PREACH Living!! Yes!! That's the point I've come to. As long as we are together with a roof over our heads I have no complaints. We are so blessed to have a place to live.
Congratulations on your new home!! I think I remember you doing a post about that. Wow a forever home, sounds so nice. We would love to purchase land and build our forever home one day. Baby steps though right? 😂
Oh bless you. I am the one that would
get sucked in by the “looks” of it. I know they showcase homes and people that see them fall in love with what’s on the surface. I really want us to be smart and make sure we look at the foundation and as you said structure of it. I wouldn’t mind doing a little fix up if it’s a solid place.
Thank you so much for your sweet words and these wonderful tips. I’m taking note (literally)! 🤗💓