Ransomware: You Make Crypto Look Bad

in LeoFinance4 years ago


One of the most controversial and one of the most talked subjects in crypto is Ransomware, this is a type of virus sent by email or downloaded from the internet that once started it will encrypt your entire hard drive content and then the attackers ask for a Ransom normally in BTC.

This type of attack makes companied pay for the decryption key because they don't want to lose all their data, making this attack very effective for the attackers.

What I don't understand is why this type of attacks are always used against crypto and are always news everywhere. The reality is that it makes crypto look bad but people need to understand that this isn't what crypto is for. The good crypto does to the world should also be news but they aren't and you need to be really close to crypto to know such good projects. One I love and is very active on Reddit is "Crypto for the Homeless", you can search for it on Reddit, they are a group of people that accept donations in many cryptocurrencies, this donations are used to buy food for homeless people. Why isn't this type of project news everywhere? This type of program is helping hundreds of people.

I guess the bad news are the voice of the anti crypto system and they feed on it.

Lets start promoting this projects, they are what makes crypto great.

Best Regards,


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