
Heheh, I appreciate you leaving it open to others for atleast the next 12-16 hours so everyone gets a chance to see it and decide if they want the early bird shares or if they will wait till the beta test phase launch. If by the end of the day there is still straggler shares available I won't get too upset if someone like yourself snaps them up.

The build is going good for for sure, to that point where it's only the really small stuff and the really tricky stuff needs to be polished. Luckily with these shares serving to get a bit of capital backing in the project I'll maybe get lucky and find some junior devs or experienced mobile app devs to come in and give me a hand provided they have time and the budget supports their wages / work compensation. :)

The Mobile versioning needs attention badly, but out of fear of completely burning myself out with frustration trying to fix it up, it'll likely be cheaper stress, time and capital wise for me to bring in some talent from within the community to help get that stuff in a closer to production state.

I'm no damn prestigious GUI designer, I'm sure someone will be able to come in eventually and bring the thing up to looking like the cutting edge first of it's kind lending platform / web application because lord knows my time is better spent building the stuff people don't see on the server side and let someone who actually enjoys doing UI stuff come in.

Thanks for the show of support and the consideration for others, really appreciate that sort of stuff man. <3

Sweet, sounds like great plans! And I'll give it a few more hours to give people time and plan to buy a few more if they're still available. Cheers dude.