As an aside, the Federal Reserve is a private company and made over $320 BILLION in profits last year IIRC. They are the ones getting paid all the interest from our government. And whether you think they're backed into a corner or not, THEY put themselves there. And we all get to suffer for it. Obviously that is a very simplistic view, but facts are facts. They are in control of our monetary policy and their machinations over the last 50 years have definitely played a large role in why our country is in so much debt. And yet I'm sure they've probably profited in the hundreds of billions every year for at least the last 10 years if not longer. Doesn't that seem like a conflict of interest to you?
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Certainly they did that. The liquidity crisis in the USD is all the Fed's doing. And guess what, they will continue to make the problem worse. In fact, we are seeing on a weekly basis.
Ultimately, the Fed will crash the economy before they realize what is going on. So we know where the source of the problem is, at least on the surface. Deeper down, the real issue is a debt based monetary system which means that default is built it. There is not enough money out there to pay all the debts due to interest which starts ticking the second money is created.
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