Been There Done That

in LeoFinance4 months ago

This afternoon I popped in at the warehouse just to check on things ad make sure we remain on track. I have a lot on my plate currently and cannot be baby sitting an operation that has been fine tuned. We have some big number orders that need to be completed before Friday 22nd as these have to be delivered nationally to the various retail outlets before the 27th.

Lets just say what I encountered was not what I had expected and only found 1 employee working on the orders. This should be flat out production time with no time to spare, but some bright spark thought it was best to use the staff elsewhere. Yes they were waiting for more river sand, but the material could have been prepared in the mean time.

When confronted with the great idea I was told they can catch it up working this weekend. Unfortunately for them I can see straight through their conniving plan as I have seen this all before. The great plan for themselves is to earn overtime which ultimately eats into my profits. The weekend is 1.5 x salary for Saturday and double pay on Sunday.

In the past I have dealt with a go slow, sabotage and a mini strike all around trying to earn more for doing less. I know the games staff play and why my numbers are genuinely fair not expecting crazy amounts. I would never ask anyone to do more than what I can produce and use myself as the benchmark which I think is more than fair. A container takes x amount of time to off load because I have personally done this many times so I knew if staff were not working how they should be. Same applies to the punching bags and have spent a Saturday on my own timing each sized bag, which is not fun, but it was a necessity to know.

I do not blame my family for falling for this story and explained to them why it is such a terrible idea. They will learn, but in the mean time need to crack the whip and get these orders completed during working hours.

Thankfully I have 4 tons of stuffing arriving tomorrow that will be faster to fill the bags than the current material. The long awaited and overdue filler which is 10 tons will hopefully arrive this week or early next week. I will follow up tomorrow as only yesterday they asked for a delivery address. They must be close because they mentioned when the order is ready to go they will ask for delivery details.

This was why I wanted this special material because of the time it saved with no compressing required. I have already calculated a daily average that needs to be achieved and sadly for their overtime plan it will not be required. We will see how this week and next week transpires and if needs be maybe an evening of overtime will be required which is far cheaper than an entire weekend.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What a very consistent guy. I've seen you since 2020 and you're still kicking it! Yo da man. Aren't you interested of creating somewhat similar with Sportstalk? We can talk and I can help.

Yes we could do something because it is no good as it stands now. I do think a new sports community is required.

I'd love to help you draft things out! I will try to communicate with you next week and let you know my draft.