
I also posted this in the food threadcast.

Did you find it in the United States, Task? I was curious to know what you thought hahaha...

The cool thing is that some threads we can take advantage of and share in other threadcasts.

Without a doubt. Get many threads out of the same one.

We can place things everywhere.

Going to multiply when we add in the For Yo/u/Recommend engine.

Great! I'm already doing this and sharing it in other threadcasts. It is helping me a lot in increasing the numbers.

No. It looks like chocolate.

In another comment I thought you had tried it. LOL

I can't believe you don't like chocolate.

I like chocolate. I wrote no to answer if I had it. Never had it.

But I like chocolate.

I understand, but if you can, try it. I'm sure you'll like it.

Worse than that I'm talking about food and I'm hungry. LOL

Set up another account to do that. I can get that one for you if you want.

What are you referring to, Task? About the threadcast? I'm confused.

It even seems like me responding and translating elsewhere in the comment. LOL