Many are going to be caught out and they should have seen this coming along way off. I don't understand society in general when they think it is ok to live on credit. If you want a decent car the best time will be in about 3-6 months time most likely as repos will be off the charts and they wont be able to give them away. I read somewhere that the big downturn is next year for Europe being 2024 so if they are struggling now imagine in 12 months time.
I am going to keep an eye out for a new car, just in case something comes up :)
I did a project for a friend who owns a dealership a few years back and you only should look to buy in the two weeks that cover the middle of the month. There was around a 15% difference in prices. The price should reflect 50-60% of retail which also should include warranty and service plans. The bank repos are the ones to go for and you should have plenty of choices.
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