Today is the 5 year birthday for HIVE after we hard forked and left the old chain behind. At the time I had mixed feelings as I had no idea what the outcome or future looked like. When you only know one thing any change is hard to comprehend yet it turned out to be the best decision ever.
I have been on HIVE now for 7 (5 HIVE+2 Old chain) years and one week and over that time hundreds of thousands have people have joined and left. Those that stuck around in my batch of 2018 I could probably name most of them as we kind of know who we are and I am talking about those users that stayed active and not the once a monthers who pop in every now and then. If you want to grow you need to remain active as how can you grow your support if you are never here? HIVE is a social/community blockchain so you tend to find other users who started out at the same time period as you as you have more in common with each other experiencing the same difficulties.
Biggest Financial Mistake Ever
The thing I struggle with is why would anyone give up on such an opportunity once you have already signed up and started. This is possibly their biggest financial mistake of their lives and they have no idea how big a mistake this is going to be.
Crypto is going to become main stream at some point in the future as blockchain technology is the future and is already a given when it comes to where everything is heading. One would have to be an absolute muppet to give up especially on something you are considered an early adopter. Being involved early on gives you a massive advantage that only happens a very few times in you lifetime.
7 years may seem like a long time for many to be building for the future, but is nothing in comparison compared to what this could potentially unlock financially. Those skeptics may say that in my case the HIVE account value is slightly under $40K so this is only worth $5.5K per annum when averaged out not taken into account the crypto cycle and the same $40K could be worth $500K in 6 months from now. Suddenly the 7 years is now worth $70K per year and would catch everyone's attention. Good thigs come to those that wait and quite honestly I am happy to wait for however long this all takes.
I agree HIVE is not the easiest place to learn and get your head around how this all works, but given the time to understand you soon realise this is a massive opportunity.
In March 2018 I was account number 828 518 and now there are 2 562 333 registered accounts telling us more than 1.7 million new accounts registered after March 2018. I guess many of these users will one day make their way back here and have another crack once they realise what they have missed out on.
Those that stuck around in the batch of 2018 depending on how active they have been and how much they have accumulated will or should be better off financially at some point. Just because you are active does not necessarily mean you have loads of HIVE Power because you may have powered down and cashed out. Life can hand us curved balls and HIVE being real is also a life line when dealing with financial difficulties.
On a positive note HIVE is an addictive fun game than turns you into a token hoarder of sorts because he stake is wat generates more stake. In my case because the first few years were so difficult every token earned is as precious today as the first one ever earned. The account becomes personal in many ways and tells a story revealing what type of person you are.
Posted Using INLEO
I am here to stay and I am kind of hoping HIVE doesn't become mainstream in this Bitcoin cycle so that I have time to accumulate until the next Bitcoin bull market comes around in the next 5-6 years... I am less than a year on Hive if we count real time, not when my Hive account was created by Splinterlands :)
Who knows how long, but I don't see another cycle before it happens and expect this to happen during the next cycle. An HBD debt card and a few other things will not go under the radar. You have a head start so you should be happy which is actually a big deal.
Crazy and impressive to think we have been forging forward for this long!
Yes it really is impressive and why staying consistent is that hard as this is over many years. If you were in prison this would be easy, but we lead normal lives.
Haha, yeah I am pretty lucky that I sit at a computer all day. It allows me the freedom to commit to HIVE.
hope to see double the amazingness in the next 5 years~
Crypto’s future is bright
and HIVE is a great opportunity for those who stick around. 🚀