Being self-employed usually means you will work harder, longer, and with less time off than ANY regular job you have done. Not knowing/doing this is why most people fail. Be prepared, do what it takes, and find success.
Being self-employed usually means you will work harder, longer, and with less time off than ANY regular job you have done. Not knowing/doing this is why most people fail. Be prepared, do what it takes, and find success.
It also means you are the one employee in the company who cannot quit.
LOL Very true!
Its challenging but it's worth more than being someones employee, no salary can achieve financial freedom, it's always difficult, so do what it's takes and achieve a worthwhile goal
I have been self-employed for over 30 years. And even though I am "oficially retired" now, I started a new venture in Thailand. Nothing compares to what you can achieve once you start the journey!
honestly just set your goals then work hard to reach them you will be happy at the end.