After the collapse of the platform linked to Terra form labs, no opinions have been found that extensively complement the recognition of the situation. Terra CEO Do Kwon issued summary opinions, but, this time, we would have a "detailed" narrative. The first extended interview of the event will be published, whose 90-second clip has given the market something to talk about.
Post Market Bear Wave Opinion
The incident that occurred in the surroundings of Terra form labs contributed to the formation of an environment of indecision that enveloped the market. Confidence was reduced by keeping in mind the vulnerability shown by the network, while some "irregularities" would have damaged the infrastructure and generated an asset leak.
This event was added to the list of factors that influenced the price drop of cryptocurrencies, as 2022 progressed.
Although several months have passed since the crash of Terra, including the UST stablecoin, was recorded, there is not “much information” coming from the developers. In particular, the CEO of Terra has not issued as many opinions on the matter, showing a "limited" position.
Traders have been awaiting Do Kwon's pronouncements as little data has been found so far. However, the comments made by him have reflected an "optimistic" view of what happened. Do Kwon has mentioned that the project is not a scam, and that, on the contrary, he went through an unlucky situation.
Terra challenge
Recently, the public was shown a kind of clipping of an interview with the CEO of Terra, which would be presented in full soon. Said interview is called Inside Crypto's Largest Collapse, and in it, the representative of the LUNA token would express, among other things, that its ecosystem is facing a "pressure" scenario.
The crypto market would be eagerly awaiting host Zack Guzman's interview as it would be Do Kwon's first extensive content after the incident. For now, the feeling of those waiting for the audiovisual material is mixed. There is no clear definition of what data could be found.
Meanwhile, doubts are those who dominate public opinion. The future of Terra and LUNA is not certain. Definitely, it will be necessary to observe his words in detail, looking for a concrete and formidable opinion, in the midst of the bearish wave of the market.
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