Awesome! Thanks for the trust.
I wish to lease a min of 1000 HP to a max of 10,000 HP, you may decide on the final HP you are willing to delegate.
I will pay 0.28 Hive for every 1000 HP through Keychain's Recurrent Transfer.
I agree to lease your HP for a minimum of 4 weeks.
Once you delegate your HP our initiate the Recurrent transfer within 24 hours. The occurrence of transfer will happen every 24 hours as well.
Great, I just delegated 10K to you!
Coool! The Recurrent Transfer was initiated. The occurrence is at least 4 weeks. Thanks man!
@stayoutoftherz If you still had HP left over I'd be willing to lease from you at 8% if you were interested. I'd be looking for a max of 50,000 HP for 11 hive a day for 12 weeks. Or 25,000 for 5.5 hive a day for 12 weeks.
Thanks, but 8% is too little. 10% and we have a deal (min. 4 weeks).
Would you consider 9% , i.e. 50,000 for 12.35 hive per day
For how long?
12 weeks if it suits or longer.
Edit: and if you prefer only 4 weeks it's ok. But I presume the longer is better return for you
yes, OK, 12 weeks, 9%, but only 10K if OK for you?