Time is Getting Short. Build Your Stake...

in LeoFinance4 years ago



The last two days I wrote about what was in the latest LeoFinance development update. There's no question there are some extremely exciting things being released in the next couple months and beyond. But this is crypto. Just when everything looks like it's going to explode, things go in the opposite direction. So what changed? Nothing. That's the point.

Leo is back down under 80 cents. Hive is back down under 60 cents. Cub is back below $20M TVL. Do you know what that means? Get online and curate! Seriously, I haven't staked any more LEO or Hive in the last couple weeks and my voting power has gone up about 15%. My 100% Leo vote that used to be worth about 66 cents is now worth about 75 cents. That may not seem like a lot, but when you're growing your account, that's huge.


These are things to pay attention to. The entire market is having a little bit of a red day so there's nothing to do there, at least for me. So, I'm getting on line and finding articles to comment on and authors who deserve some more attention. Not only does it help them, it helps me with more curating rewards. This is an effort game and the time to put in the most effort is when things are down and rewards are up. No matter where you are in your growth cycle, getting an extra 20% is huge. Especially when you consider the lower prices. 75 cents is 1 whole LEO right now. With a good night of commenting and upvoting a person could add 10 Leo or more at these prices. Plus some cheap Hive.

I'm just saying, in a couple months, after all of this news comes out and the rest of the world starts discovering Cub and Leo and Hive, prices could be much different and the same effort may only get you one or two Leo, or even less. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of these down times to accumulate as much as you can. That's what I'm doing.

When everyone else is feeling pessimistic, that is the time to just put your head down and focus on the little things. Curate, curate, curate.


Time is getting short. These announcements are coming and when they do, I firmly believe we may never see these prices again. Take advantage of it and build your stake.


Thanks for reading! If you appreciate the content, please consider a comment and upvote. I will happily reciprocate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't know how it can be that users are selling their Leo so low how much after a while it tends to rise, with respect to CUB I think it is the center of attention and we must not lose sight of this type of investment

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think some people are so excited about Cub that they're selling some of their Leo to buy it. If they still have a bunch of Leo and want more Cub, I can understand it. BUT, right now you can buy LEO and make a 3x at $2.25. To make the same 3x on Cub it would have to go over $11. I don't know which will happen first. All I know is that I can get some very cheap Leo by curating. I don't have to risk a dime. So that's what I'm doing...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will admit - it has been hard at times to get online, curate, comment and write. The easiest is commenting and curating as I typically see a direct response to it. Small fractional payouts from my 100LP and comments back and forth between other community members.

Content creation can get hard when you feel like you are either shouting into the wind, or you have no idea what write about. If I am to make my goals I need to do better about logging time every day doing the three things you recommend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree it can be difficult. That's why I write these posts. We all need reminders and little motivational pushes to help us get through those times because everyone goes through them. In my mind, the key is to just focus on the process. Do the little things every day that don't seem like a big deal. They add up. And being able to keep yourself taking action in the right direction keeps the momentum going and eventually compounds itself into very large positives down the road. Keep at it. It's okay to take a break here and there but try to always keep moving forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Couldn't agree more.

hah and you know, as a result my voting power is down to 80%, even though I usually try to keep it above 90%. Just too many good posts I want to reward... and my .13 upvote doesn't seem like very much when I only vote a percentage so I upvote at 100% more than I should. ahhh.. oh well, it's all good. Gotta spread the love, eh?

Keep up the great posts, buddy. I enjoyed your post yesterday too, though I didn't have time to comment on it. I can't wait to see Kingdoms when they come!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gotta spread the love

Indeed. I usually take my voting percentage down to around 80%. My "worst day" is ten 50% upvotes so I try to make sure I never hit 100% voting power. It doesn't hurt you to have your power lower. The vote isn't worth as much to other people but the total amount of your votes should basically be the same whether you are voting 10 times at 50% or 100 times at 5%. You are still going to get the same curation reward and your voting power will still recharge at the same 20% a day. At least that's how I understand it.

Just keep spreading it around. I know I appreciate it, .005 or 5.00. I just like to see that people get some value out of my posts.

Thank you for the kind words. They are much appreciated!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was able to stack some Cub, leo and hive with the dips. I welcome them honestly, I'm nowhere near my goals yet for accumulation I would love the lower price a while longer

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Totally agree. I have basically reached my "minimum" goals with all three and would now like to add a bunch more to all of them. These low prices and higher voting power accelerate that process a lot. It's not like they are pouring in or anything but when you look at what you can accumulate over a week or a month, they can really start to add up in a hurry. Especially if you keep staking them. The compounding is really a beautiful thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree completely. I have focused on powering up all my leo and hive because I was foolish with it in the past. I would like to make this a legitimate side gig for myself and need to first get over the hump of building an initial stake large enough to support that. Let's keep compounding and adding!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The grind never stops. Growing your stake is vital and I hope to reach my LEO goal soon. Then I can get started on stacking LEO to change into CUB. A few red days or weeks are fine with me since I am looking at this from a few years horizon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

link to the article. It was a good read.Yup. The long play is the best way to look at it. I read a post yesterday from @cryptoandcoffee mentioning the Hive 5-year degree. He figured that after 5 years of treating this like earning a degree, he would basically guarantee himself an income and a future "job"; something many graduating college kids can't seem to get right now. Plus, they're loaded with debt whereas with Hive, you'd have a stack that was worth something. Pretty great way of looking at things. This is the

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh that sounds like a nice article and thanks for the link. I'll read it later tonight when I get some more spare time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right @dagger212. Best time to buy LEO which is what I did a few minutes ago. Got my myself a 100 powered up!

Engaging on Leo Finance has been so rewarding for me. My pot is now growing daily and there is no stopping. My voting power is around 50%, getting no time to recharge. I am a busy man 😬

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice! That's what you've got to do. I mean, we're all in this for the long-play, right? Down days are the perfect time to step up your game. Well done!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks man. 'Long play' for life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wise words! Now it's time to get busy and curate, post and comment like crazy! Well, it's never a bad time to do those things, but now the conditions are too good not to do them!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree. We can only control what we can control, and that's the effort we put out. Seeing things down should make those of us who don't have enough excited to get to work. Make more for less.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have been focusing on stacking Leo quite a bit right now. I finally reached the LBI goal I had for myself, so now pretty much all of my rewards are going to be going into Leo. I will be powering up in hopes of reaching the 5000 LP goal I set for myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice. Yeah, that's a great goal. I've been accumulating some liquid Leo over the last couple weeks and I can't decide whether I want to go into the bLeo/BNB pool with it or just stake it. I would like to get to 10k staked but I kind of consider myself already there. 7750 staked, 2000 LBI, and 500ish in the bLEO/BNB farm now. I'd like another 500 LBI but I'm not in a hurry since it's not paying divs right now anyway. Maybe I'll do a half and half thing. Half staked and half in the farm....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Decisions decisions!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is the only way to think as though you are treading water in a river yet you ate getting stronger even though prices are dropping. I used to try and keep the wallet roughly at the same price as prices wee falling then you didn't feel so bad. It just takes patience and time and not long ago I had $6000 in my account so it does speed up at some point very quickly.

Yes, it's not always easy but I'm starting to condition myself to think this way. If I was looking for an exit point then, no, of course I'd want it higher. But I'm still looking to accumulate so the lower the better for longer. I do get it though. At some point you want some validation that what you're doing is not only growing your stack, but that the stack is going to appreciate as well. But, now is not that time. Still very early in the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Kind of happy it didn't shoot further as I'm indeed just starting out building, that and learning of course. Still so much to discover here!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yup, you're in the right place. If you want to learn and grow, head over to Leo Talk every day and add some comments. You can typically get some votes with good topics to discuss or thoughtful comments to others. Here's the link. Believe me, you'll be welcomed with open arms. We're always happy to see new faces/names. And, like I say, you'll get some votes.... Here's the link. Leo Market Talk A new one comes out every day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds good I'll have a look, thanks for the tip.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

the other things tonotice other then the vote value is the curation reward in growing. Nice to see mine at least let other number when it reach 0.001, and now i get 0.002 for my curation reward. still low, and always better than 0 isn't it?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup. The vote value and your curation reward are related. As you increase your LeoPower or HivePower your curation and vote value go up. It is fun to watch it grow. It takes a while no doubt, but it is pretty satisfying to watch it slowly move up. I never thought I could be so excited as when my vote finally hit a penny. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta