Over the last couple of years with my business I had felt as though I had gone through a title fight knowing the odds were stacked against you. What was disappointing was there was nothing that could be done to influence the outcome. Lockdowns were bad enough but then load shedding hit for an extended period and could not guarantee production anymore. That is all in the past having closed the business 6 months ago and now is the time to look forward for what is next.
The last week has been rather crazy having been offered a lifeline in the form of a ready made business which I gladly accepted. This will not be an electricity hungry business like the last one and if required can use a generator which I have a spare one sitting in my garage. I need two possibly three seamstresses so 3 industrial sewing machines tops to do the bulk of the work so the outlay is minimal. The business I am replacing had been using a screen printer and have been looking at alternatives as I am looking at raising the quality of the product.
Getting Out The House
Up till now I hadn't realised how down I had been and must have been in a low for the last few years. With this new business I feel energised again and has boosted the confidence levels. I have one eye on taking this business model overseas and why making it the best business possible by setting it up correctly matters so much.
After doing the costings it soon became apparent the profitability levels are far greater than I first expected. Throw in a low start up cost this is an ideal business and know I can improve not only improve the overall quality, but also reduce the manufacturing costs at the same time.
Having worked a production line for many years this will need fine tuning and I am seriously looking forward to the challenge. When you know what is possible the task does become easier and why I am looking ahead more so by being able to improve the product and quality. You cannot buy experience and knowledge which I have heaps of from previous pressure cooker environments which were not exactly fun to be part of, but taught me so much. You only realise how much you grew as a person after the event even though you were cursing whilst doing it. Everything afterwards just seems so simple due to having been taken to a zone that was involving numbers that seemed impossible to achieve and succeeded.
The numbers this time around are in the thousands and not tens of thousands so employing the right people is the only tricky part now. This will need to be up and running within weeks and not months so it is going to be a crazy few months lading up till Christmas. The idea of working again and forming a team working with people just seems weird and exciting as this was 3 years ago since I have thought like this. Working from home is not what it is made out to be and seriously sucks for any length of time. This gave me an insight into retirement and it is not what it is made out to be.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Sorry about that
I'm sure you will be fine
Love the way you're always up for a challenge.
I hope the new business is ready for your energy and I certainly pray you find the right people to hire
Time is the only thing that helps a person to forget all the sorrows of life and a person starts his life again.
Doing job is good for mental peace.
You are right as time is a healer and now it is time to try and catch up for lost time.