Tribes like @leofinance played a huge role in how Hive has changed and developed for everyone over the last 2 years. Thinking back this is not the same place when we had the last bull run, not even remotely close.
Hive is up over 300% in the last 3 months and this is something by being here every day we don't really notice. 16 c and now over 50 c is great but to attract new or returning users we need $ signs as they were bailing and leaving us when it was still over $2 the last time out. I would argue we need new users as returning users never stick around and just bail.
Crazy as the lower the Hive price is the more Hive you actually earn so this makes no sense. Reminds us of people buying Bitcoin when it is close to $60 000 when they should be buying at the bottom.
I do believe the fun part of any project is the journey that it takes you on as change through development is never boring. The beauty about being on Hive is being involved with the various tribes as that is where the biggest changes have happened over the last few years.
They were not around when the last bull run was happening and I am curious to see the impact this will have on old users returning thinking they can milk the system once again like they did previously. I do believe with the changes that have taken place this will not be so easy. The development we have witnessed will make it so different as this place is not the same place it once was. Maybe returning users will actually stay after this bull run as what is there not to like here.
The bid bots have long gone and where a majority of them used to score the extras. If you are not a team player being apart of a community you are some what on the out and finding support will not be so easy. Nothing is guaranteed on here and just turning up expecting to be rewarded very rarely happens.
There have just been too many changes and all for the better if you are prepared to stay and build your account whilst supporting others. The communities having their own curation teams plays a massive role as not like before the feed is now simplified so bad actors cannot get away with tricks thy once did before.
At some point we will be flooded with new users and that is what we always wanted as Hive being successful means the tribes are all doing well. I have been curious as how many splinterlands accounts that were created have investigated further what they really have available to them. Even if 10% investigated and tried out Hive/tribes we would see a big difference immediately.
Whatever happens over the next 6 months it will just add to the journey we have all been on already and will be interesting to watch.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Big things in store for this place, no doubt about it. May take six months or six years but it will happen
I have a feeling that we are in the right place and time is the only unknown factor. Making and earning more Hive before the boom time happens will be the fun part.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hive is doing well and Bitcoin is doing well.Hive is increasing and Bitcoin is increasing too.the increase in Hive show's that leo finance are doing well too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I understand your post,noted that is the messure reasons why I need to vote you, Thanks
There no mistake been here,growth is all i see.