
What are the protests about?

The protests are against the government, and the government represses them with the brutality of the police forces.

This happened yesterday in Caimanera, Guantanamo:

I see. I hope you guys stay safe over there

I don't usually get into trouble, but I won't deny that it makes my blood boil.

Most of my efforts are aimed at leaving the country once and for all, I can't dedicate my life to a lost cause.

I see. I wish you good luck in fulfilling that goal as soon as possible! I'm sure Hive will help you a lot with that

That's right... Hive helps me save what I need. Thank you for your good wishes.

El corte fue total, perdí nauta hogar y el móvil. El corporativo de mi esposa tuvo un rato pero también se desconecto.

También la seña del móvil se me fue completa. Ni llamadas ni mensajes.

Coña, ahora la gracia que por cualquier petate nos quedamos incomunicados.

No fue cualquier petate. El pueblo no aguanta más y últimamente no tiran una buena...

Saben que están sentados arriba de un polvorín Tienen que asegurarse que el 11J no se repita y que la gente no se organice

Bueno, y yo aprovecho y recupero un poco de hilos. #threads #spanish #cuba

That will really get people upset. When companies crush the Internet, they are in big trouble.

Not here. ETECSA is the only telecommunications company in Cuba. It is a state-owned monopoly.

There is no escape from their "services".


Yeah that is how they maintain control. Monopolies, whether public or private, are catastrophic. In the US, we arent far from that with Internet. There is only one choice in many areas. Larger might have two but that is all.