One thing i know about Fed is planned inflation- another unplanned one
it doesnt matter if its gold or silver
The fed printed more money because of the two world wars
that happened because physically it was required to have more money in circulation and to avoid two world war expenses. Those world wars were unplanned setbacks something that was unplanned.
Im having problem with today;s planned wars which are unnecessary
Look USA is doing everything to stay the world hegemon and they are literally cheating. The dollar was chosen to be the world's currency because all countries in WW2 decided to place their gold in USA for safekeeping so it was practical
today however- the world is kept in check by force to still use the dollar although in all honesty nobody really has intrests in doing so instead of US.
US has 30 trillions of public debt and keeps printing more banknotes and something is gonna give sonner or later
just last year the treasury printed 50% of all banknotes that are in circulation.
to get out of crisis and yet US accuses China of manipulating its currency while Us has been doing it since 1971 😄
There is no REAL value about the US dollar. What the FED says its value is- and everyone goes along pretending everything is fine. Its literally on "trust me thats its worth"
every other world currency is based on the US dollar which is also crazy and this is why so many countries suffer if there is a crisis in US and this is why everyone helps uS stay afloat because they will be sinking also if they dont help
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