Having A Long To Do List


I have to admit I have never been a fan of to do lists and only recently started using them. The problem is you do tend to forget especially when you have lots going on and a list helps you stay on track and focused.

These days I am making up for lost time and revenue during the Covid lock downs which did knock me and at the same time woke me up. I realised I must never be in such a vulnerable position ever again and I needed to diversify and not have all my eggs in one basket. This is easier said than done as first you need to identify the opportunities and more importantly carefully select them.

Since returning from the UK and Algarve I have a few projects under way and in order for the Algarve move to happen certain things need to happen. Mainly a new business starting from scratch which is already slowly taking shape. This is not being done entirely on my own and have two other partners who are involved.

This weekend I have given them the task of compiling costing lists which I cannot do myself as I do not know the products like they do and is their specialist fields of expertise. Thy have no idea they are each doing the same job and this is a kind of test, but more importantly I need accurate costings as this is what the business foundation relies on.

I already have a meeting set up next week with the supplier of the products we need and need the prices so I can start the negotiations of improving the pricing. This is what I am good at and always believe there is a better deal to be had. The supplier had no idea what we are planning and gave them a brief idea which is why they have called me in. My 2 partners know about the meeting and they are not invited as I want no speaking out of turn and no cock ups and one needs to be able to read the situation which I am not confident they can. This business has been in the planning for 18 months and is not something that was just thought up. I kept everyone in the dark as I needed to see how they all being my partners worked together.

The target for this business going live is April this year and I am confident this can be achieved within the next 6-8 weeks. This is a big learning curve on my part which involves a product I know, but I also need to learn with the aim of being a specialist in this field. There are courses that I will attend and even if I pick up half the information each time I will slowly get there.

The other project I am busy with is the reverse engineering of the mobility cushion which I have not started to break down as yet. I know what is inside and have been trying to find a rotating disc which I have had no luck as yet. Overseas yes I can find what I need, but I may have to get these made locally which will come at a cost as I will require a tool and die maker. I am not scared to go this route as I already have the vision of what I want to create and the quality and durability are key to this product.

The product I am reverse engineering I would rate as a 3/10 and is severely lacking on all fronts. This item is being sold for 35 GBP and guaranteed the factory is making these for under 5 GBP. The aim is to make this myself for under 10 GBP with the slight difference on quality and durability so there are no returns.

I will be visiting manufacturers next week and we will go from there which route has to be taken. Again the time line for this item is roughly 3 months which I believe is achievable and more importantly realistic. This project is actually a fun one and I know I will enjoy doing this so this is not really considered work.

The packaging business is not on hold and is still moving forward with my sales people in place and I also need to make time for them next week. I need to do costings for them which I may actually do this weekend as I may run out of time next week. The punch bags are fine as I have ordered all the materials required and I think we have everything we need for the next month as that was delivered today. You just cannot afford to drop the ball as that costs time and money.

There are so many challenges that lie ahead to get these projects up and running and all one can do is tick items off one by one. I think I will enjoy sharing the progress on here as I hope it motivates someone to do something similar.

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I use Google Keep for all of my To do lists.

Lol. I am old school and have a pen and paper which I keep in my pocket. I am rarely at a desk and spend more time on the floor or in the car between places.