Today I got caught up in a post by another user who feels stake holds too much importance and influence and Hive should change the way it works. It is kind of not fair that users who don't have stake don't have the same earning opportunity as those that do. is point was more aligned with engagement and being rewarded but if users have no stake to reward users then there is no point. Kind of a bizarre idea if you ask me as all crypto is about staking and could not be more important than on a place like Hive.
The Hive reward pool remains the same size whether we have 10k active users or 1 million active users. Let that sink in if you hold very little stake and why growing every day is hugely important.
When you are passionate about something you tend to learn and understand more about that topic as it is in your best interest to know. Hive has so much going on, but it all boils back to stake being the important factor.
Hive is unique in many ways for what it offers and in the beginning we are all on the same level starting from 0. The same opportunity lies ahead for all of us yet there will be many different outcomes over the next few years due to users growing at different speeds and making different choices.
When I joined hive I had the fear of mass adoption driving me on with the thought I will be left behind. Having found Hive the idea that the floodgates would open before I became established was my biggest driving force. Fast forward 5 years and that has still not happened, but could happen at any point within the next few years.
Everyone of us sees Hive differently which is normal human behavior but at the same time you have to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding. Powering down and cashing out on regular intervals is not helping yourself and only guarantees you will be left behind. This is not giving yourself the chance to succeed and the chances are this will be listed as another wasted opportunity. What a shame you were calling yourself an early adopter, but never adopted anything and squandered what I would call the best wealth changer in history known as Hive.
The scary part is some users have been on Hive for 5 years or longer and still have less than 2k Hive Power. Is that what you would call seizing the opportunity with both hands? Yes some use Hive to live on, but surely there must be some fear that that idea is not sustainable especially if you hold no stake.
We know Leofinance has a massive on boarding program running currently and I do think they will get it right surpassing their set targets. This is the first time someone is taking Hive out there and getting our message across in a professional way. I am sure others have tried in the past but this is on another level taking Hive to the masses. The scary part is according to Khal is the majority have never heard of Hive and we all knew this was the problem.
The problem with the old users having a small stake is where do they now stand when we double or triple the size of the community. This is when people who are not seen to be offering value get left behind and the community will support those that actually want to grow. I know this is only highlighting the obvious and why growling your stake is the most crucial part of being on Hive.
Let me rewind back to my first 6 months on Hive when it was a different type of scenario but one I noticed. At the time we had thousands of accounts plundering the reward pool and cashing out taking advantage of the back end of the Bull cycle. We had vote bots back then which helped boost your earnings so it was possible to pay in and make more as a return. It took me 6 months of dedicated work each day before I was noticed by being different. The actions of powering up and growing daily even though it was very small showed I was here to grow and not milk. This highlighted how the community was thinking and you cannot blame them for this approach and after that period I started to grow at a faster rate receiving support.
Lets see what happens over the next 6-12 months as I do believe those that have had the opportunity to increase their stake and haven't are in big trouble going forward. Again this is only highlighting the obvious and should be no shock to those that have stake. Stake is the most important part of Hive and everyone should be striving for more as quickly as possible due to the possibility of the Hive growth as we knowing it shrinking as our user base increases.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
¿HOW? ...would you mind to elaborate?
With more direct marketing which leofinance did highlighting the need for this over the last few days in Las Vegas.
Do you mean the Breathe thing?
If so, well, I hope they caught and attracted the attention of new people, true investors and more outsiders with real capital and not just the same usual suspects of HiveFest who then take it upon themselves to scare and chase them all away from the ecosystem because they do not conform to their rules, guidelines, whims and airs of grandeur.
No from what I have heard and read they had people asking what Hive is who have never heard if it and signed up more than 300 people with some large community leads. I agree with you we need to attract all types and keep them.
Well, then I hope that has really been the case. And above all, that we are able to retain them all on the platform in the long term.
Of course, to all types of people. But as I said before, above all, be able to keep them happy by creating content & communities, developing dApps and investing time & capital in the platform, which is where we have the highest rate of deficiencies.
The words that relate to me "different ....not to milk" two things Im focus, I dont write about crypto and my goal is long term, my question but not something that discourage me is how long would it take for my account to be notice, I can already see the progress but you sometimes you want quicker results, its basically textually written that it takes time for others to notice the effort that you are been here every day until it hits, lets see what happen in a year from now with my account ✌️

It does take time and like I said it took me 6 months in an environment everyone was watching what new users were doing. Up till that point my growth was minimal even though there was plenty of effort and time involved. I felt I was having to prove myself and it turned out I was correct in my assumptions as I asked a few users who I got to know who confirmed this. You will grow just stay consistent and you will find support.
I feel like this really only impacts people who are constantly milking the rewards and moving them out to fiat. Putting money into your stake shows that you are committed to the blockchain.
Yes growing at a consistent rate showing commitment and not like we have seen with some users in the past. I felt bad for the communities/tribes who have been hit hard with no one caring and more about taking what they have made and selling being the priority.
Even Jesus said "the poor you will always have with you". It's not a curse, but it's a matter of decision.
Sometimes, I come across some account which states joined 2017, and I will see a HP of 1K or even less. Then I ask myself, what have this person being doing on this platform ?.
One thing I have come to realize is that having a second chance can be very difficult, especially in a platform like hive or any other finance related matters.
The failure to realize that there might not be a second chance makes us take things for granted, without handling it with proper care.
Well, let those who have stake enjoy their reward. It was their hard work for labour. The idea of giving those with less stake and those with large stake same opportunity is not acceptable by me.
Even if my stake is little, I just wrote what I think is right. Let's call a spade a spade.
Yes this is true and unfortunately the poor will remain poor unless they change things in their life. Hive offers this get out of the "poor club" yet they don't see it and will realise far too late.
Effort must be rewarded. It's the human condition and why we're here. After all. I mean, yes, I'm here for the community engagement and I'm blown away every day by how supportive everyone is. Even the big fish like you. Ultimately, we all need something to work towards and then be rewarded accordingly. Otherwise what incentive would we have to engage and create valuable original and meaningful content? This platform wasn't created to hand out participation trophies to people who don't want to make the effort but feel entitled to the rewards. That just sounds unsustainable
It is unsustainable and why it cannot happen. Rewards are earned over time as your following grows.
Of course it is such a platform and we will see that within the next time it will have a lot of users and the whole world will use it, because of the market right now people are not using it because the prices are too high right now. There are few but as soon as the market starts going up we will see a lot of new users coming on top of it.
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