My Worst Day on LeoFinance

in LeoFinance4 years ago

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Face it, we've all been there. You open up your browser, scroll through the headlines, and realize you just don't have it in you to do anything today. Maybe the markets are down and that depresses you. Maybe you look at a couple of the articles posted on Leo and realize you've got nothing to add. Maybe you click on the pencil to try and write a post and nothing comes out. There's nothing for you to add to the conversation. It's all been said already. Everyone is making money around you while you sit spinning your wheels. It can be very disheartening. You're in the doldrums and as "easy" as it should be to comment and vote on a few posts, you just can't get yourself to do it.

It truly is one of the hardest things about being successful on this platform. No matter where you look, you always, ALWAYS see someone doing better than you. They write better posts than you do. More creative, more pictures, better sentences, better ideas, etc. And, of course, they are getting better payouts as well. You see posts reaching $100 or more while you struggle to even get to 100 Leo, or 1000 Leo, whatever your goal happens to be. Meanwhile, your posts get pennies or a few dollars and it seems like it will take forever to create the stake you want to have. Your votes are worth pennies, at best, while they throw out votes in the dollars or even tens of dollars. All the while, the excitement keeps building in the platform and Leo/Cub/Hive keep going up making it even harder to get what you want.

Sound familiar? It should. Because, as I said, it doesn't matter who you are, there is ALWAYS someone ahead of you. Even the biggest accounts on here are looking "up" at someone wishing they could be there instead of where they are. It's human nature. I would even bet onealfa has a few people in mind out there he'd like to chase down at some point. Maybe not. But it wouldn't surprise me.


So what do you do? How do you get over the feeling of futility that can sometimes overwhelm our ability to act? I don't have a magic answer but I have a few suggestions and a few "tools" I use when I reach that point (which happens on a regular basis, by the way).

First, I repeat a couple of mantras to myself. One is to just "keep my head down and do the little things so that the big things can happen without even noticing." It is an often overlooked fact that people fear being too successful almost as much as they fair failure. Everyone has their own personal sense of "worth" and sometimes, if we start becoming too successful, we subconsciously put on the brakes.

It's like the temperature in a house. If it gets too cold (we're not doing as well as we feel we should be), we turn on the heat. But if it gets too hot (we're doing better than we feel we might deserve), we can also turn on the AC to cool us down. By just sticking to the game plan of doing the little things (curating, commenting, voting) we can keep taking little steps without feeling like we're getting too big for our own good. After all, making 3 cents on a vote or comment isn't going to make a difference, right? Over time, this allows us to create a new "comfort zone" where we aren't so afraid of our own success.


A second phrase I use that I'm sure you've probably heard before is, "Do now what most people won't, so that later I can do what most people can't." As I said, lots of people start fast and then fizzle out for whatever reason. The tortoise and the hare comes to mind. If you can keep doing the little things consistently, you WILL continue to grow and ultimately reach your goals. While other people are off doing other things, if I can just keep engaging consistently, I know I will get to where I'm going.

The last thing I do, and probably the most important, is I try to have, at a minimum, my "worst" day. My pastor at our church gave a sermon about his prayer habits. He wanted to be "better" at praying. So he came up with a plan that his worst day of prayer would be two minutes before he went to sleep. That way, when the same doldrums hit him, he would have something that he always knew he could accomplish, even when nothing else seemed to be going right.

Now obviously, the goal is to be much better than that, but if you know that on your "worst" day, you still will be accomplishing something and taking positive action, you can at least feel like you're not completely stuck in neutral. Mine is simply to make sure I keep my voting bar off of 100%. I also want to comment on at least two posts, but absolutely worst case, I go find 5-10 posts or even comments that I can upvote. It takes 5 minutes.


Very few of us have the mental fortitude to perform at a high level every single day. I know I don't. But if I can at least have my "worst" day every day, I will continue to make progress and the good days will be that much better.

What tricks do you use to get yourself going when you get "stuck"? Let me know in the comments below.

As always, if you like the content, please consider an upvote and comment. I will happily reciprocate.

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sound familiar?

Nope! Top of the pyramid! All peons will bow to me!


Writer's block is not fun! I always write down random ideas as they come to me throughout the day. I have a backlog of dozens of topics I could write about. Sometimes it's hard coming up with one on the spot so it's nice having a backup list.

It's also really easy to come up with something to write about if you read what everyone else is writing about on the generic crypto news circuit. I just spool through articles on the Crypto Market app on my phone and there's plenty of content there that can be rehashed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

More very good advice! Thank you for your thoughts. It looks like there are quite a few "frustrated" people out there responding to this so I'm very glad you chimed in with some good insight.

I get most of my ideas from curating other peoples' content. I keep a little notepad open on my desktop that I throw ideas into when they come to me. That's a really good idea about the "generic crypto news circuit" though. I haven't really delved into that too much because I tend to write myself into good ideas while commenting. lol I will definitely keep it in mind for the future though. Thanks again for responding. I appreciate it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Read how this all have started with Toruk

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! Very much appreciated! So do you have anyone out there you're chasing? lol You don't need to mention names. I was just curious. :-) Thanks again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No, I do not

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don't compare yourself to others, only compare your present self to your previous one.

Are you better today than you were yesterday?

This holds for our wallets. Is it growing? Forget the whales and the mega accounts. Focusing upon them will only drive one nuts.

I opt to just put my head down and do what I do. Getting content on chain is my goal. After that, the chips fall where they may.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what I try to do as well. Look back a day, a week, a month and see the progress being made. Forget about how it compares to others. Just compare it to your goals and keep adjusting. Thanks for the reply and good advice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You've already been given some great tips. I just wanted to add that I've been there as well. More than once during my 4+ years on the chain. However, I realized a very long time ago that comparing myself with others is the most dangerous and disheartening thing I could do. I started to compare my own results instead. It started out with comparing my results today with the results I get tomorrow, or the results I had yesterday..

That went on for a very long time, and even though I still do this to some extent, nowadays I produce content without thinking about the rewards at all, because truth is, that is when I don't expect anything at all and are satisfied with whatever I get. Expectations are often a double-edged sword. You expect more than you get and that leads to frustration or whatever, or you use the expectations as a motivator instead.

If or when it doesn't work like a motivator anymore, I would suggest trying to remove expectations in full, even though it might be difficult to do things without having any expectations at all.. But I'm sure that it will benefit you in the long haul.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great tips! Thanks for the advice. That's what I've been doing. I don't pay attention to any of the "rewards" on my comments. I'm more focused on trying to provide value to others. My vote isn't big by any means, but at least it's something. The posts I write on Leo I try to write with newbies in mind. There are a lot of people coming on board and I know how frustrating it can be to get started, so I want to let them know that what they're going through is "normal" and that they're not alone. I still have my days but, as I said in the article, I try to make sure my "worst" days are still moving in the right direction. Thank you for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much @dagger212 for the motivation. I get the feeling of worthlessness every now and then when my post doesn't get the rewards it deserves. But we need to understand that people who are getting rewards in hundreds of dollars have spent more time or have more skin in the game than you. Also, we need to trust our ability to perform better with time. It really helps as a creator, having patience. One day, they will find you and it will all be worth it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, it can be hard if you let the "noise" going on around you affect what you are doing. That's why I just try to keep my head down and do the little things. As task says in his comment, "do what I do" and let "the chips fall where they may." Seems to be working for him, right? lol Thanks for the comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha. Both of guys are an inspiration to me to do more. Slowly and gradually I will pick up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're doing great from what I can see. Just stay consistent and the results will consistently grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks @dagger212. Showing up every day is what I am following these days. 🥂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Stop comparing yourself to others!

Yes, follow your own path.

Great read.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I tend to compare my own earnings and make realistic goals based on it. However I am able to tell how much I can earn based on my past earnings. If I get a vote by a whale, I am grateful as it makes my goals much easier. But if I don't, it means I just got to try a little bit harder to write some more posts/comments.

I see my account growing by quite a bit every single month and I have seen that my consistency has definitely paid off. I am slowly growing bigger and that is what matters the most to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, the key is the consistency. That's why it's so important to have a "worst" day. If you can give yourself a very reachable goal to attain every day, you can keep your momentum even when you have other things in life pulling you away. Seeing your progress can be a very satisfying thing but it can also be frustrating at times if it doesn't seem to be happening as fast as you'd like. If you can take the focus off of results completely and instead focus on tiny steps, it allows you to keep moving forward even when you don't feel it happening. That's my take anyway. Thanks for the comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This sounds very familiar to me, and I think it's part of humans nature to have that feeling. We all have 'our worst days', and we all look up to others. What helps me is to remind myself that they also started somewhere ...

And what maybe will not work for someone else, does work for me. I look at my dogs, and when I see those faithful snouts looking at me I know what I'm fighting for. I want to be able to give them everything ... even though they don't ask anything else than just attention. And to look at them, and knowing what I want to give them, what I want to give my partner ... that helps me to continue my fight, and keeps me going on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another great tip! We all need to find our motivation somewhere; the reason we are putting in the time and effort we do. Whether, as you say, it's your dogs or your partner, or whether it's your family or even just wanting to retire from your day to day job, if we can realize why we're putting in the work, it can help us overcome those times when the effort just doesn't seem worth it.

Thank you for the advice and the reply! I hope when people get "stuck" they come back and read these comments. There are lots of good ideas for how to get and keep yourself moving in the right direction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great motivation post dear @dagger212

if I stuck in something like this, I can recommend to enjoy just a good !BEER and start writing about that moment, that cover of the bottle or can, that brewery with all the monks who do the beer or just the friend you want to share it with.

Even better, use the tag #BeerSaturday and add your work to the weekly post of this nearly 200 week running challenge to Win some Hive, BEER or LEO token.

After this, you might find the topic you want to write in the crypto scene on LeoFinance...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ha! Great advice! When in doubt, have a beer! I like it! I'll check out that challenge. I haven't seen it before so maybe it will do the trick. I appreciate the comment. Lots of great advice on this thread, most of it coming in the comments. :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, but keep in mind - one might be enough for the taste and the moment -

If you write about finance, please try to keep a clear mind!

It's hard to produce on daily basis without being repetitive. Few people can do that. It requires talent and most importantly free time.

Discuss about what you enjoy most and you'll start spiting words without even realizing it. Sometimes the topic of my next post comes from a comment someone dropped under a post of mine...and I just need to add more to it.

Other times something someone mentioned in a discord channel out of nowhere could be a very hot topic that nobody discussed it previously.
Even something you saw on the street this morning or someone's random reaction could lead to an exceptional read.

Just enjoy it and don't be after the money. Eventually money will flow

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

More good advice! Thank you! I totally agree with you on the ideas thing. I get 90% of my ideas from commenting on other peoples posts. I'm actually guilty of "wasting" good posts in the comments sections. lol I've actually joked about it before. Not that I care. It's fun to have something interesting to talk about. I appreciate the comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

motivation has been hard for me too...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, it can be a struggle. That's why I've come up with a "worst" day for myself. Even when it's a struggle to get motivated, I can still at least get online and vote for 5-10 people by reading a few posts. When I do that I find that making a few comments tends to happen as well so even though I'm not doing as much as I want to be doing, I'm still moving in the right direction. Define a "worst" day for yourself and keep at it. Thanks for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exactly it does not take much effort or brain power to get on read a couple articles. You don't always need to write. Curation is just as important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In my personal experience, commenting has been better for me than writing posts. Not being a financial expert kind of precludes me from writing quality content on the topic. Therefore; I spend more time consuming the content of others and learning.

Nonetheless; I have done well with LEO Finance. I too need not to compare my success with the success of others but be grateful for where I am in the scheme of things.

I wish you success and good fortune in all you set your hand to. Have a great Easter weekend!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for the kind words and good wishes. I totally agree that commenting is definitely the way to go. Especially at the beginning. You learn far more by reading others posts and comments on this platform than you can learn virtually anywhere else. Plus, as I said, most of my ideas for posts come from my comments on other peoples posts. And, it starts moving your account in the right direction.

As for "not being a financial expert" precluding you from writing "quality content", I disagree with that premise. I understand that you are not an expert, but that doesn't mean you don't have anything to add to the conversation. You have your own unique perspective on the world based on your experiences and the knowledge you've gained that brought you to where you are. That is completely unique to YOU. No one else can duplicate it because no one else has lived in your shoes. Use that as a POSITIVE rather than looking at it as a negative. Sure, maybe a lot of people won't understand your point of view or even agree with it. But that doesn't mean it's not valid and worth reading. The only way you'll find out is to try. Write something with low expectations and you might be surprised how people react. Or maybe not. And then you try a different approach.

Everyone on here has good posts and not so good. Some of what I thought were my best articles earned me like a dollar. Bad timing, unclear language, boring subject, who knows why they didn't get read. But, you just keep stepping to the plate and swinging the bat. Eventually you'll figure out what works for you.

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it. You have a happy Easter weekend as well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What wise words you have placed in your publication. I am grateful to be able to read you, because sometimes we look at things as if they are not going the way you want and that can limit us and hold us back. This week, I consider that I have been very productive but it seems that maybe I had too many expectations and the result in my wallet depresses me. I just have to follow your advice and for that I thank you. Let's get to work!

Que sabias palabras has colocado en tu publicacion. Estoy agradecido de poder leerte, porque a veces miramos las cosas como que no estan saliendo como quieres y eso nos puede limitar y frenar. Esta semana, considero que he sido muy productivo pero al parecer, quizas tenia muchas expectativas y el resultado en la billetera me deprime. Solo debo seguir tus consejos y por eso te lo agradezco. A trabajar!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed, some weeks it seems like no matter what we do, we're not really getting anywhere. And then the next week, we make a couple of short comments and posts and get a big reward. You never really know. The only thing you can control is your own effort. There are lots of people on here that provide living proof that if you put in the effort, you WILL see results. As many have stated in the comments, if comparing yourself to others gets you down, don't do it. The only thing that really matters is comparing yourself this week to where you were last week. If you have made progress then YOU HAVE MADE PROGRESS! Celebrate in your achievements, big or small as they may be. Every day can be a day closer to your goals if you put in the effort. Thank you for your reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you my friend for your words, they are an inspiration for me, best wishes for continued success.

Burnout is a real thing, breaks are ok to take honestly. It's just about finding that spark of motivation and then acting on it immediately. Looking forward to reading some of your sparks soon as I am sure they will be on the way soon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I appreciate the words of encouragement. It IS okay to rest and recharge occasionally. I just find it can be a lot harder to "re-start" if you step away completely. One day becomes three and three becomes a week and next thing you know a month goes by with no progress. That's why I've defined my "worst" day. It's something easy I can do with little to no effort that still allows me to progress. I find that just reading a couple posts can often be enough to help me make some comments and vote and my "worst" days end up being better than I expected.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's like the temperature in a house. If it gets too cold (we're not doing as well as we feel we should be), we turn on the heat. But if it gets too hot (we're doing better than we feel we might deserve), we can also turn on the AC to cool us down. By just sticking to the game plan of doing the little things (curating, commenting, voting) we can keep taking little steps without feeling like we're getting too big for our own good. After all, making 3 cents on a vote or comment isn't going to make a difference, right? Over time, this allows us to create a new "comfort zone" where we aren't so afraid of our own success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's very true. Lots of people sabotage their own success without even realizing it. If you focus on the process and not the results you can break through some of those limits we place on ourselves without even realizing it. By just doing those little things that don't seem that important by themselves, we can look back over a period of time and see how far we've come. Thanks for the reply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

do the little things so that the big things can happen without even noticing

Thanks so much on this one. just drive me to interact more and on here. And yes sometimes hard to see that anyone seems to get a good reward always and always while we are continue struggling even to reach just $1.
but nevertheless, it has been always better then spending time out there on facebook, while mostly you only got "heartless' like.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the right attitude. Even your worst day here is still better than a great day on Facebook. :-) If you can stay consistent with curating the posting will come and so will the growth. Keep at it. Thank you for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thanks so much. It felt so great to see my very first curation reward on leo. After keep on accumulating and powering up for my curation account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot @ dagger212 for the motivation. I can see that my consistency has definitely paid off. I am gradually getting bigger, and this is the most important thing for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the goal. Keep doing the little things on a consistent basis and the numbers will start to add up. Hive and Leo are great for the simple fact that "effort" is rewarded. You may or may not be "good" at something. But if you keep working at it, you WILL get better and your account WILL grow. Keep at it. Thanks for the reply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When I get really stuck I try to comment and vote on some posts, as that helps me a lot to be able to find some good idea.

Also when I have absolutely nothing that is flowing, I better stop being in front of the computer and try to rest a little bit, sometimes I'm stuck because I haven't been able to sleep well and the stress makes the good ideas go away.

And with regards to the fact that there will be someone better than me, yes, that is true, because as in everything there are always those who have privileges, here in leofinance you can see how there are 20 users who are always trending and always have high votes, and sometimes it is extremely ridiculous what they say but they still have a high and constant vote.

At first I was angry and considered it unfair, but after analyzing very well I realized that they are investors or people who help build the platform, they are also users who supported this project from the beginning and have built a good reputation.

So my goal is to try to do the same without looking at anyone, and be focused on what I can do myself, that many things I have to improve.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really good thoughts here. I'm with you. Commenting and voting are what I go to when I've got nothing to write. I can always do that. That is why I try to make it my "worst" day. Vote down my voting power so at least I'm getting something for that day.

As for the "trending" posters, for the most part, all of them have earned their way to those rewards. I'm sure almost every single one of them has had countless posts that didn't get rewarded as well as they deserved. These are just the makeups. :-) If we put in the time and effort like they have, I'm sure we'll get there too. We may even be more rewarded by that point since hopefully there will be thousands more voters on here by then.

Really good advice though at the end there. Focus on what "I can do myself". You can only control what you do. The rest you can't worry about because it won't do any good.

Thank you for the reply! I appreciate you adding to the list of things new and frustrated users can use to help them stay engaged.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have to look at yourself and to your progress
but targets and increase them day by day
month by month

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Totally agree. Keep your goals in front of you and chart your progress making adjustments as you go. Thank you for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This came in handy. I kind of lost my deserve to post regularly and there are several reasons for that. Also, my enthusiasm towards a lot of things has been a bit low. I haven't been operating on that optimal level I am used to, however, I have tried to stay as consistent as possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, you just have to power through it. As long as you can keep moving forward, even if it's only a few comments or upvotes every day, you'll still keep moving in the right direction until you regain your enthusiasm. Sometimes all it takes is a couple good comments and all of a sudden you'll think of something good to post about. It's all a process. But if you stop completely, so does the progress. Make sure you make your "worst" day still something positive. Thanks for the comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One thing I like to think about is all those people who spent hours crafting a post..... for Facebook.

Mediocre or great, all these millions of people don't get any reward for their effort and time.

So even your (or my!) off-day is bound to be more rewarding when you do choose to post here :).

But one thing I personally struggle with is focus: I'd like to post and write and develop everything at the same time. All that diluted FOMO-effort is giving me a huge amount of waste unfortunately, so I really struggle to focus on one thing at the expense of the others. Perhaps there are others that know how to do that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My suggestion is to decide which ones are most important to you. When it comes to lack of focus or spreading your focus too thin, I find that that's where you need to sit down and redefine your goals. Say you want Hive, Leo, Cub, Sports, Cine, and List. You need to define goals for each of them (how much) and then prioritize which one(s) you want first. Once you have a definite target in mind you can put a plan in place to achieve it. For example, you could spend four days a week on Leo/Cub and one day each on Sports, Cine, and List. Or you could even break it up into hours. 10 comments on Leo/Cub, 3 on Sports, Cine, and List. Whatever you decide is most important at the time. Or you could skip one or more altogether and just focus on reaching one goal before moving on to the next. Focus is about goals. Set specific goals and you'll be able to set a specific plan to achieve that goal. Hope that helps. Thank you for the reply! Keep at it. It's a process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally understand, I'm still struggling to earn my first 500 LEO, but I've learned not to compare, and time is better spent focusing on personal goals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed. Keep your head down and keep doing the little things. Every comment gets you closer to your goals. Keep at it! Thanks for your reply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a great post. It seems you turned a bad day into a good post! Good on you! Thanks for the motivation and inspiration. Keep at it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Much appreciated! There always seems to be so much positivity around here, which is a good thing, that we tend to forget that everyone has bad days. Just trying to do my part to help people get through them. That "worst" day sermon by my pastor really stuck with me. It can apply to so many areas of life. Thank you for the reply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

and really... if you praying for 2 minutes at the end of your day is your "worst day"... it wasn't really that bad. There are always little tricks like that that keep us on the right track and positive even when feeling bad. Thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This was indeed a refreshing read, we all somehow have such experiences , especially for folks with a penchant for high performance, I like the analogy of your pastor, breaking down loads of tasks into little chunks is indeed helpful, Yes , we should do more, better , but it starts with a little things.. For me, finance talks isn't much of my forte , but I've managed to make a couple of posts here , these days,I can't even figure out what to write..
Your post was really helpful!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I struggled with coming up with things to write about as well. I still do. The one thing that really helps me with that is to keep reading and making comments. 90% of my new posts come from a comment I was writing on someone else's post. I keep a little notepad open and copy/paste my comment into it when I get an idea. Then, when I'm looking for something to write about, I go into that notepad and read some of the things I've saved. That probably more than anything else, is the biggest reason I try to curate every single day. Not only do I learn more about whatever topic is being written about, I discover things I can write about myself. Win, win. Thank you for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I said, it doesn't matter who you are, there is ALWAYS someone ahead of you.

Well said. Its matter of patience, effort and engagement to the platform. Got a huge motivation from your post. Thanks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome! I'm glad it can help. That's was the whole point of writing it. I know firsthand how hard it can be sometimes to get and stay motivated. These are the little ways I keep myself from becoming stagnant. Thanks for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many times the creative process encounters some difficulties, on the one hand we are inspired and we take advantage of the moment to generate our best work but sometimes the community does not feel the same appreciation and we do not receive the reward we believe we deserve for a great effort.

Of course, we feel frustration when we observe the good work of others and we find it hard to believe that ours is not able to be at the same level of the best, however, it is necessary to consider that those good authors have also gone through creative bumps and have overcome them by working more and with passion, believing more in the fact that the best reward is to see how you advance and improve with each publication, so the community will realize that and will reward you with their votes.

I loved this post, congratulations for encouraging the authors.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It truly is a process. Some of what I thought were my "best works" barely got any votes. Sometimes its timing. Sometimes even though I knew what I was trying to say, I obviously didn't get my message across very clearly. There are many reasons some posts just "flop". It could be as simple as a poor choice in pictures. You never really know. All you can do is keep trying. As long as YOU know you are putting your best into the quality of your posts, that's all you can worry about. The rest will come as you refine your skills. In the meantime, commenting and voting will keep your account moving in the right direction and you will learn, simply from all the reading you do, what works best and how to write even better posts.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You spelled it right.
I have that issue everyday.
My determination to write helps
a little. You mention about want to to reach the
next step, this is everyday goal.
My issue I have to write something everyday otherwise
it becomes stressful and fighting to find
something relevant to post about.

unless you find an outside idea concerning this community.
A little stress is good cause you show that you care and you want to
improve your style and do better.
I thank you and keep writing like that.
It helps many. Example: Posting about #Leofinance and #CUBDEFI can become repetitive


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I appreciate your kind words. I know how frustrating it can get so I'm happy so many people found this article helpful. It is definitely not easy to come up with fresh ideas every day. That is why it's so important to keep commenting and voting. That way even your "worst" day is still a step in the right direction. Plus, as I've said multiple times in these comments, most of my ideas for posts come from commenting on other peoples' posts.

Keep at it. You're doing great as far as I can see. Just keep your head down and do the little things and you'll get to where you want to be. Just in time to want to be somewhere even higher.... lol

Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This was very inspiring and much needed for me.

I tend to have that kind of day a lot. I'm also very quick to compare myself to everyone else that's doing a lot better than myself and I often get frustrated and stuck.

But it's like you said. We gotta keep going. Even the little things eventually add up.

Also, a quote I really like that helps me sometimes:

The first step to being good at something is being bad at it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's true. Just don't be bad too long. lol I agree though. It gets hard sometimes because you feel like you've finally found the answer to some of your problems but it takes so long to get there. That's when you really have to throw out the comparisons and just go back to the basics. Make sure your "worst" day is still a positive one and keep your head down doing the little things.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading through the comments above. There are some very good ideas there as well. Thank you for the comment. Keep at it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can't remember where i read the quote but "comparison is the theft of joy". These days, as long as I meet my own targets and goals, I'm satisfied.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice! That is definitely the way to do it. It's not always easy but it certainly can eliminate some of the frustration if you can pull it off. Thanks for your reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My posts generate maybe $5 max and many earn less than $1. Whilst it's disheartening sometimes to see these other posts earning so much more, I receive more personal satisfaction from posting than I do the monetary reward.

I once last week did a very technical post where I did quite a bit of financial modelling and simulations. Took me several hours to build and design the content. The post I think earned less than $1. However LEO motivated me to build the model and perform the simulation. At the end of the day I learnt something in the process which is just as satisfying as earning the dollars.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At the end of the day I learnt something in the process

And that is truly the most important thing, especially in the early stages of your LeoFinance career. Most of what you do here will be learning on the fly. Keep taking different approaches. Keep trying new things. Eventually you'll learn what works best for you and you'll be able to apply it on future posts. The key is to keep doing it consistently. It WILL pay off. One day soon you'll see that beautiful Toruk banner on the bottom of one of your posts and you'll be off to the races. Keep at it. As you continue to write you'll continue to improve and your posts will gain more attention.

Thank you for the reply!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Truer words were never spoken about the bad LeoFinance or in any other platform.

The thing about open ledger and such, is that we see all of the money rolling in front of us just out of our grasp.

We take action to grab a slice and it always fails or misses the mark.

Then you get the rush of a post that does nicely only to publish another one and it tanks.

True! Poignant and True!

But the time in the market does all the difference, and yes as you say the big things happen for many - of course not to all.

This was a great piece man, well done!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you. Yes, it really still is a numbers game. The more times you try, the more likely you are to "succeed" with a post, although you can't just spam. You have to put the effort in to make it worth reading for people. Even if they don't necessarily agree with the content. Some good, some not so good. This one has turned out pretty well thanks to you all. Thank you for the kind words and the reply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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BEERHey @dagger212, here is a little bit of from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

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 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

That's true. And if you can make sure your worst day is still positive, the best days become even better. Thank you for the comment!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta