What does it mean for something to have "value," in a social media context? Where is the line between "adding value," and "filler, for its own sake?" #value #threads #social
With data being used for machine learning and advertising we can make the case that we are deaing with it all having value. Then we add in the #web3, we have tokenization.
So the value proposition is looking at being changed.
Big question.
Subjective, too. If I'm a random teen, seeing a bunch of inane updates from friends may have immense social value.
Business-wise, you usually need to develop an ROI model (few orgs do this well, apart from ecommerce).
With data being used for machine learning and advertising we can make the case that we are deaing with it all having value. Then we add in the #web3, we have tokenization.
So the value proposition is looking at being changed.