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RE: The lack of incentive to do better

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Certainly some words to think about.

We really have created an economic system in which incentivization has become misplaced.

If we go back to the "Cure for Cancer" analogy, part of the problem is that if I and my team of researchers in fact DO invest the perfectly effective cure for cancer, we'll end up with a pat on the back and a $100,000 bonus each, while some pharmaceutical conglomerate collects 200 billion for turning it into pill form and selling it. What's more, those pills will likely cost 50 cents a pop to make on a large scale, but will be sold for $500 per dose because... "Do you want to pay $500... or be DEAD?"

The money then ends up not back with the researchers, not back into the general consumer economy, not back with the people working to make the pills safely and successfully, but instead tied up in this entirely passive thing called "investments."

I really like the incentivization of something like Hive/LeoFinance because it's a case of "when I provide something, I get something in return." Which is different from wanting something, but not wanting to give something for that.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Daily I misplace some amount of my income - but I am getting better slowly. If everyone slowly got better, things would change quickly as it compounds.

Which is different from wanting something, but not wanting to give something for that.

Perhaps it is part of the lie of "ask not what your country can do for you", where the "right thing" is expected to be done without reward. It is a losing game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta