My Worst Financial Resume in 2020

in LeoFinance4 years ago

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2020 has passed and many things happened in my life that can be used as valuable lessons for me. All the failures that happened in last year made me stronger and ready for the next challenges and for the success goals i've been achieved in 2020 motivates me to continue achieve the next goals in 2021. I made this article as reminder for myself and share my experience to everyone in this community. Last year really hits me hard, it's like pain in the ass. I lost my job because the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, the company decided to reduce the budget due to the impact of this pandemic, many sectors have been affected by this pandemic starting from the economy, education, health, etc. My mistake isn't having enough savings and didn't having any investment preparation for this pandemic.

How Covid-19 Pandemic Affect Financial

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Covid-19 occurred in early 2020 had a major impact on the survival of many people, especially in the economic sector for many countries affected by this pandemic. This is because export and import activities between countries have been stopped due to fear of being infected with Covid-19,then came economic law that affected market demand increase drastically where the goods requested are limited, as results in prices increase drastically and scarcity of goods.Covid-19 is a major disaster for all of us which affects many vital sectors for the entire country, most companies in all countries affected by this pandemic have collapsed so that they reduce their budget by firing employees and I am one of them. My financial began to mess when I lost my job as the main income, now I work as a freelancer and daily labor


My worst financial situation happened when I lost my job, my regret is that I didn't prepare for what will happen in the future. I should have saved more and started investing to secure my future when something bad happened. However, I am grateful that there are so many valuable experiences that I can take to determine future steps so that it does not happen a second time. This article I created does not intend to ask for mercy to you but to provide education and as reminder of how important it is to save and invest to save your future. Next article I want to tell you about MY FINANCIAL GOALS IN 2021 & ABOUT MY CRYPTO EXPERIENCE.

Thankyou & Cheers for Better 2021 🍻

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