
Wanna master the act of designing using canva maybe more or any app better than canva.

Canva is quite easy to use. I recommend searching for some YouTube videos in your language to get a general idea, in the meantime, the templates will help you a lot, especially with the covers of your articles and videos.

I understand english language boss, could you please recommend any youtube video about canva designing for me.

My native language is Spanish, so I'm afraid I can only recommend Latin channels to you.

Lolz, thats where am wrong this time, lolz. Would look for any, maybe when confused will reach out to you. Can i have your discord name so as to chat up when the need arises?

Sure, It´s crptogeek on discord and telegram, also in twitter (x).

okay boss, let me add you up right away. Have already added you on twitter.