

Hive has its own decentralized exchange?

I also saw leodex whiles searching through the menu

Leodex is cool. That will be my plan to go on and off chain in the future.

Tribaldex offers a fast service too

soon LeoDex will be the #1 path

I would say LeoDEX but if that's down too, I would have to ask ChatGPT because I'm clueless at that point

This is a very good question because I haven't done exchanges for a while. I was planning on Leo Dex but I had difficulties understanding so much. I barely know most of the exchanges on Hive too 🤔

Leodex or tribaldex

simpleswap is a good option

Tribaldex offers fast service too

leodex again and again

You mean Hive-engine or hivedex? Are they different from one another?