From our chats in the past, and how political you are or were becuase I stopped chatting wiht you as I thought your an idiot. You have thios propble of pagan god complex. This is why I think your an idiot to chat with and I stop chatting with entitled idiots. You thought I was a terrible person because you thought I was a trump supporter while you bag licked the tyrant with blinders on.
And the funny thing was I told you many times #1 I am not US citizen I am a canadian and if i like trump or not it doesn't matter. But your pagan god complex wasn't allowing you to listen to that statement. The other thing was I do not support any governments of today. I think they are all tyrant trash yes inclusing trump and biden and all the others in the past.
You're a fucking idiot with a huge pagan god complex. I have zero respect for you becuase you don;t listen and like having conversations with yourself while with others talking to you.
I know this is going to offend you, but right now I really don't care you need to be offended because you are an offense to the rest of us.
You can rspoind to this all you want, you're going back to my ignore this shit face person list again.
Starts now.
I keep politics to myself now so please do not bring this up again @cptsilva I don't want to get hurt anymore than I already am. Life is a tough road to follow and you know it. Thank you.
You did it to yourself. Karma is such a bitch isn't it. You expect to walk all over ppl and then those ppl just leave you alone. What an ignorant person you are.
Problem is you attacked me and judged me and were wrong about your judgment. Andf no you didn't keep it to yourself. Rememner how badly you treeated me because you thought I was a trump supporter. Well, you may not remember but i do. You tried to hurt me but all it did was make me laugh at you. And now you want me to feel sorry for you? No thanks you wrongfully attacked me becaus of your thought of me supporting trump. Funny thing I don't support anyone in politics and I told you that but you didn't want to listen. Now your suffering and you want me to feel sorry for you. I do not pitty those who have no respect.
SO go screw yourself pagan.