Bitcoin (BTC/USDT) The strength of Bitcoin makes itself felt!!! Dominance ascending triangle shape (ENG-ESP)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Dominance forms a triangle hourly level

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 13.09.55.png

If we compare the price with the dominance, the dominance seems to be leading the way in the last few days in the bitcoin price.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 13.10.44.png

If it breaks higher, it could be the momentum Bitcoin is missing to complete its 5 bullish elliot waves.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.32.51.png

A daily chart level of Bitcoin price.

We see in the graph candlesticks in the last days with price trending upward with candlesticks and wicks trending upward

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.33.43.png

At the hourly level

We see the price of Bitcoin oscillating between a range, if it breaks upwards, we would be in an elliot wave 5.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.39.23.png

Dominance rises today to almost 52% while bitcoin is in a short-term range, in the medium term the price is defined an upward trend.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.57.41.png

This means that Bitcoin continues to be the option chosen by investors, today and for some time to come, meanwhile the alcoins will have to wait.

What do you think?

I leave Bitcoin analysis from 15000 to 63000. Fibonacci

As I mentioned above, the break of the channel could indicate that the medium-term correction could be complete.

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.39.00.png"

If we measure by fibonacci, the entire bullish cycle, it only corrected 38%, which would indicate either that there is a lack of correction or that bitcoin's momentum would be very bullish in the long term. What do you think?

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 11.13.15.png"

If we apply elliot waves we could complete the first 5 waves of wave 1, of the great upward momentum, as well as its correction. (waves 2)

If we measure, wave 3 would be giving, at 2.63 fibonacci extensions, for the target of 63,000 dollars,

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.54.11.png"

Analyzing a time line, we could reach the goal, by the end of 2023, then starting a new correction, until the possible May halving date, what do you think?

What do you think

Leave your comment, thank you !!!

READ DISCLAIMER: this publication / analysis is only for general information purposes. I am not a professional trader and I will never be a financial advisor. The material in this publication does not constitute any trading advice of any kind. This is the way I see the paintings and what my ideas are. Perform your own analysis before making an investment decision. Use money that you are willing to lose if you make an investment. If you make exchanges or investments after reading this publication, it is entirely at your own risk. I am not responsible for any of your gains or losses. By reading this publication, you acknowledge and agree that you will never hold me liable for any of your profits or losses.

Captura de pantalla 2020-05-09 a las 11.59.54 a.m..png


Bitcoin (BTC/USDT) ¡¡¡La fuerza de Bitcoin se hace notar!!!. Dominancia forma triangulo ascendente (ENG-ESP)

La dominancia forma un triangulo nivel horario

Si comparamos el precio con la dominancia, la dominancia parece estar marcando el camino en los ultimos dias en el precio de bitcoin

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.32.51.png

Si rompe al alza podria ser el impulso mas que le falta a Bitcoin para completar sus 5 ondas de elliot alcista.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 13.10.44.png

Un nivel de Grafico diario del precio de Bitcoin.

Vemos en el grafico velas en los ultimos dias con precio con tendencia al alza con velas y mechas con tendencia al alza

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.39.23.png

A nivel horario

Vemos al precio de Bitcoin estar oscilando entre un rango, de romper al alza, estariamos en una onda 5 de elliot.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.39.23.png

La dominancia sube hoy hasta casi un 52% mientras bitcoin esta en un rango a corto plazo, a mediano plazo el precio esta definido una tendencia al alza.

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-28 a la(s) 12.57.41.png

Esto quiere decir que Bitcoin sigue siendo la opcion elegida por los inversores, hoy en dia y por algun tiempo mas, mientras tanto las alcoins tendran que esperar.

Que piensas? Comenta. Gracias

Dejo analisis Bitcoin de 15000 a 63000. Fibonacci

El rompimiento del canal podria indicarcon que la correccion a mediano plazo podria esta completa.

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.39.00.png"

Si medimos por fibonacci, todo el ciclo alcista, solo corriguio un 38%, lo cual indicaria o que falta correccion o que el impulso de bitcoin seria muy alcista a largo plazo. Que piensas?

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 11.13.15.png"

Si aplicamos ondas de elliot podriamos estar completas las primeras 5 ondas de la onda 1, del gran impulso al alza, como asi su correccion. (ondas 2)

Si medimos, la onda 3 estaria dando, en el 2,63 de extensiones de fibonacci, por el objetivo de los 63000 dolares.

 "Captura de pantalla 2023-06-20 a la(s) 10.54.11.png"

Analizando una linea temporal, podriamos llegar al objetivo, para finales del 2023, comenzando luego una nueva correccion, hasta mayo fecha posible del halving, que piensas?