No job, no car, just blockchain. LOL

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

As some of you might know but many of you don't, I primarily rely on my crypto trading profits and NFT sales to earn a living out here in the Caribbean. Since I'm not able to get a regular job, it's not always easy to find ways to make sure to be able to afford necessities like rent, electricity, and all the other things that go along with life.


Like several other people these days, a lot of my life lately has been a battle to even make enough money to afford to eat. I obviously didn't properly prepare myself before traveling to a different country and getting stranded. I should have made better decisions and I am now paying for the lessons with a fair amount of stress! LOL

I have the feeling that no matter what I go through now, eventually, everything will work itself out and all the effort I have and will put into things will finally pay off. That's why I stay optimistic even when times are tough. After all, being upset when life is hard only makes things seem worse, if you are able to smile through it all then you will feel much better, regardless of the situation.

This is solid advice that I need to learn how to adapt to my life better because it's definitely not always easy for me to practice what I am preaching. A lot of times in the past I have let it get the best of me and I would spiral into depression which would only ever make things worse.

However, since I found Steemit back nearly 3 years ago, I've come to realize that there are plenty of ways of dealing with problems that are much healthier and blogging is definitely one of them, at least for me.

Even though it might not earn much, blogging actually brings in a decent stream of income if you stick with it and spread yourself out over multiple platforms. I haven't been blogging nearly enough lately but I intend to start, not only because I have bills that need paying but because I actually enjoy talking to many of you on here who decide to read my rants and respond.

The moral of the story is: Blogging might actually be an investment that could save people's lives. It has likely happened as I have even made the claim that Steemit saved mine, once upon a time. Blogging and blockchain have been two major blessings for me since 2018 and I honestly don't know what I would have done without them.

If anyone is interested in checking out some original NFTs I personally minted, here's the link to my Rarible


Thanks for your support!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am there with you. Income from here, small as it may be, has saved my arse many times, enabling me to pay part of my rent, or electric bill, or buy cat food or groceries or other things I needed. It's so stressful living so hand-to-mouth. I try to stay positive because it always works out somehow, but yeah - sometimes it overwhelms me, too.

This blockchain/community has truly been a blessing that I am continually thankful for. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome to the attention economy! Which sometimes has real cool perks. Did not know that you live only on crypto, which yes, can be sometimes real harsh!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It certainly is lol

Luckily, I am involved in some pretty cool communities (Hive/LEO) where people tend to be pretty supportive and helpful. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is for sure true! In some communities people hold together strongly and help eachother!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was initially attracted to STEEM because I realized how many anarchists were hanging out on here. MY PEOPLE! lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Blogging might actually be an investment that could save people's lives

It did save my life. I consider blogging to be one of the best time investments and the returns have been good. I blog full time and to be frank, I am better of than many of my pairs (financial) who work white-collar jobs. It's crazy but it is true and I am grateful for this unique opportunity

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's good to hear! There is much potential in this space, for the most part, there is something for everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Stay strong, and keep blogging friend! We'll be here to read your rants and send some upvotes for your work. Do you have an instagram for your NFT's? I would be happy to help promote your work through my insta..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you!

No, I don't. I should get a bit more professional with my art.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You'll look back at these times fondly later on in life

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With utmost certainty.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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