I was talking about Exode, Marky's game, and Rising Star/Rabona, none of which are "complete" at this point as far as I can tell. I was on a roll. I try not to let details get in the way of a good rant. :-)
LOL I should have let you write the post.
I just don't have the time right now. All my employees are headed back to school so even though business is in a little bit of a lull for the next month or so, I have to now do the work as well. Much easier to write comments. I don't have to do pictures and headers and stuff. :-) I'm obviously not getting 100 LEO at a time doing it this way but I keep chipping away with votes and comments....it all adds up. Plus by working, I can actually afford to buy a little here and there...
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Comments add a great deal to engagement so they are always appreciated.
EXODE is one I am high on. That will take a couple years but it is a great thing in the making.
I dont follow the other two closely but they are gaining in popularity it seems.
We also have @dcrop. I saw a couple posts on that one.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta