Shilling Coins

in LeoFinance4 years ago


In this days we hear much about shilling coins, everyone wants their newly buyed coins to be known. Everyone is shilling right now.

Is shilling bad?

Yes, it can be bad, the majority of the shilling is about what we call sh*tcoins, I mean coins that are almost for sure a scam to rip off people. If you are doing this please stop, nobody here wants to gain for the losses of others, we are all in the same page and all of us need to win in this "game".

Can shilling be done with good intentions?

Yes, it can, sometimes people just really believe in a project and want others to find out more about it or they want the good for everyone because they really believe the potential.

Lets try to put a filter here, shilling is not always about trying to profit, sometimes it's to inform people, and what's best for a community to grow and the crypto world to grow? It's talking and exposing ideas about coins, bad or good, this way every good blockchain can evolve and be better in the future.

Don't hate on all the shillers, there are some that really want to help other people and just explain the advantages of a project. Not everything is black and white remember. We can't be mad about a person who is only trying to give his/her best to spread the word about cryptocurrencies. In the end these good shillers are only doing a job for the crypto world and asking nothing much in return.

Best Regards,


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