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RE: How High is Enough?

I guess our household is also "lower middle" in most senses of the word, except maybe for the fact that we own our house outright (no loans) and due to the insane property prices in the USA, we basically live in "a million-dollar house."

But it doesn't really mean anything, in the sense that this is our home, where we have been for 15 years and we don't really see it as a negotiable asset/investment.

Which brings the point I often contemplate: Wealth really IS a mindset, not a number.

Most people never pause to consider what "enough" looks like, they fixate only on the word "more."

Mostly, I'd like to see Hive thrive, from a crypto perspective. We often talk about "$X Hive" in dreamy tones... for us $10.00 Hive would likely mean the freedom to re-allocate our efforts differently... and very little else.



Most people never pause to consider what "enough" looks like, they fixate only on the word "more."

Exactly. As you said about reallocation, it is not just assets in the physical sense, but also in the psychological sense. Spend less time on what might not be seen as overly valuable to life experience.