I can feel how it's like to be hooked on a platform like Hive. I think it is the presence of highly articulate and smart members that makes me so happy to post here. Skin in the game... Actually you are right. No need for enormous investment at first. Building the mindset, I can agree with that and I love the perspective you have thrown regarding this. Maybe even a newbie can do more than sit and watch. Good point.
When I have read the lines about smoking. Well...if people who smoke would make some calculations.. . And choose to quit smoking and invest that money... They would be better off for sure. But not all people see things that way
Yep, and they forced them through all that bad taste to get addicted to something that will cost them money and their health. I was a smoker once.
At least look to learn more deeply than, "what will get the largest vote" :D
I never smoked. I appreciate people who gave up this habit on their own, using their own ambition to say no