WBTC Analysis on 14 January 2021

in LeoFinance4 years ago


Bitcoin (a currency backed by electronic nothings), got surpassed on Jan 14, 2021, by a coin that you can redeem for said Bitcoins. Wrapped Bitcoin caused the second technological revolution in the 21st century by conquering all economic value in a single day when it realized its potential.

Worth 432 quadrillion USD dollars in market capitalization, WBTC created a second planet's worth of economic value by discovering the secret of wrapping traditional bitcoins.

The economic formula discovered is as follows:

--Wrapped BTC Formula--

1 WBTC = 1 BTC - 1 BTC + IOU 1 BTC

Some have deemed this the Keynesian Economic model reborn for the 21st century.

As some have said, "This is as significant as Einstein's General Relativity for the world of economics." But many traditional economists have dismissed this discovery stating such things are not impressive or new to the banking sector.

Bitcoin is Rat Poison Squared?

Warren Butffet is even on record clarifying, "Bitcoin is rat poison squared." (We will assume his statement refers to a squared yard, as he is in the USA.) If bitcoin is rat poison, how much rat poison is Wrapped Bitcoin?

A handy dandy search gives us the economic unit value (retail) for rat poison.


Warren-nomics of Wrapped Bitcoins

1 Yard Rat Poison^2 = 100 lb
1 lb = 0.4535924 kg
1 retail => 0.25 whole sale
1 GBP = 1.36 USD
1 Yard Rat Poison^2 = 28.23 GBP Whole Sale
1 yrd^2 = 38.49 USD
$432 Quad USD / 38.49 = 11.22 Quadrillion yrd^2

Well, there we have it: 11.22 Quadrillion Yards Squared of Rat Poison. Enough flouride based chemical to keep the world's public water systems thriving for the next 1 million years.

Update -- Turns out the coinmarketcap website had an error.

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