The CTT Podcast is hosted by @starkerz and @theycallmedan, co-founders of @threespeak. With special guests @brianoflondon, @taskmaster4450, and @blocktrades.
SPK Network YouTube Channel
DNS Media YouTube Channel
The rewards from these posts are split among:
@bil.prag - He helps us make shorts on the account and the YouTube Channel.
@enrique89 - Marketing and design.
And @eddiespino - Eddie helps download all the episodes from Twitter space, gather all the important links, and post the episodes to 3Speak.
SPK Network LinkTree
3Speak LinkTree
▶️ 3Speak
Meat of the discussion starts around 16 min, 30 seconds in
Please note that the echo dies down after about 7 minutes
Great video! Very motivating! I wonder if my friends on Facebook will understand it.