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RE: Hardware Wallet: First Use!

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I always, and I mean always make test transactions now after screwing up one and losing a bit of crypto to the abyss because of something not entered correctly. It wasn't a large sum but it still sucked!

OMG! I know how that feels. Hard lesson to learn for me, too. I just tell myself, 'at least I learned that lesson early on', to make me feel better.

I'm getting myself a hard wallet for Christmas this year, so it's nice to read about stories like this.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah the lesson is a tough one for sure but these types of things are the best way we can learn lol.

Some have feelings about particular wallets versus others but I am not at the point where I can really say much about mine other than the ledger nano S is nice but the device doesn’t have a lot of storage on it. I tried to load like 8 wallet addresses on it but it didn’t have enough space. Not a huge issue for me but in the future it will outgrow its usefulness and I’ll need to get another one if more coins get added. Just food for thought!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I own a Ledger Nano S too ( since a year or three ) and it's true that there's little storage space on it. You can install more than 5 coins on it though. It's just a matter of deleting one, then installing a new one and then deleting another and re-installing one you need to transact with ( at a later time ) and so on and so forth. It's kind of a hassle but possible. I plan to get myself a Nano Ledger X soonish to not have to deal with this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta