
Racism is not the problem to the dying economy they are facing.

You don't get it and understand this subject with the consequences it has created leaving people unemployed and in this case millions unemployed so I guess lets leave this now.

They caused the unemployment. The banks and the government. And the people fell for it hook line and sinker. The people also don't have to work with or do business with racist companies and institutions either.

New ones will take their place. Things will change for the better for a while once they do. And things will be ok for a while. Untill the masses figure out that their economic slaves, expect more of the same rinse wash and repeat.

You may think you are so smart, but you keep missing the point and are so far off it is scary. The companies are not racist, but due to racist policies have had to close down. I am done with this good night and please do not comment on my posts unless you understand the subject matter.

The companies are not racist,

The companies are comprised of individuals. Individuals who are racist are running it. The non racist doesn't have to do business with them.

They brought this issue to themselves when they decided to exclude everyone but their own echo chambered collective.

Also your more than welcome to mute me as the comments section is public space. My comments are a mere extension of my own property which is my account.thank you very much. I'll comment as I please.

Again you are wrong on this point as they ae being told who to hire and for doing this are graded which allows them to compete for government contracts. Companies have had enough and are closing down and leaving. These are not being replaced either.

Not being replaced, yet.

Being told by who specifically?
The CEO? The private investors who hold the majority of the stocks?