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RE: Financial Education #7: German Hyperinflation After WWI

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Don't forget these numbers are inflated. I've seen of incidents where someone die in an accident, test positive for COVID-19 and they get treated as COVID-19 deaths. @vimukthi made a great post comparing stats. In 2018 10 million got infected tuberculosis and 1.5 million died. That's 5-6 times current COVID-19 death rate. In some countries COVID-19 mortality rate is under 1% and 80% of those who die are senior citizens.

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I know mate. These details and things that don't quite make sense are becoming BS. I think the narrative now is that the 'virus will mutate' or some worse BS.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Viruses mutate all the time. For the younger demographics, death from COVID-19 is less likely than dying from a plane crash. It was all political/economic manipulation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True, it's just the fact that I have correctly predicted that they have come out with all this 'oh now there's a mutation so you have to go back in lockdown' nonsense.

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