Bitcoin (BTC/USDT) If you sold at 25,000 you may not be able to buy it again at those prices. I analyze why. Bitcoin from 15,000 to 63,000. (ENG-ESP)

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

This has already happened in previous months. Keep reading.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.06.46.png

Let's see

Bitcoin is bullish again in the medium term as yesterday's candlestick marked a higher medium-term high.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.06.46.png

The key seems to be the strength of the rise to determine if it will continue to rise or begin its correction since it has been 8 days of price rise from 25,000 to 30,000 dollars.

What has happened in previous months

First impulse bullish

The one who sold bitcoin in the range of 15,000 to 16,500 dollars hoping that it would drop to 10,000. They have been left out of the market.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.54.24.png

Bitcoin from 16,500 goes up to 25,000 dollars and only goes back to 20,000, Bitcoin's max in 2018.

The one who hopes to buy back Bitcon because he had sold at 16,500 has been left out of the market. Or you have had to buy at higher prices losing value in satoshis.

Second bullish impulse March 2023

The one who sold bitcoin in March for around 20,000 dollars hoping it would drop to 16,000. They have been left out of the market.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.55.52.png

Bitcoin from 20,000 goes up to 30,000 dollars and only goes back to 25,000.

The one who hopes to buy back Bitcon because he had sold for 20,000 has been left out of the market. Or you have had to buy at higher prices losing value in satoshis.

Third bullish momentum June 2023

The one who sold bitcoin in March for around 25,000 dollars hoping it would drop to 20,000. They have been left out of the market at the time of writing this post.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.57.13.png

The strength in the rise of the last days in the price of Bitcoin is very similar to what has happened in the first and second upward impulses.

These days we can see a consolidation of the price of Bitcoin to make a further upward impulse in the next week if it repeats what it has done in impulse 1 and 2.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 12.06.49.png

If bitcoin begins to correct below 29,000, the correction could be higher.

What do you think?

I leave Bitcoin analysis from 15000 to 63000. Fibonacci

As I mentioned above, the break of the channel could indicate that the medium-term correction could be complete.

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.39.00.png"

If we measure by fibonacci, the entire bullish cycle, it only corrected 38%, which would indicate either that there is a lack of correction or that bitcoin's momentum would be very bullish in the long term. What do you think?

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 11.13.15.png"

If we apply elliot waves we could complete the first 5 waves of wave 1, of the great upward momentum, as well as its correction. (waves 2)

If we measure, wave 3 would be giving, at 2.63 fibonacci extensions, for the target of 63,000 dollars,

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.54.11.png"

Analyzing a time line, we could reach the goal, by the end of 2023, then starting a new correction, until the possible May halving date, what do you think?

What do you think

Leave your comment, thank you !!!

READ DISCLAIMER: this publication / analysis is only for general information purposes. I am not a professional trader and I will never be a financial advisor. The material in this publication does not constitute any trading advice of any kind. This is the way I see the paintings and what my ideas are. Perform your own analysis before making an investment decision. Use money that you are willing to lose if you make an investment. If you make exchanges or investments after reading this publication, it is entirely at your own risk. I am not responsible for any of your gains or losses. By reading this publication, you acknowledge and agree that you will never hold me liable for any of your profits or losses.

Captura de pantalla 2020-05-09 a las 11.59.54 a.m..png


Bitcoin (BTC/USDT) Si vendiste en 25000 puede que no vuelvas a poder comprarlo en esos precios. Anailizo el porque. Bitcoin from 15,000 to 63,000. (ENG-ESP)

Esto ya ha pasado en meses previos. Sigue leyendo.


Bitcoin vuelve a estar alcista a mediano aplazo debido a que la vela de ayer a marcado un alto mas alto a mediano plazo.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.06.46.png

La clave parece ser la fuerza de la subida para determinar si seguira al alza o comenzara su correccion ya que lleva 8 dias de alza del precio desde los 25000 a los 30000 dolares.

Que ha pasado en meses previos

Primer impulso alcista

El que vendio bitcoin en el rango de 15000 a 16500 dolares esperando que baje a 10000. Se han quedado fuera de mercado.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.54.24.png

Bitcoin desde los 16500 sube hasta los 25000 dolares y solo retrocede hasta los 20000, max de Bitcoin en el año 2018.

El que espero recomprar Bitcon porque habia vendido en 16500 se ha quedado fuera del mercado. O ha tenido que comprar a precios mas altos perdiendo valor en satoshis.

Segundo impulso alcista Marzo del 2023

El que vendio bitcoin en marzo cerca de los 20000 dolares esperando que baje a 16000. Se han quedado fuera de mercado.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.55.52.png

Bitcoin desde los 20000 sube hasta los 30000 dolares y solo retrocede hasta los 25000.

El que espero recomprar Bitcon porque habia vendido en 20000 se ha quedado fuera del mercado. O ha tenido que comprar a precios mas altos perdiendo valor en satoshis.

Tercer impulso alcista Junio del 2023

El que vendio bitcoin en marzo cerca de los 25000 dolares esperando que baje a 20000. Se han quedado fuera de mercado al momento de hacer este post.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 11.57.13.png

La fuerza en la subida de los ultimos dias en el precio de Bitcoin se parece mucho a lo que ha pasado en el primer y segurndo impulso al alza.

Estos dias podemos ver una consolidacion del precio de Bitcoin para hacer un impulso mas al alza en la proxima semana si repite lo que ha hecho en el impulso 1 y 2.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 12.06.49.png

Si bitcoin comienza ha corregir por debajo de los 29000 la correcion podria ser mayor.

Que piensas?

Dejo analisis Bitcoin de 15000 a 63000. Fibonacci

El rompimiento del canal podria indicarcon que la correccion a mediano plazo podria esta completa.

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.39.00.png"

Si medimos por fibonacci, todo el ciclo alcista, solo corriguio un 38%, lo cual indicaria o que falta correccion o que el impulso de bitcoin seria muy alcista a largo plazo. Que piensas?

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 11.13.15.png"

Si aplicamos ondas de elliot podriamos estar completas las primeras 5 ondas de la onda 1, del gran impulso al alza, como asi su correccion. (ondas 2)

Si medimos, la onda 3 estaria dando, en el 2,63 de extensiones de fibonacci, por el objetivo de los 63000 dolares.

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.54.11.png"

Analizando una linea temporal, podriamos llegar al objetivo, para finales del 2023, comenzando luego una nueva correccion, hasta mayo fecha posible del halving, que piensas?


Thank you for visiting this post and thank you all for your votes!!!

The low visibility of the last post I made is incredible, it takes a lot of effort and it does not have the scope of visibility that I would like, if you know the way to make it more visible to the community.
Do you know of a community that may appreciate tectonic analysis, please let me know, thanks.

The low visibility is also attributed to the little interest of retail investors, when it is at 60,000 there they will have more interest and it will be too late to get good entry prices in Bitcoin.