h45, na Fonte Nova, em Salvador.

Airbag acionado por Inteligência Artificial promete evitar lesões no joelho; especialistas avaliam

Empresários londrinos inventaram um dispositivo capaz de reduzir o número de lesões no joelho, algumas das mais graves na prática esportiva. A invenção promete evitar 80% dos problemas no ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), no ligamento colateral medial (LCM) e nos meniscos, por exemplo.


Por meio de inteligência artificial, a joelheira desenvolvida pela empresa Hippos Exoskeleton é capaz de detectar quando o joelho do atleta produz um movimento com risco de lesão. Neste momento, ela aciona um airbag, que infla em 20 milissegundos, envolvendo e estabilizando a articulação. A ação do airbag tem velocidade três vezes menor que a de um rompimento ligamentar (estimado em média de 60 milissegundos).

Nomes importantes como Rodri, do Manchester City, vencedor do prêmio da Bola de Ouro, Carvajal, do Real Madrid, e Ter Stegen, do Barcelona, sofreram este tipo de lesão recentemente e estão fora da temporada 2024/25.

A seleção brasileira sofreu cortes recentes de Pedro, do Flamengo, e Bremer, da Juventus, e pelo mesmo motivo, Neymar passou por um ano de recuperação, até voltar na última semana. O dispositivo desenvolvido pela Hippos Exoskeleton poderia representar uma esperança de maior longevidade para os atletas? O ge checou com especialistas da saúde esportiva.

O ge ouviu Bruno Mazziotti, profissional com passagens por equipes como Arsenal, PSG, Corinthians e seleção brasileira, e que hoje é gerente de saúde e performance no Real Valladolid. O especialista explica que esta tecnologia serviria para auxiliar mecanismos do nosso corpo em situações de fadiga.

— A estrutura ligamentar é rica em receptores para detectar alterações anormais de movimento. Mas, sob fadiga, essa detecção é menor. E esses sensores externos não estarão sob fadiga. Por isso, a teoria por trás dessa tecnologia é condizente. Eu acho que precisa de uma grande experimentação desse uso de órteses*, ou airbags, para que realmente possamos entender melhor como ele vai se comportar e como o indivíduo vai se adaptar a isso — alerta o profissional.

A reportagem também ouviu Marco Antônio de Araújo, sócio-fundador da Sociedade Nacional de Fisioterapia Esportiva (SONAFE), que se demonstra cético quanto ao dispositivo. Apesar de valorizar a importância da tecnologia na busca pela prevenção de lesões, o especialista também alerta para a necessidade de ampla testagem para que não haja interferências indevidas e prejuízos para a prática esportiva.

— Você imagina os atletas usando duas joelheiras, cheias de sensores, com airbags, e que podem se ativar no momento em que o cara vai fazer o gol, porque o joelho entrou em uma situação de risco... E ele entra o tempo inteiro em situação de risco, num drible, numa dividida... Mas não é toda hora que rompe o ligamento cruzado. A linha que divide o movimento anormal do movimento funcional é muito tênue. E eu não sei o quanto a inteligência artificial já está preparada para saber esta diferença.

Apesar de a joelheira e a inteligência artificial ainda não terem sido implementadas para evitar lesões de joelho no futebol, já existe um trabalho de prevenção nos clubes. De acordo com Marco Antônio de Araújo, os cuidados passam pelo monitoramento de uma série de fatores de risco.

— O aumento do número de lesões se dá pelo aumento da intensidade no futebol. Às vezes se coloca culpa nas chuteiras, nos gramados... Mas, segundo a ciência, o segredo (da prevenção de lesões) está na gestão de todos os fatores de riscos que envolvem a formação e a manutenção deste atleta de alto nível. Desde os desequilíbrios musculares, amplitude de movimento, flexibilidade, força e tempo de reação, controle da fadiga e até questões emocionais são fatores muito importantes — afirma.

As lesões de joelho são mais recorrentes em mulheres e atletas mais jovens, por características biomecânicas. Um dos fatores mais importantes é o controle da fadiga, pois ela é responsável por diminuir a capacidade de o nosso corpo se proteger deste tipo de lesão, de acordo com Bruno Mazziotti.

— Não é tanto pela fadiga do jogo em si. De acordo com o que foi feito durante a semana, o atleta já pode chegar fadigado no jogo. Ou, mais que isso, se ele joga muito durante as semanas... Neste caso, ele não consegue chegar recuperado no processo de jogos da temporada — explica o gerente de saúde e performance do Real Valladolid.

De acordo com os especialistas, é questão de tempo para que dispositivos deste tipo sejam definitivamente implementados no esporte de alto nível para garantir saúde e longevidade aos atletas.

A invenção da Hippos Exoskeleton é revolucionária, sendo apresentada como "o primeiro airbag do mundo com tecnologia de IA para o joelho". Lançado em setembro, o artefato ganhou notoriedade após a lesão de Rodri. Os inventores dizem ter apoio de cinco equipes da LaLiga, do Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI) e da Associação Atlética Universitária dos Estados Unidos (NCAA).

Contra o Inter, Flamengo tenta tirar do Botafogo título de campeão do 1º turno

O Flamengo enfrenta o Internacional, nesta quarta-feira, com o objetivo principal de defender sua posição no G4 que classifica diretamente para a fase de grupos da Libertadores do ano que vem, mas pode dar ainda uma alegria extra à sua torcida: tirar do Botafogo o título simbólico de campeão do 1º turno.


Até aqui, o Botafogo tem a melhor campanha da primeira metade da competição, com 40 pontos ganhos, 12 vitórias e saldo de 15 gols. Porém, se o Flamengo conseguir uma vitória por dois gols de diferença, empata em pontos, em vitórias e em saldo de gols. Hoje, já tem vantagem no critério de gols marcados ( 32 contra 31), e com a vitória essa margem seria ampliada.

Veja como está a classificação do 1º turno. No celular, para ver as colunas de vitórias, empates, derrotas, gols e a evolução do aproveitamento de pontos das equipes, mova a tabela para a esquerda.

O jogo desta quarta-feira será disputado no Beira-Rio, estádio do Internacional que foi destruído pelas enchentes em Porto Alegre. O Flamengo é o quarto colocado na classificação geral, e o Internacional, o quinto com dois pontos a menos. Se o Inter vencer, tira o Flamengo do G4 que leva diretamente para a fase de grupos, embora um título do Botafogo na Libertadores, por exemplo, possa abrir uma vaga direta também para o quinto colocado.

Internacional x Flamengo é válido pela 17ª rodada e foi adiado para que o Inter pudesse enfrentar o Juventude pela Copa do Brasil, em outra partida postergada em consequência das tragégias climáticas que destruíram grande parte do Rio Grande do Sul. Ainda faltará um jogo do 1º turno a ser disputado, Athletico-PR x Atlético-MG, sem data definida, mas o resultado não impacta nas primeiras colocações da classificação.

A equipe gaúcha começou a ter jogos adiados após a quarta rodada. Até então, era vista como uma das favoritas ao título. Quando suas partidas começaram a ser adiadas, sua posição na classificação por pontos foi despencando, como mostra o gráfico abaixo.

O confronto contra o Internacional é o único do Flamengo fora da ordem da tabela original. Já com o Inter foi bem diferente: o quinto jogo no gráfico foi válido pela sétima rodada, após a paralisação do Brasileirão por 18 dias, entre 14 e 31 de maio. O jogo pela 15ª rodada é o 13º no quadro abaixo, mas o 14º da equipe pelo Brasileirão, pela ordem de disputa, já valia pela 18ª rodada.

A equipe chegou a ter cinco jogos adiados. Conforme (pela ordem) os jogos da sexta, quinta, 19ª e 16ª rodadas foram sendo disputados, o Internacional foi subindo na tabela de classificação. Pelo Brasileirão, a equipe gaúcha não perde há 11 jogos e só perdeu um dos últimos 16 confrontos pelo nacional (9 V, 6 E, 1 D, 69%).

A missão do Flamengo pela melhor campanha do turno não será fácil: nos últimos 11 jogos, a equipe teve quatro vitórias, dois empates e cinco derrotas, aproveitamento de 42% dos pontos disputados.

Embora o título de campeão do primeiro turno tenha valor apenas simbólico, ao longo das temporadas foi se mostrando um indicador importante sobre o potencial de uma equipe ser campeã do Brasileirão, principalmente quando os jogos foram disputados na ordem original.

Apenas em seis das 18 edições por pontos corridos com 20 equipes (33%), o campeão da primeira metade do campeonato não confirmou o título ao final da competição, como mostra o gráfico abaixo.

Verstappen ironiza punição: "Deveriam dar 30 segundos da próxima vez"

Max Verstappen foi contundente ao opinar sobre a punição de 20 segundos recebida após disputa tensa por posição com Lando Norris no GP do México. O piloto holandês mostrou sua visão com bom humor e ironizou ao dizer que a direção de prova poderia até tentar um "recorde" em outra ocasião:

#sports #f1

Não sei, talvez deveriam me dar 30 segundos (de punição) da próxima vez e tentar algum recorde. Não sei. É o que é. Não vou chorar pela penalização, assumimos e seguimos em frente - disse o piloto à DAZN Espanha.

Verstappen não deixou de se posicionar sobre os incidentes no México em nenhum momento e afirmou que não se arrepende das manobras consideradas polêmicas. No entanto, o líder do campeonato acredita que o mau desempenho recente do carro tenha sido o principal motivo para a luta mais agressiva por posição com o britânico da McLaren.

Já de olho no GP de São Paulo, Verstappen não terá muito tempo para ficar se lamentando sobre o incidente - e nem quer. Afinal, a RBR teve pouco ritmo de corrida no México e não conseguiu lidar com as ameaças de Ferrari e McLaren. O holandês terminou apenas no 6º lugar e viu Sergio Pérez, seu companheiro de equipe, ficar na 17ª posição.

Verstappen acredita que a corrida no Brasil pode ser uma boa oportunidade para a RBR ter maior competitividade e entender os erros que ocorreram no autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez:

  • O México foi uma corrida para esquecer rapidamente, mas nós sabemos que podemos fazer melhor do que isso e estamos trabalhando para entender o que deu errado, para que possamos melhorar nossa fase nas últimas corridas. Temos que fazer tudo que pudermos para nos tornarmos mais competitivos, em uma posição onde sabemos que podemos estar - afirmou Verstappen.

Ao projetar a próxima corrida em Interlagos, o holandês disse que o circuito pode trazer chances e elogiou o traçado:

  • Vai ser muito corrido, mas é uma oportunidade para marcar pontos. Interlagos é um circuito legal para dirigir, com muita história. Também é bastante técnico com todas as mudanças de elevação - complementou.

Além de Felipe Melo: veja jogadores ou ex-jogadores que investiram em clubes

Negociando uma parceria para a compra da SAF do Americano de Campos, Felipe Melo voltará a fazer de um grupo de jogadores e ex-jogadores que são donos de clubes de futebol. Esta não será a primeira vez que o zagueiro esteve entre investidores de um clube.


Em 2017, Felipe Melo, ainda no Palmeiras, assumiu temporariamente a gestão do time Palm Beach Suns FC, dos Estados Unidos, com a empresa Next Academy. A equipe jogava liga de desenvolvimento de talentos. Logo depois, ele saiu da sociedade no time americano.

O jogador anunciou recentemente que vai se aposentar no fim de 2025 e vai ser técnico de futebol. Felipe Melo vai ter participação na SAF do Americano ao lado de empresários, mas não deve ter papel gerencial no dia a dia do clube de Campos dos Goytacazes.

Após o posicionamento do zagueiro no mercado de investir novamente em um clube, o ge traz uma lista de outros nomes conhecidos que investiram no futebol.

Em 2023, logo após assinar com Al-Ittihad, Kanté comprou um clube da Bélgica. O volante comprou o clube Royal Excelsior Virton, da terceira divisão da Bélgica.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic é co-proprietário do Hammarby, clube de futebol sueco, desde 2019. O jogador comprou o clube quando ainda atuava pelo Milan. Em 2020, ele chegou a treinar no clube para manter a forma.

Ídolo do Barcelona, Piqué decidiu investir no futebol no fim de 2018 e adquiriu o FC Andorra, time pequeno da Espanha.

Fàbregas e Thierry Henry são acionistas do Calcio Como, um clube italiano. O jogador espanhol entrou na sociedade primeiro. Em 2022, o ídolo francês também a fazer parte sociedade. Atualmente, Fàbregas é treinador do clube. O ex-jogador espanhol comandou equipe na reta final da trajetória para acesso à 1ª divisão como interino.

Beckham é um dos donos do Inter Miami, dos Estados Unidos, de Lionel Messi. O astro inglês também é acionista do Salford City, da Inglaterra.

Ídolo brasileiro, Ronaldo Fenômeno é dono do Real Valladolid, da Espanha. Ele também era dono da SAF do Cruzeiro, mas vendeu as ações para o empresário Pedro Lourenço.

Astro do Real Madrid e campeão do mundo pela França em 2018, o atacante Kyllian Mbappé, agora é sócio majoritário do SM Caen, da segunda divisão do Campeonato Francês.

Everson, do Atlético-MG, relata "catimba" do River com terço e até garrafas: "Não foi digno"

O Atlético-MG sabia que enfrentaria a famosa catimba argentina diante do River Plate, no Monumental, em busca de vaga na finalíssima da Conmebol Sul-Americana. O goleiro Everson sentiu na pele, mas de maneiras inusitadas, envolvendo a fé e a hidratação do jogador.

#newsonleo #sports #atleticomg

No primeiro tempo da partida, durante escanteio, foi possível ver o atacante Borja retirando o terço de Everson do meio do gol, onde normalmente fica durante os jogos (confira no vídeo abaixo). O goleiro viu a situação e retornou com o símbolo de fé para o lugar. Depois da partida, no entanto, relatou que o objeto havia sumido.

Além disso, Everson disse que as garrafas de água que o Atlético disponibilizou para ele ao longo da partida foram retiradas do entorno do gol - a Globo flagrou a ação desempenhada por um dos gandulas do estádio. O goleiro lamentou a situação.

Muitos causos curiosos, né? Primeira vez que vejo o pessoal tirar água do goleiro atrás do gol. Pessoal levou mais de 20 garrafas, mas sumiram com todas.

"Sobre terço, às vezes, o pessoal tem outra fé, a gente respeita, mas não foi um ato digno de ser humano. Mas são coisas que sabemos que acontecem na Libertadores e precisamos passar por isso."

O River Plate finalizou mais de 30 vezes na partida, e Everson apareceu bem nas três vezes em que foi exigido na segunda etapa, defendendo duas finalizações à queima-roupa e outra de fora da área. O jogador é um dos destaques do Galo na temporada e buscará, contra Botafogo ou Peñarol, a primeira Libertadores da carreira.

A decisão da Libertadores será dia 30 de novembro justamente no Monumental de Núñez, palco da classificação atleticana. O adversário sairá do confronto entre Botafogo e Peñarol. Os brasileiros golearam na ida por 5 a 0. A partida de volta será nesta quarta-feira.

Um dos principais nomes indicados à Bola de Ouro de 2024, Vinicius Junior era visto como o favorito ao prêmio. Mas na premiação, nesta segunda-feira, o jogador brasileiro foi derrotado por Rodri, do Manchester City, eleito o melhor jogador do mundo.

Nesta quarta-feira, o jornal "As" destaca que o staff do jogador tenta avaliar o que pode ter acontecido para que Vini Jr não levasse o prêmio.

  • A primeira conclusão a que se chega é que, muito provavelmente, os votos de Vinicius foram afetados pelos que podem ter recebido os seus companheiros Bellingham e Carvajal, especialmente o inglês. Alguns tiraram votos de outros, é inevitável - destaca a coluna do jornalista Marcos Ruiz.

O jornalista destaca ainda que o brasileiro está sentindo bastante a perda.

  • O golpe psicológico foi importante. Houve um consenso geral de que o prêmio era seu. Ele trouxe cerca de 50 pessoas a Espanha para comemorar. Além disso, foi preparada uma grande festa para quarta-feira numa sala em Madrid e a abertura de uma loja Nike tendo ele como protagonista no centro da capital. Ele parecia um vencedor - pontuou.

O jornalista destaca ainda que a perda do prêmio pode afetar inclusive o futuro do brasileiro no Real Madrid.

  • Além da decepção inicial, tudo o que aconteceu poderá ter consequências para o futuro do craque brasileiro no Real Madrid. O jogador de futebol começa a se sentir no limite devido a diversas circunstâncias. A primeira está ligada ao que aconteceu com a Bola de Ouro, devido ao sentimento de impotência que se tem ao jogar a Liga. Vini sente que os árbitros, em vez de protegê-lo, acabam o repreendendo por chamar a atenção para o que está acontecendo com ele em campo. Por outro lado, e isso pesa muito para ele, os episódios racistas que teve de sofrer em Espanha, alguns muito desagradáveis - ressalta.

Vini Jr ficou em segundo na Bola de Ouro

O meia Rodri, do Manchester City, desbancou Vinicius Junior e ganhou a Bola de Ouro de 2024. O campeão da Euro pela Espanha, de 28 anos, é o vencedor na primeira edição com parceria da Uefa e a revista France Football, organizadora do evento. Vini era cotado como grande favorito por ter sido o protagonista na conquista da Champions League 2023/24 com o Real Madrid, que também faturou o Campeonato Espanhol e a Supercopa da Espanha.

O Brasil segue sem um vencedor na premiação depois de 17 anos. Vini Jr., no entanto, obteve a melhor posição de um jogador brasileiro desde que Kaká foi coroado, em 2007. Antes do atacante do Real Madrid, o melhor desempenho no período foi de Neymar, terceiro colocado em 2015 e 2017.

A Bola de Ouro foi criada pela revista France Football em 1956 e se tornou o prêmio de maior prestígio do planeta ao longo dos anos, elegendo o melhor jogador do mundo. Na década de 1990, a Fifa decidiu criar seu prêmio oficial e rivalizou com o troféu até 2010, quando realizou uma parceria com a revista. Entre 2010 e 2015, a Bola de Ouro foi entregue como premiação oficial da Fifa para o melhor jogador de futebol do planeta.

A parceria terminou, e a Fifa resolveu criar o troféu The Best a partir de 2016. Desde então, os dois prêmios vêm dividindo as atenções do mundo do futebol como troféus relevantes, como diferentes critérios e formas de votação. Lionel Messi faturou as duas últimas edições dos prêmios, dadas com base em diferentes períodos de avaliação.

O Real Madrid optou por não enviar sua delegação para a cerimônia em Paris como uma forma de protesto contra o resultado do prêmio de melhor jogador do mundo. O clube foi informado horas antes da premiação que o vencedor foi Rodri, do Manchester City, e não Vinicius Junior, cotado como favorito. Assim, desistiu de enviar uma comitiva que contaria com 50 pessoas, entre atletas, comissão técnica e dirigentes.

Anthony Volpe grand slam sp)arks comeback, Yankees beat Dodgers 11-4 to force World Series Game 5

Anthony Volpe's third-inning grand slam overcame Freddie Freeman's record-setting home run, and the New York Yankees avoided a World Series sweep with an 11-4 win over the Los Angeles Dodger

Anthony Volpe’s third-inning grand slam overcame Freddie Freeman’s record-setting home run, and the New York Yankees avoided a World Series sweep with an 11-4 win over the Los Angeles Dodgers on Tuesday night that forced a Game 5.

#worldseries #volpe #nyyankees #didgers #mlb

Freeman homered for his sixth straight Series game, hitting a two-run drive in the first inning for the second straight night and again stunning the Yankee Stadium crowd.

Seeking to become the first team to overcome a 3-0 Series deficit, New York surged ahead 5-2 on Alex Verdugo’s RBI grounder in the second and Volpe’s drive against Daniel Hudson in the third. Volpe turned on a first-pitch slider at the knees and drove it into the left-field seats.

Volpe came across with New York’s first run when he walked after falling behind 0-2 in the count in the second inning. He also doubled and stole two bases.

Austin Wells and Gleyber Torres added homers for the Yankees, who broke open the game with a five-run eighth. New York had scored just seven runs in the first three games.

Muhammad Ali's stunning upset of Foreman began 50 years ago in hills of Pennsylvania

Deep in the heart of Africa 50 years ago, Muhammad Ali changed history, upsetting the seemingly invincible George Foreman to win back the heavyweight championship of the world

Deep in the heart of Africa 50 years ago, Muhammad Ali changed history, upsetting the seemingly invincible George Foreman to win back the heavyweight championship of the world that had been taken from him seven years earlier for his refusal to enter the draft during the Vietnam War.

#muhammadali #georgeforeman #vietnamwar #boxing #sports

It was a remarkable moment early on the morning of Oct. 30, 1974, in Kinshasa, Zaire, in a fight financed by the dictator of the country, who put up $10 million to be split between both fighters to bring the world to his doorstep. Norman Mailer, Budd Schulberg, Hunter Thompson and George Plimpton were among the elite press corps who were there to write what they feared would be Ali’s obituary.

The 6-foot-4, 220-pound Foreman had destroyed Joe Frazier — who defeated Ali in 15 rounds in the Fight of the Century in 1971 — in two rounds the year before to win the title and then put a brutal beating on Ken Norton, who had broken Ali’s jaw in a win in their first fight in March 1973. As had been the case with Frazier, Foreman needed just two rounds to knock out Norton.

Going into the Ali-Foreman fight, people close to the former champion feared for his life.

But Ali, using his now famous rope-a-dope strategy, stopped Foreman in eight rounds, regaining his championship and changing the conversation about him forever.

The preparation for taking on Foreman in Zaire began in this small Pennsylvania town about 20 miles north of Reading in a place on Sculps Hill Road that Ali called “Fighter’s Heaven” — the training camp Ali built and drew inspiration from.

Access, athletes and programs for sale: Local universities innovate to keep cash flowing

Winning in college sports traditionally was about the final score on the scoreboard. These days, it’s at least as much about the money being made as the championships being won — and it’s not just football-crazed Alabama or basketball-obsessed North Carolina.

#sports #college #ncaa #money

From George Mason to Howard to Maryland, Washington-area schools are scrambling to find creative, fun and legal ways to get more cash into the pockets of their top athletes.

Since the NCAA changed its regulations in 2021 to allow student-athletes to profit from sponsorships and endorsements, schools nationwide have frantically tried to adapt.

For years, college athletics operated — outwardly, at least — as an amateur endeavor. But top collegiate athletes can now become millionaires by signing sponsorship and endorsement deals, including those facilitated by their school’s name, image and likeness collective — a group of fans, donors and boosters who pool their money to connect student-athletes with sponsorship opportunities.

For most student-athletes, the opportunities are helpful, but not life-changing.

A select few players strike gold, though. According to analysts at, Colorado quarterback Shedeur Sanders’ endorsements are worth $6 million. LSU gymnast Livvy Dunne isn’t far behind with a $4 million valuation.

Duke basketball player Cooper Flagg could haul in $2.6 million during his freshman year.

Transfer rules loosened up shortly before sponsorship regulations changed, so players have more power than ever.

Alex Ovechkin scores twice as Capitals beat Rangers 5-3

Alex Ovechkin scored career goals 855 and 856 less than two minutes apart, and the Washington Capitals beat the New York Rangers 5-3 on Tuesday night in a back-and-forth showcase of the sport.

Alex Ovechkin scored career goals 855 and 856 less than two minutes apart, and the Washington Capitals beat the New York Rangers 5-3 on Tuesday night in a back-and-forth showcase of the sport.

#ovechkin #hockey #rangers #capitals #nhl #sports

Ovechkin moved 38 away from breaking Wayne Gretzky’s NHL career goals record, scoring two of the seven in the game’s first 25 minutes. A furious start also included Matt Rempe fighting Dylan McIlrath in his return to the Rangers lineup, electrifying the sellout crowd mixed between home red and visiting blue.

Capitals fans went home happy as their team continued a strong start thanks to Connor McMichael’s fourth goal of the season and the second by Aliaksei Protas, who had a pair of assists for a three-point night. Logan Thompson made 16 saves and Nic Dowd sealed it with an empty-netter with 35.8 seconds left.

Despite allowing four goals, Igor Shesterkin was arguably the best player on the ice in stopping 41 of the 45 shots he faced. New York got goals from Will Cuylle 58 seconds after Ovechkin’s first, Chris Kreider on the power play and Filip Chytil on a deflection but could not give Shesterkin enough support.

Capitals defenseman Jakob Chychrun left early with what the team called an upper-body injury.

COVID-19 led to extra college eligibility. Those 5th-year players are set for their last runs

RJ Davis accomplished enough in four years at North Carolina for his jersey to eventually earn a place among the honored numbers in the Smith Center's rafters for the blueblood program.

RJ Davis accomplished enough in four years at North Carolina for his jersey to eventually earn a place among the honored numbers in the Smith Center’s rafters for the blueblood program.

Yet he’s still here.

#college #sports #covid #eligibility #ncaa

“With five years, I know some people may say, ‘Oh, you need to go get a job now,’” Davis said with a chuckle.

It’s the last ride for Davis — the lone returning Associated Press first-team men’s All-American from last season — and most players who gained an extra year of eligibility amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which largely cycles out of men’s and women’s basketball this season. It has been the most unusual of recent landscape-shifting changes in college sports, one that temporarily replaced a bedrock tenet of athletes having a four-season run with a salve for competing amid empty arenas, campus bubbles and endless nose-swab testing during the 2020-21 season.

Its impact has been massive. Rules arriving concurrently allowed players to move freely between schools through the transfer portal and cash in on fame through name, image and likeness (NIL) activities, a blended enticement to stick around college rather than leaving to chase potential professional careers. That in turn made rosters older, with coaches preferring veteran additions to freshmen after recent examples of how experience wins in March.

The dispute around a women's volleyball team touches on a broader question: How to define 'fair'

They play on the same team, but they couldn't be further apart.

One member of the women’s volleyball team at San Jose State University has signed on to being part of a federal lawsuit against the NCAA challenging the presence of transgender athletes in women’s college sports. The specific person she cites? One of her own teammates, Blaire Fleming, a player credibly identified as a male-to-female transgender woman — a conclusion neither denied nor confirmed by Fleming or the school.

#volleyball #womens #gender #ncaa #sports

The situation swirling around the SJSU team — which has gotten increasingly chaotic in recent weeks, with several teams canceling matches against the school and politicians and advocates weighing in — somehow seems unsurprising in the polarized United States these days as a highly contested election looms.

As with other points of dispute in the struggle over gender identity and transgender rights, one thing opposing sides have in common is framing their stance as a matter of what’s fair and right.

Where they stand a chasm apart is in one fundamental sticking point, a tough question in any arena: What does ‘fairness’ actually mean?

That the idea of what is fair or not can vary from person to person probably shouldn’t be surprising. After all, a sense of right and wrong is part of the human worldview, formed from highly individual factors like each person’s environment, the cultures they grow up and live in, and their experiences.

Yankees fan ejected for prying ball out of Mookie Betts' glove in Game 4 of World Series

A fan at Yankee Stadium was ejected from Game 4 of the World Series after prying a foul ball out of the glove of Los Angeles Dodgers right fielder Mookie Betts on Tuesday night.

A fan at Yankee Stadium was ejected from Game 4 of the World Series after prying a foul ball out of the glove of Los Angeles Dodgers right fielder Mookie Betts on Tuesday night.

Betts leaped at the wall in foul territory and initially caught Gleyber Torres’ pop up in the first inning, but a fan in the first row with a gray Yankees’ road jersey grabbed Betts’ glove with both hands and pulled the ball out. Torres was immediately called out on fan interference.

#yankees #mookiebetts #worldseries #baseball #mlb

It was the second time Torres had an at-bat impacted by fan interference this World Series. With two outs in the ninth inning of Game 1 at Dodger Stadium, Torres hit a fly ball to left field, and a fan reached over and caught the ball. Torres was awarded a double.

The Dodgers, who are one win away from their second title in five years, held a 2-0 lead on Freddie Freeman’s two-run homer in the top of the first off Luis Gil.

Freddie Freeman sets pair of World Series records by homering again for Dodgers in Game 4

Freddie Freeman broke a pair of World Series records Tuesday night when he homered yet again for the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game 4 against the New York Yankees.

The slugger laced a two-run shot to right field in the first inning for the second consecutive night, making him the first player to go deep in the first four games of a World Series. The run began with his walk-off grand slam in the 10th inning of Game 1.

#freddiefreeman #worldseries #record #homerun #dodgers #mlb

Freeman also became the lone player to homer in six straight World Series games - his streak dates back to the 2021 championship he won with Atlanta against Houston.

George Springer went deep in five consecutive Series games for the Astros from 2017-19. He is the only hitter besides Freeman to connect in four consecutive games during one World Series, doing it in Games 4 through 7 in 2017 against the Dodgers before hitting another home run in the 2019 opener versus Washington.

The only other players to homer in the first three games of a World Series were Yankees outfielder Hank Bauer (1958) and Giants slugger Barry Bonds (2002).

Following a one-out double by Mookie Betts, Freeman lined a 2-1 slider from rookie starter Luis Gil over the short porch in right field at Yankee Stadium for his 14th career postseason homer.

The ball landed in the first few rows of seats, a little to the left of the 314-foot sign in the corner, and a pumped-up Freeman shouted in excitement toward the Dodgers’ dugout as he rounded the bases.

His drive came on the 15th pitch of the game and put Los Angeles ahead 2-0 - same as Monday night, when Freeman homered to right off Clarke Schmidt.

Colts bench Anthony Richardson to start Joe Flacco at quarterback against Vikings

The Indianapolis Colts are benching Anthony Richardson to start Joe Flacco at quarterback on Sunday at Minnesota, according to two people with knowledge of the decision.

Both people spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity Tuesday because the team had not announced the change.

#colts #anthonyrichardson #joeflacco #quarterback #nfl

Coach Shane Steichen said Monday he was “evaluating” whether Richardson would remain the starter - the first hint that a move might be coming for the 4-4 Colts.

Richardson, the fourth pick in the 2023 NFL draft, was 10 of 32 passing and got sacked five times in a 23-20 loss to Houston over the weekend. He also drew outside criticism for taking himself out of the game for a play because he said he was tired.

Flacco came in relief earlier this season and started the next two games when Richardson was out with a right hip injury. The 39-year-old completed 71 of 108 passes for 716 yards, seven touchdowns and one interception, and Indianapolis went 2-1.

The Colts are 2-3 in games Richardson has started and finished. The University of Florida product is 59 of 133 for 958 yards, four TDs and seven INTs.

PGA Tour to consider big changes to eligibility and small field sizes

The PGA Tour is considering sweeping changes that would eliminate 25 cards through the FedEx Cup and shrink the size of fields

The PGA Tour is considering sweeping changes that would eliminate 25 cards through the FedEx Cup and shrink the size of fields, part of a plan to make golf’s biggest circuit even more competitive while reducing the time it takes to play and making it easier to watch.

#pgatour #fedexcup #gold #sports #pga

Proposed changes include reducing by 10 the tour cards awarded to Korn Ferry Tour players and limiting the four Monday qualifying spots for fields smaller than 144 players. There would be two open spots for 132-man fields, none for regular tournaments of 120 players.

The proposal sent to players Tuesday, and obtained by The Associated Press, was developed by the 16-member Player Advisory Council that has been crafting the changes since May. The driving force was to make a full PGA Tour card have real value.

With so many eligible players - 125 from the FedEx Cup (or money list) had been the standard since 1983 - newcomers from the Korn Ferry Tour or Q-school often had to wait to see if there was room for them in tournaments.

If approved by the PGA Tour board at its Nov. 18 meeting, changes would start in 2026.

It would be the latest significant adjustment to the tour since the disruption of Saudi-backed LIV Golf, which began in June 2022. In the last two years, the tour has created $20 million signature events with limited fields and a postseason for only the top 70 players.

“The reality is that we’re all playing under different circumstances than we were four years ago,” PAC Chairman Camilo Villegas said in a telephone interview. “We had no competition. We were the best. All of a sudden we have competition and there are little shifts. The changes we’re proposing make a better product. What does having a PGA Tour card mean?”

The football alumni are flooding Miami's sidelines. The unbeaten Hurricanes are seeing the benefits

The Miami sideline was loaded with talent this past weekend. Michael Irvin was there, just like he's been all season no matter where the game is.

The Miami sideline was loaded with talent this past weekend. Michael Irvin was there, just like he’s been all season no matter where the game is. Ray Lewis did his trademark dance. Edgerrin James, Jessie Armstead, Bryant McKinnie, Rohan Marley,Bernie Kosar and Clinton Portis all showed up as well.

Today’s Hurricanes clearly have the attention of the program’s best from yesteryear.

#miami #football #ncaa #sports #college

When the big names show up at Miami games, it tends to be a pretty good indicator of what’s happening on the field. Getting the alumni — particularly the Miami greats — more involved was a priority for Hurricanes coach Mario Cristobal when he came home in 2021, and he’s seeing the payoff.

“Some of those guys look like they can still play, and probably can,” said Cristobal, a Miami alum and national champion as a player himself. “Look at the old games, back in the ’80s and ’90s, look at that sideline and how littered it was with real-deal dudes. Like, into it, passionate, love Miami, bleed orange and green, dudes and how much of an attraction it was. I used to kill to get over here to watch these guys go at it.”

Some are expected back on the sideline this weekend, when No. 5 Miami (8-0, 4-0 Atlantic Coast Conference) plays host to Duke (6-2, 2-2) and former Hurricanes coach Manny Diaz on Saturday.

There were well over 100 recruits at this past weekend’s 36-14 win over rival Florida State, and they all got to see the big names from the past. Time will tell if it left an impact on their upcoming decisions.

49ers guard Jon Feliciano defends Puerto Rico joke from Sunday's Trump rally

San Francisco 49ers offensive lineman Jon Feliciano defended Tony Hinchcliffe on Monday, 24 hours after the comedian called Puerto Rico a "floating island of garbage" at a rally

San Francisco 49ers offensive lineman Jon Feliciano defended Tony Hinchcliffe on Monday, 24 hours after the comedian called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage” at a rally for former President Donald Trump at New York’s Madison Square Garden.

Feliciano, who is of Puerto Rican descent, took to social media to support Hinchcliffe and teammate Nick Bosa, who sported a “Make America Great Again” hat after Sunday’s game.

#nfl #sanfrancisco #49ers #jonfeliciano #sports

“The only Puerto Ricans that are mad about @TonyHinchcliffe joke, are mad because it helps push their agenda,” Feliciano, 32, wrote on X. “Tony’s joke was so soft compared to his usual material.”

The Miami product started in last winter’s Super Bowl but has not played for the 49ers this season. The team placed him on injured reserve in August as he recovers from a knee injury.

World Series beats 'Monday Night Football' averaging 13.64 million viewers

The World Series beat "Monday Night Football" in the battle for television viewers.

The Los Angeles Dodgers’ 4-2 victory over the New York Yankees in Game 3 of the Fall Classic averaged 13.64 million viewers on Fox, Fox Deportes and streaming according to early numbers by Nielsen. That beat the 13.4 million that tuned in for the Pittsburgh Steelers’ 26-18 win over the New York Giants on ABC, ESPN, ESPN Deportes, ESPN2 and streaming.

#dodgers #yankees #worldseries #nfl #mlb

The audience for Yankees-Dodgers peaked at 14.25 million from 9-9:15 p.m. EDT. It was the most-watched Game 3 since 2018, when the Dodgers’ 18-inning victory over the Red Sox average 13.3 million.

It is Fox’s most-viewed prime time telecast on a Monday since Game 5 of the 2013 Series between Boston and St. Louis (14.45 million).

It was the ninth time since 1986 that a World Series game was played on a Monday night, but only the fourth that it went head-to-head against “Monday Night Football” on network television.

Last year marked the first time the NFL beat the Fall Classic on Monday night. The Texas Rangers’ 3-1 victory over the Arizona Diamondbacks in Game 3 last year is the least-viewed World Series game on record, averaging 8.13 million viewers. That same night, Detroit’s 26-14 victory over Las Vegas averaged 15.2 million on ESPN, ABC and ESPN Deportes.

Pro Women's Hockey League says it could add as many as two teams for 2025-26 season

Expansion is on the table for the six-team Professional Women's Hockey League, and executives aren't placing limitations on which North American markets

Expansion is on the table for the six-team Professional Women’s Hockey League, and executives aren’t placing limitations on which North American markets they’ll consider in a bid to add as many as two franchises for the 2025-26 season.

#hockey #women #sports #expansion

The only certainty is a vision of the timing being right to build on the support the PWHL generated in its inaugural year, and the growth the league projects entering its second season, which opens on Nov. 30.

“I don’t think we rule out any market,” senior vice president of hockey operations Jayna Hefford told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “This is a good opportunity for us to learn and continue to explore. So everything’s on the table right now.”

To reinforce how open-ended the PWHL’s expansion search will be, senior VP for business operations Amy Scheer told the AP the league has targeted more than 20 markets to be issued requests for proposals for expansion by next week. And that doesn’t include additional markets that might approach the league for consideration.

“I think we want to be an open book, and I think we want to be open to things that we haven’t thought about or things that we haven’t considered,” Scheer said. “Until we have the data and the facts and the conversations, we might be surprised. So let’s go for it.”

Sedona Prince's college journey reaches its final year and she hopes to leave a mark on the court

Sedona Prince is beginning her seventh and final year of college basketball. From her viral video back in the NCAA Tournament bubble in 2021 to her role in a landmark antitrust lawsuit

Sedona Prince is beginning her seventh and final year of college basketball. From her viral video back in the NCAA Tournament bubble in 2021 to her role in a landmark antitrust lawsuit that will help get money for college athletes, she has already left her mark off the court.

If she can help TCU have a memorable season on the court, it will be a welcome bonus.

#sedonaprince #ncaa #basketball #college

Now 24, Prince was one of the lead plaintiffs in the House vs. NCAA lawsuit that led to the $2.8 billion NCAA settlement agreement that recently received preliminary approval from a federal judge. When it’s finally done, the agreement will allow colleges to directly pay their athletes, perhaps as early as next fall. It also includes millions in damages.

“It’s a big win, something we’ve been trying for, for a long time,” Prince said in a interview with The Associated Press. “Major step forward. There’s a lot to be done going forward. It’s more than we ever could have asked for and a step in the right direction.”

It’s been quite the journey for Prince, whose career started in 2018 with Texas before she left for Oregon after breaking her leg playing for USA Basketball.

She was with the Ducks in March 2021 when her social media video went viral for exposing the disparities between the weight room for the women at the NCAA Tournament bubble vs. the one the men had, as well as differences in the food. The video embarrassed tournament organizers and prompted apologies - The New York Times a year later called it “The Video That Changed the N.C.A.A.” - and it prompted changes across women’s basketball.

“Making those changes is incredible and I hope it continues to be that way, and not just from a massive scandal, and a player exposing them on a national stage,” Prince told AP in the aftermath. “Things shouldn’t be fixed that way.”

More than three years later, Prince can look back at the uproar with context on the changes she helped drive.

76ers rule out injured Paul George and Joel Embiid for a fourth straight game

Joel Embiid and Paul George are 0 for 4 for the 76ers' season.

Embiid’s and George’s season debuts remain on hold for the Philadelphia 76ers, and both players will miss Wednesday’s game against Detroit with knee injuries.

#76ers #nba #basketball #sports

Embiid and George participated in portions of Tuesday’s practice and their playing status will be reassessed later in the week.

Sixers coach Nick Nurse declined to elaborate on their health and potential timeline to return to the lineup.

“We want these guys to play and we want them to be healthy and we want them to play great and we want them to play great all season,” Nurse said following practice. “Then my main focus is, I’ve got to do the job that I’ve got to do. I’ve got to try to get this team to play as good as it can tomorrow night. That takes a big chunk of my focus.”

George has yet to make his Sixers debut after he signed a four-year, $212 million contract as a free agent this summer. The 34-year-old has a bone bruise but did not suffer any structural damage when he hyperextended his left knee during a preseason game.

A nine-time All-Star, George was injured when his knee buckled on a defensive play.

Embiid, who won an Olympic gold medal in Paris with Team USA, has been out with what the team calls left knee management. The 30-year-old did not play in the preseason.

At 7 feet, 9 inches, Olivier Rioux is the world's tallest teen and an intriguing basketball project

Walking from his apartment to classes and then to the University of Florida's basketball facility, Olivier Rioux poses for dozens - sometimes hundreds - of pictures a day.

Walking from his apartment to classes and then to the University of Florida’s basketball facility, Olivier Rioux poses for dozens - sometimes hundreds - of pictures a day.

Vertical shots, of course. Rioux won’t fit in the frame any other way.

#olivierrioux #basketball #ncaa #florida

At 7 feet, 9 inches (2.4 meters), Rioux is the ultimate BMOC. He’s actually the Biggest Man On Campus - any campus.

The Florida freshman, a happy-go-lucky Canadian who owns a spot in the Guinness record book as the world’s tallest teenager, also will make basketball history when he plays for the 21st-ranked Gators this season. The cheerful guy known as “Oli” will become the tallest to play college hoops, supplanting 7-foot-7 Kenny George of UNC Asheville (2006-08).

He’s 2 inches (5 centimeters) taller than former NBA giants Gheorghe Muresan and Manute Bol, and 3 inches taller than popular big men Yao Ming, Tacko Fall and Shawn Bradley.

“You get asked questions every day,” said Rioux, who likes to draw in his spare time. “You don’t have a single three seconds to yourself when you’re outside, which I was fine with because my brother and my dad are tall. And, as a family, we used to go out. That’s just how it was, and you can’t change that because people are curious.”

Iowa QB Cade McNamara is in the concussion protocol, Brendan Sullivan will start against Wisconsin

Iowa quarterback Cade McNamara is in the concussion protocol and will not play Saturday against Wisconsin, coach Kirk Ferentz announced Tuesday.

Iowa quarterback Cade McNamara is in the concussion protocol and will not play Saturday against Wisconsin, coach Kirk Ferentz announced Tuesday.

Brendan Sullivan, who replaced McNamara in the second half against Northwestern last week, will take over as the starter.

#cademcnamara #college #iowa #wisconsin #football #ncaa

It was unclear when McNamara was injured. Ferentz said McNamara took a hard shot in the second quarter. McNamara also was on the receiving end of a roughing-the-passer penalty late in the first quarter.

Ferentz said he was hopeful McNamara would be available for the Nov. 8 game at UCLA.

McNamara started the first eight games for the Hawkeyes (5-3, 3-2 Big Ten). He transferred from Michigan two years ago and missed a significant portion of 2023 fall camp with a leg injury. His season ended in the fifth game when he tore the ACL in his left knee. In 2022, a knee injury ended his season with Michigan after three games.

Michigan QB Jack Tuttle announces retirement from football following a 5th concussion

Michigan quarterback Jack Tuttle is retiring from football following a fifth concussion.

Tuttle made the announcement on social media Monday night, pointing to a string of injuries that have plagued his college career. He said he never fully recovered from ligament damage in his throwing elbow.

#jacktuttle #michigan #football #college #retirement #concussion

“And unfortunately, the recent experience of enduring my fifth concussion has brought forth the painful truth: that I need to start prioritizing my health,” Tuttle wrote. “Throughout my college career, l’ve battled numerous injuries, culminating in this difficult choice to step away from playing the game that I love.”

Tuttle made his first appearance of the season in Week 6 against Washington and started two weeks later against Illinois. He completed 20 of 32 attempts for 208 yards, with an interception in a 21-7 loss to Illinois. The Wolverines turned back to Davis Warren - the team’s Week 1 starter - in a 24-17 win over Michigan State last weekend.

The 49ers mourn the death of CB Charvarius Ward's 1-year-old daughter

The 1-year-old daughter of San Francisco 49ers cornerback Charvarius Ward has died after battling heart problems since her birth.

Ward posted on Instagram that his daughter, Amani Joy, died on Monday morning.

#death #nfl #49ers #sports #baby

“She was the best blessing we could have asked for, and her joyous spirit made us smile from ear to ear,” Ward wrote. “She taught us to have patience, trust, and a positive outlook on life. She showed us true strength and bravery. She overcame adversity at a young age and was always happy, lighting up every room with her smile. Having the privilege of being her parents and seeing the world through her eyes has changed us for the better. She will forever be daddy’s best friend and mommy’s little girl. We’ll miss you and love you forever, Amani Joy.”

Amani Joy Ward was born prematurely with Down syndrome and had open-heart surgery in April 2023.

The 49ers said in a statement that the team is “devastated” by her death.

Steve Cohen Puts Mets on New Path

Four years ago today, MLB owners approved the sale of the Mets to Steve and Alex Cohen for about $2.4 billion. The team has had its ups and downs since, but appears to be on the right track after one of its most memorable years and exciting playoff runs.

The Mets are expected to be big players in free agency this winter, they have a manager and a president of baseball operations in place who exceeded expectations in their first years with the club and a core group of players coming back ready to contend with the best in baseball.

#nymets #stevecohen #mlb #baseball #sports

The team has come a long way from the Wilpon era, an 18-year run that left a frustrated fan base weary from what seemed like never-ending drama on and off the field. The Mets missed the playoffs in 15 of the years that the Wilpons had sole ownership of the club. There were memorable runs in 2006 and 2015, but the Wilpons’ investment in the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme cast a shadow over the club’s finances and hampered the Mets’ ability to sign top free agents.

In the four-year Cohen era, the Mets have made the playoffs twice, the fan base heads into the offseason with optimism and last week when asked by reporters about free agency this winter David Stearns said that “pretty much the entirety of the player universe is potentially accessible to us.”

Time will tell if the Cohens can help deliver the Mets their first championship since 1986, but the team is in good hands. Forbes magazine listed Steve Cohen as the richest owner in baseball last year with a net worth of $19.8 billion.

“I’m essentially doing it for the fans,” Cohen said at an introductory press conference in 2020. “When I really thought about this, I can make millions of people happy. What an incredible opportunity that is.”

The pressure is all on Gerrit Cole now to pitch like an ace — and make this World Series really interesting

Gerrit Cole now must do the modern ace thing. He needs to take the ball on regular rest Wednesday night and get the Yankees on another business trip.

Gerrit Cole did not do the historic ace thing at this time of year and insist on taking the ball with his team facing elimination in Game 4.


#gerritcole #nyyankees #dodgers #worldseries #mlb

The Yankees nevertheless won Tuesday night with him as a cheerleader.

So now he must do the modern ace thing. He is fully rested. The way the Yankees imagined putting the building blocks toward a baseball miracle was winning Game 4 when the Dodgers were throwing a bullpen game and then turning to their ace to lug them cross country once more. The bottom of the Yankee order, in particular, and the length of their bullpen — co-stars, basically — were the fulcrum of an 11-4 season-saving victory Tuesday night.

“We won a game, and having, you know, the best pitcher in baseball coming up for us [Wednesday] gives us, obviously, a sense of hope to take this back to LA,” Nestor Cortes said.

In Cole’s right hand will be the Yankee season, a bit of his legacy and a chance to make a little bit of history as the Yankees attempt to make the bigger history that motivates documentaries.

Ex-MLB closer Francisco Cordero robbed at gunpoint in stunning video

A former MLB closer was robbed at gunpoint while sitting around a table with others, surveillance video shows.

El Nuevo Diario reported that Cordero was sitting at a table playing dominoes in Santo Domingo before two armed assailants on a motorcycle drove up, with one wearing a black hooded jacket, blue hat and a mask/bandana.

#mlb #franciscocordero #crime #santodomingo #sports

The armed assailant approached Cordero, who quickly put his hands over his head while the indivdiual pointing a gun at him ripped the chain off the ex-closer’s neck.

As the chain ripped off Cordero’s neck, the armed assailant fell over and scurried back to their motorcycle, now pointing their gun at a female wearing a green shirt, who was present for the entire incident.

The perp fell off the motorcycle while a group of five watched on.

After failing to get back on the motorcycle, the robber ran off with the chain, leaving the motorcycle behind.


Santo Domingo was founded on August 5, 1496, by Spanish colonizers led by Bartholomew Columbus, the brother of Christopher Columbus. The city was named after Saint Dominic, a Spanish Catholic priest who helped spread Christianity in the New World. The Spanish established the first permanent European settlement in the Americas, which became a major hub for the transatlantic slave trade.

During the colonial period, Santo Domingo was a major center for the production of sugar, tobacco, and other crops. The city's strategic location on the Caribbean coast made it an important port for trade with Europe and other colonies. In the 16th century, the city was devastated by earthquakes, fires, and diseases, which led to a significant decline in population.

In the 18th century, Santo Domingo experienced a resurgence as a major commercial center, with the establishment of the first bank in the Americas, the Banco de Santo Domingo. The city's economy continued to grow, with the production of cotton, coffee, and other crops.

Colonial Architecture

Santo Domingo's colonial architecture is a unique blend of Spanish, African, and indigenous influences. The city's old town, also known as "Zona Colonial," features cobblestone streets, colonial-era buildings, and historic landmarks like the Cathedral of Santa María la Menor.

Some notable examples of colonial architecture in Santo Domingo include:

  1. Cathedral of Santa María la Menor: A 16th-century cathedral that was built on the site of an earlier church. The cathedral features a mix of Gothic and Renaissance styles.
  2. Convent of San Francisco: A 16th-century convent that was built by the Franciscan Order. The convent features a mix of Gothic and Renaissance styles.
  3. Fortaleza Ozama: A 16th-century fort that was built to protect the city from pirate attacks. The fort features a mix of Gothic and Renaissance styles.

African Influence

African slaves were brought to Santo Domingo in the 16th century, and they had a significant impact on the city's culture and architecture. Many African slaves were brought from West Africa, particularly from the regions of Ghana, Senegal, and Angola.

African influence can be seen in the city's music, dance, and art. The famous Dominican folk music, known as "merengue," has African roots, and the dance style of the same name is characterized by quick footwork and energetic movements.

Indigenous Influence

The indigenous Taino people were the original inhabitants of the island of Hispaniola. They were a peaceful and agricultural society that lived in harmony with the environment.

The Spanish colonizers encountered the Taino people in the early 16th century, and they were devastated by the introduction of diseases such as smallpox and influenza. Many Taino people died, and those who survived were forced to work in mines and on plantations.

Modern Santo Domingo

Today, Santo Domingo is a vibrant and diverse city that is known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning architecture. The city is a popular tourist destination, with many visitors drawn to its historic landmarks, beautiful beaches, and lively nightlife.

However, Santo Domingo also faces many challenges, including traffic congestion, crime, and poverty. The city's infrastructure is often inadequate, and many residents lack access to basic services such as electricity, water, and sanitation.


Santo Domingo is the economic hub of the Dominican Republic, with a diverse economy that includes:

  1. Tourism: The city attracts millions of visitors each year, drawn by its rich history, culture, and beautiful beaches.
  2. Finance: Santo Domingo is a major financial center, with many international banks and financial institutions having operations there.
  3. Manufacturing: The city is home to various industries, including textiles, food processing, and pharmaceuticals.


Santo Domingo faces many challenges, including:

  1. Traffic: The city's infrastructure is often congested, making traffic a significant issue.
  2. Crime: Petty theft and burglary are common, and tourists should exercise caution.
  3. Infrastructure: The city's aging infrastructure, including its roads and public transportation, requires upgrading.
  4. Poverty: Many residents of Santo Domingo live in poverty, with limited access to basic services such as electricity, water, and sanitation.


As of 2020, Santo Domingo's population is approximately 2.5 million people, with a diverse mix of cultures, ethnicities, and ages. The city is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with a strong sense of community and a warm welcome for visitors.


Santo Domingo is known for its delicious cuisine, which is a mix of Spanish, African, and indigenous influences. Some popular dishes include:

  1. Sancocho: A hearty stew made with meat, vegetables, and root vegetables such as yuca and plantains.
  2. Chicharrón: Deep-fried pork rinds that are often served as a side dish.
  3. Mangú: Mashed green plantains that are often served with garlic, onions, and fried meat or fish.
  4. La Bandera: A dish made with rice, beans, and meat or fish, which is often served with a side of fried plantains.

Music and Dance

Santo Domingo is known for its vibrant music and dance scene, which is characterized by energetic rhythms and lively movements. Some popular genres include:

  1. Merengue: A fast-paced dance style that involves quick footwork and energetic movements.
  2. Bachata: A romantic dance style that involves sensual movements and intricate footwork.
  3. Salsa: A high-energy dance style that involves fast-paced footwork and dynamic movements.


Santo Domingo hosts many festivals throughout the year, including:

  1. Santo Domingo Carnival: A vibrant festival that takes place before Lent, featuring parades, music, and dance.
  2. Día de la Independencia: A celebration of the Dominican Republic's independence from Haiti, which takes place on February 27th.
  3. Festival de Música Clásica: A classical music festival that takes place in April, featuring performances by local and international musicians.

Charles Barkley trashes 'awful' Dwyane Wade statue: 'Gotta take that thing down'

Charles Barkley was in savage mode while reacting to Dwyane Wade's new Miami Heat statue the team unveiled in front of Kaseya Center on Sunday.

During TNT’s Tip-Off show on Tuesday night, Barkley called Wade’s bronze statue — that many suggested online looks nothing like him — “ugly” and awful,” and said the Heat should remove it.

“It’s a great honor, but they gotta take that thing down,” Barkley said.

#charlesbarkley #dwaynewade #nba #miamiheat #statue #basketball

Kenny Smith yelled “no!” and explained that Wade’s face on the statue — a rendition of his celebratory moment when he hit a buzzer-beater shot to beat the Bulls in double overtime in 2009 — was just him being animated.

“Not animated,” Barkley replied. “If you made an ugly statue that’s what it would look like. That thing is awful.”

Fazia um bom tempo que não via o Flamengo jogar tão bem como hoje.

Apesar de que foi empate a partida, mas com um time misto soube jogar com raça.

Se o time manter essa pegada, podemos ainda ter conquistas nesta temporada.

Yankees fans who interfered with Mookie Betts banned from World Series Game 5

Two New York Yankees fans have been banned from attending Game 5 of the World Series after interfering with Los Angeles Dodgers star Mookie Betts in Game 4.

The Yankees announced in a statement Wednesday that the fans "will not be permitted to attend tonight's game in any capacity" and added that the incident Tuesday night with Betts was "egregious and unacceptable."

#nyyankees #dodgers #mookiebetts #fan #mlb #sports

A source told ESPN's Jesse Rogers earlier Wednesday that it was not immediately clear whether the ban against Austin Capobianco and John Peter, both season-ticket holders, would apply to any Yankee Stadium games next season.

"The safety and security of players, fans and Stadium staff is the foundational element of every event held at Yankee Stadium, and it cannot be compromised," the Yankees said in their statement.

"Tonight marks the final home game of year, and we want every ounce of our fans' passion on display. Yankee Stadium is known for its energy and intensity, however the exuberance of supporting one's team can never cross the line into intentionally putting players at physical risk."

Saints QB Derek Carr expected to return, says he's 'no savior'

New Orleans Saints quarterback Derek Carr is expected to play Sunday against the Carolina Panthers after missing the past three games with an oblique injury. Saints coach Dennis Allen said that Jake Haener will be Carr's backup even though the team started rookie Spencer Rattler in Carr's absence.

"We felt like Rattler gave us the best chance at the time, and so I think we'll see where we're at come this weekend, what the expectation is. My expectation is that Derek's going to be ready to go," Allen said on Wednesday. "In that case, Jake will be the backup. ... I don't want to get into the specifics of the reasons why, but I feel like that's the best thing for our team."

#neworleans #saints #derekcarr #nfl #sports

Carr has not played since leaving the end of a Week 5 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs with a left oblique strain. It's the longest amount of time he has missed with an injury since breaking his ankle at the end of the 2017 season when he was with the Raiders.

Carr said it was a "slow process" to return but gave credit to the Saints athletic training staff, who he said got him back on the field on the earlier side of the expected timetable to return.

"It sucks having to sit there and watch when it wasn't the most painful thing I've ever dealt with. It really wasn't ... it was just a lack of being able to do my job," Carr said. "And so that was the most frustrating part, because I couldn't just play through it, you know? I just literally couldn't do it. ... It's been the most frustrating injury I've ever had, besides breaking my ankle and not being able to play in the playoffs that year. ... because there's literally nothing that I could do, but wait and just let it heal."

Bryce Young to start for Panthers; Jonathon Brooks may make debut

Quarterback Bryce Young will make a second straight start for the Carolina Panthers on Sunday against the New Orleans Saints, and rookie running back Jonathon Brooks could make his NFL debut.

Brooks spent the first eight games rehabbing from ACL surgery in November 2023, when he was at the University of Texas. The second-round pick would share the backfield with Chuba Hubbard and Miles Sanders if activated to the 53-man roster.

#bryceyoung #panthers #jonathonbrooks #nfl #sports

Young will start as veteran Andy Dalton continues to rehab from a sprained thumb on his throwing hand, which he suffered last week in a car accident. Dalton was a full participant in practice Wednesday and is expected to be Young's backup.

"To me, it was taking the decision out of Andy's hands," coach Dave Canales said. "If you were to ask Andy, 'Could you go?' He'd say yes. And, for me, he's like a week removed from a thumb injury and I just want to make sure that we're putting him back out there in the right state and the right framework.

"And I'm excited for Bryce to have another opportunity to build on things that we've talked about. To continue to just grow and get that experience that we talked about is invaluable."

This will be Young's second start against the Saints. He completed 13 of 30 pass attempts for 161 yards with no touchdowns and two interceptions in a 47-10 loss in New Orleans in Week 1.

Raptors' Scottie Barnes diagnosed with orbital fracture

Toronto Raptors forward Scottie Barnes will miss at least three weeks because of a right orbital fracture, the team said Wednesday.

Barnes was struck by Denver's Nikola Jokic while battling for a rebound late in the fourth quarter of Monday's home loss to the Nuggets. Barnes went down before stumbling to the bench in pain.

The Raptors said in a statement that Barnes would be reevaluated in three weeks, "and his condition will be updated as appropriate."

#raptors #nba #scottbarnes #sports

Head coach Darko Rajakovic would not say who would start for Barnes in Wednesday night's game at the Charlotte Hornets.

"I feel bad for Scottie because has put a lot of work in and he was just starting to find the rhythm and he was playing really well," Rajakovic said. "This is going to be tough playing without him."

Rajakovic said he's hoping Ochai Agbaji and Jonathan Mogbo can help fill the void.

Barnes was a first-time All-Star last season, setting career highs in scoring, 3-point shooting, rebounding, assists and blocked shots. He is averaging 19.3 points, 7.8 rebounds and 6.0 assists through four games. Toronto is 1-3 to start the year.

The 2022 NBA Rookie of the Year, Barnes signed a contract extension this summer that could reach around $270 million if he meets supermax criteria.

Lonnie Walker IV to sign with Lithuania's Zalgiris Kaunas

After being waived by the Boston Celtics out of training camp, six-year NBA veteran Lonnie Walker IV will sign a contract with Zalgiris Kaunas of the Euroleague, his agent, George S. Langberg of GSL Sports Group, told ESPN on Wednesday.

#nba #basketball #sports #celtics

Walker's deal with the Lithuanian club includes an NBA buyout clause until Feb. 18, Langberg said.

The 25-year-old Walker has averaged 9.8 points in 20.3 minutes over his six seasons with the San Antonio Spurs, Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Nets.

Walker, the No. 18 pick in the 2018 NBA draft to the Spurs, had a strong season in 2023-24, when he averaged 9.7 points, 38.4% 3-point shooting and 17.4 minutes for the Nets.

Jets sign kickers Riley Patterson, Spencer Shrader with struggling Greg Zuerlein injured

The Jets will have a new kicker on Thursday night against the Texans. We’re just not sure who yet.

The team placed struggling kicker Greg Zuerlein on injured reserve on Wednesday, a day after he popped up on the injury report.

They signed Riley Patterson and Spencer Shrader to their practice squad, a day after they were among six kickers who tried out for the Jets.

#nyjets #nfl #texans #kickers #sports

One of them will be elevated before kickoff on Thursday.

Zuerlein sealed his fate on Sunday when he missed a 44-yard field goal and an extra point in a 25-22 loss to the Patriots.

Mundial de Clubes 2025: Brasil será o único país com quatro representantes

#sports #hiver

O Brasil será o país com mais times no Mundial de Clubes de 2025. Flamengo, Fluminense e Palmeiras já estavam garantidos na competição. Com a final da Libertadores entre Atlético-MG e Botafogo, está confirmado que a única vaga restante no Mundial será de um clube brasileiro. O campeão garantirá lugar no torneio.

Os títulos da Libertadores de 2021, 2022 e 2023 para, respectivamente, Palmeiras, Flamengo e Fluminense já haviam garantido os clubes no Mundial do ano que vem. Restava saber quem seria o último classificado na América do Sul.

A vaga poderia ser do Peñarol, eliminado da Libertadores pelo Botafogo nesta quarta-feira, ou do Olimpia, que se classificaria em caso de título do River Plate. O time argentino já está garantido no Mundial de 2025, e o clube paraguaio herdaria essa vaga pela posição no ranking da Conmebol.

Essa é a única das 32 vagas que ainda não foi definida. Tudo será decidido em Buenos Aires no dia 30 de novembro. Atlético-MG e Botafogo se enfrentam na final da Libertadores para definir não só o vencedor da Glória Eterna, mas também do último classificado ao Mundial de 2025. O campeão assegura lugar ainda no Intercontinental deste ano, com estreia no dia 11 de dezembro, no Catar.

A Fifa anunciou que a edição inaugural da Copa do Mundo de Clubes será disputada em 11 cidades, sendo que uma delas, Orlando, terá dois estádios no torneio. Nove sedes ficam na Costa Leste, e apenas duas estão na Costa Oeste (Los Angeles e Seattle).

O MetLife Stadium, na região de Nova York, foi escolhido para receber a final do torneio, no dia 13 de julho de 2025. A competição terá 32 times e será disputada a cada quatro anos.