
No Loss Lottery

Critical thinking
Understanding probability
Savings versus gambling
#nolosslottery #critical-thinking #shortsegments

No Loss Lottery

-> use Google random number generator to pick the winner
-> screen shot the Google number generator and the ledger
-> the process is transparent.
-> Assign a number to each Leo sent to @nolosslottery #nolosslottery

No Loss Lottery

-> use Google random number generator to pick the winner
-> screen shot the Google number generator and the ledger
-> the process is transparent.
-> Assign a number to each Leo sent to @nolosslottery #nolosslottery

No Loss Lottery

-> use Google random number generator to pick the winner
-> screen shot the Google number generator and the ledger
-> the process is transparent.
-> Assign a number to each Leo sent to @nolosslottery #nolosslottery

No Loss Lottery

-> use Google random number generator to pick the winner
-> screen shot the Google number generator and the ledger
-> the process is transparent.
-> Assign a number to each Leo sent to @nolosslottery #nolosslottery