It is close to being over finally!
Well, today is Monday, which means the start of another 40-hour workweek in hell. Or at least that is how it has been for me since 4/20/2013. That is over 8 years, 3,145 days since my hire date to be exact. It hurts me to type that out and read that I actually have wasted so much of my life at a dead-end "career" with a federal government that considers me nothing more than a serf.
If you saw my blog from Friday night, then you know what is going on already. If not, feel free to give that blog a read now to catch up.
Basically, my employer (USPS) won't let me come to work until I submit to wearing a mask again. I obeyed like a good sheep last winter, but I am not doing it again. I explained my deep-rooted feelings concerning the mask ordeal in that blog I linked a second ago, so I won't go into that again here in this one.
I woke up this morning absolutely sick at the thought of going back to work and having to do the same old job of slanging stamps and talking to everybody in town. I love getting to meet so many different people and even form bonds with some of them. That however is not enough to keep doing this to me. I know I cannot keep sitting around waiting for every single day to be over and going home absolutely exhausted.
Over this past weekend, I have told myself mentally that I do not have a job with USPS anymore. I've committed it to my mind and there is no going back now. I was told to arrive Monday morning like usual, despite being sent home halfway through the day on Friday after refusing to comply with their wishes. I wasn't at work today for 30 minutes before being told to go home once again.
I believe they assumed I was having a mental breakdown Friday and would revert my stance this morning. Sadly for them, that just wasn't the case. I went straight to my supervisor's office and had a seat. We then chatted some small talk about the weekend while waiting on a union rep to show up and witness our official conversation. My supervisor is honestly one of the sweetest ladies that I have ever met in my life. She's easy to talk to and very nonconfrontational, I know she didn't want to discipline me. She was basically forced into her current job after they took away the job that she had had for years and loved. If only she too was able to do something about the fact that her employer cares none for her happiness levels.
My supervisor does rely on this job as her form of income. That means she must protect herself at all costs, even if that means doing something that makes absolutely no sense like sending me home on the busiest day of the week and leaving one employee to do the job of six. I feel for my friend who is stuck working all by herself today. She probably thinks that I only care about myself, but trust me when I say I have pain in my heart for her being stuck somewhere that she despises. In fact, everybody that I work with hates coming to work. Literally, nobody enjoys this damn job. It all gets a million times worse during the month of December. The post office is far busier now than at any other time of the year. It will be an overload of work with an unhappy and understaffed workforce. Did I mention they are more than happy to make people work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?
Our official meeting was very simple and to the point. They read me a series of about a dozen questions and had me answer them. Both my supervisor and union rep wrote down exactly what my reply was on a piece of paper. This is for their documentation about the case. Most questions were simple yes or no answers. Some of the questions were the same question just reworded. It was really the silliest thing ever and a waste of a part of my productive morning. It did have to be done though, otherwise, none of this would ever go anywhere.
The only questions that stood out were:
- Are you aware that you must follow all direct orders no matter what they are?
- Why did you refuse to wear a mask?
- Are you still refusing to wear a mask today?
- Do you have anything else you would like to add?
To that my answers were:
- Yes.
- Personal belief and the fact that other offices without supervision to watch them are getting away with not wearing masks still.
- Yes.
- Do you all really wish to start losing your few employees that actually come to work and do their job to the best of their ability over something as small as a mask?
They may have thought they would be the ones asking all of the questions, but I had to leave them with a question of my own. The only thing is, I already know the answer to my question. They don't care at all to lose me, no matter how intelligent and consistent I have been over the 8+ years of employment. I'm very easily replaceable and I realize that. Just because I'm great at my job doesn't mean that somebody half as productive couldn't still complete the job. I'm a glorified cashier for crying out loud. As long as the person can read and do basic math, they can replace me with very little effort. Or should I say was a cashier?
At this point, I'm pretty certain I will no longer be employed with USPS very soon. That's fine with me, great actually. I have wanted this for years and it finally seems to be happening on its own. Instead of just quitting, I'm applying some pressure on their little system and who knows maybe it will motivate some others to do the same. If I free myself, great! If I free others too, even better!
I guess that is all I have to say for now. I will surely have another update on the status of the whole situation soon. Who knows when I'll have more info. Sometimes they are quick with their communication, maybe I hear something today. Other times they totally forget what's going on and I may not hear from them for days. I'll just have to be patient and see.
The last time I quit something that I believed was essential to my life, I was freaking out and it was university. My nerves got so bad that I called my uncle of all people for some advice. He is somebody who is tremendously successful, but I basically never talk to. I was so scared that I gave him a ring thinking he would somehow be able to save me from my own fears. This time around I am calm, confident, and unleashing my emotions into writing and it feels amazing!
One thing that is for sure is I will be utilizing all of this new free time by crafting some of the best content I have to offer here on Hive. My passion sits on this platform and blockchain tech in general. I am not a fan of our old system and don't know why I've allowed myself to stay connected for so long. Perhaps, at last, I'll be proud to tell people that I work on Hive. It has sucked to have felt the need to avoid the fact that I worked with USPS for so many years when telling people about my life. I feel shameful no more.
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Discord: Daltono#5080
This question sends chills down my spine. Reminds me of the Nuremberg trials where the criminals would only say "we were just following orders".
It seems like the answer is a resounding "yes", even to the point where they're OK with the entire industry collapsing - they figure they can blame all those "non-compliant" workers and get lots of COVID money from the FED's printing presses. They have to make the free-people enemies of society somehow... when the entire economy collapses they have a perfect segment of society to blame.
Good. They have a lot to answer for. Society as a whole has been trained to believe the world system is hierarchical and those above (employers) always look DOWN on those below them (the employed). The reality is that the employer always relies more on the employee, than the employee relies on the employer. It's a lesson that business have to learn over and over:
So many businesses are on a path of self-destruction. I would say "serves them right", but it will severely damage our society's standard of living, at least for a while.
Seriously you make a great point with the whole following orders thing. If I were blind maybe, but I see just fine. Some things that I am witnessing just do not seem like acceptable behavior on my part.
You are spot on with your observations today. Clearly, the company feels as though it would be just fine without its dedicated work slaves. Maybe they do expect to be bailed out if things go south. Perhaps they don't even want to exist anymore. I could see the government wanting to find a way to control what we ship even more than they already do. It is too easy to sneak things with the way USPS is now.
I know that the place will suffer at least momentarily without me. Most likely they will recover just fine, but if they realize for even just one second that I was a valuable asset, then I've made my point.
As much as I want businesses like this who try to control their workers to fail, at the same time it is a scary thought. Like you said it will cause major disruption with the way our society is used to functioning.
Thanks for a great comment!
I've heard stories about employment at the post office and I"m sure you are aware about the many shows like Family Guy that talk about how it is a rather unusual job and then there is the whole "going postal" phrase that used to get thrown around a lot.
Good for you for standing up for what you believe in. I think you made the correct choice for sure.
The stories you’ve heard no doubt do a good job of getting the point across of how dysfunctional USPS is. I’m sure I will eventually look back on my “career” there and have many stories to tell. Right now I’m just happy to be out FINALLY.
I appreciate you being supportive 👏 it truly means so much, you must know this.
Leaving wage slavery is the best thing you can do and its great this mask shit is pushing you out.
You already have before you on Hive a wealth of opportunities to earn far more in a far more enjoyable and personally rewarding manner.
Good luck. The Hive community is here to help you.
I feel you on that so much man. I'm honestly grateful that there was something behind me kicking my butt out of the door finally.
I have been aware of my opportunity here, but fear has kept me from securing what lies right in front of me. It excites me to know that I am actually going to have the time and energy to perform to the best of my ability with something that I truly care about.
Thanks a lot for your support. I know I have so many amazing people on here willing to assist if I ever need a hand. Me being able to help others in return gives me joy. This whole community effort thing feels superior in every way to obeying a master at some place that I loathe.
I can't believe they said
This is absolute BS.
Even in the military you don't have to follow illegal orders and as an employee you only have to follow reasonable directions that are directly relevant and necessary for your job.
The thing is the majority of the workforce is more than willing to oblige. Doesn't mean they are happy to do so, but they are trapped in the system with no alternatives in sight.
I have slim hopes that down the road my union will find a way to prove that indeed that management is indeed giving me unacceptable orders. It certainly would be nice to receive some back pay as compensation for not being allowed to come to work for who knows how long. The thing is if that happens there is no way I will ever go back at this point. My mind has already been made.
I read your last post, as well as this one and I can completely understand your struggle and frustration about the mask situation. Gonna be a real shame when USPS misses one of the best workers in that area I'm sure (if your posts show any comparison to your work).
I don't know your finances but at this point, you might be able to just gain passive income from here and dedicate more time into growing. Your account is already massive and I've seen the income from a smaller sized account that posts daily.
In a weird way, early congrats on your "vacation" and I look forward to seeing your posts more often 🙂
You already know bro! My employer may not miss me, but my community will, I have no doubts. So many people leave the place after talking to me in such a better mood than they came in with. It will suck not being able to assist so many people on a daily basis, but I will be making up for that by making the rounds on here daily.
I feel pretty secure financially at this point, I've been saving pretty much nonstop throughout this whole blockchain venture. Luckily I've never had to power down, hopefully never have to either. Having a solid income from posting and curating really is a blessing.
Thanks, man, I'm going to be bringing nonstop content for the foreseeable future.
I felt the same way! Dollar General brought me many good people, but corporate just made every day a donkey kick in the face.
It really is, I hope to achieve sustainability on here but I'm happy for ya man. Everyone dreams of being a content creator and just living off of that, spending time spreading awareness and love instead of helping a company get richer. (Not exactly the same for USPS but close enough)
Nobody deserves to be kicked in the face daily, especially not by a donkey.
Your hopes can quickly become your reality if you remain driven.
LMAO I hate you
That was a good one
Yayyyyy congratulations Dalton! 8 years in the slave pit is a long time! I think that this job has drained the energy out of you, it is not ethical to be treating employees like serfs. I think that you have the skill and the mindset to be your own boss and decide what you want to do with your life and your time. Life is such a precious gift and I am always happy to read stories of people who got out of the 9 to 5 jobs and gained their power back.
It truly does feel like I've been unshackled finally. It was taking a portion of my life each day, there is no denying that. I appreciate your positivity towards my potential. It is one thing to believe in myself, but it helps a lot to have others that see my worth as well.
It is a victory! You should order a cake and write freedom on it and eat on it like crazyyy and get accustomed to the great taste of liberation hahaha. Be proud!
Or better yet... Purchase a cake that says FREEDOM and then leave it on the desk of the Postmaster.
Now I want cake lol🤣🤣🤣
What a headache you have to go through.
Glad you have this community to put a foot on
and continue your way into this life.
You are young and the future is brighter with your positive mindset.
I haven't even hit 30 yet, I still have plenty of time to continue on as you said. My positive mindset and determination assist me to locate prosperity and happiness. I haven't really stressed about all of this once, which shows me I'm ready since I can remain collected under circumstances like this one.
Wow, what a journey huh? Takes a lot of courage to take that leap of faith! Now you have more time for your family and more time to earn more Crypto. When God closes one door, he already has bigger and better plans for you! Upvoted and rehived.
It has been a journey indeed. I feel like I've been used and abused, yet here I am more powerful than ever. The hardest part was the leap itself, the landing was nothing more than a simple ninja roll.
Congratulations on starting the next phase of your life, working with HIVE devoting your time to something that you enjoy, and is profitable!
Reminds me of the time I jumped out of an airplane. If I survived that, then surely I can survive this. As a matter of fact, I remember that being pretty damn fun at the time. Wouldn't take back a thing from that day.
Many of us should have caught "a wake up call" and never stayed in one place more than four years, expectation, false security, yes almost abuse creeps up slowly but always appears somehow.
Good Luck!
I'm not sure how I have dealt with the same thing for so long. It's refreshing to know that I haven't lost my craving for life, despite being held from living to the fullest for so long.
If you don't try how will you ever know.
Good for you being on the move something more appealing will become available.
Glad to see you standing for what you believe no matter what. The employers always expect you to just comply with their standards to keep your shit job. Not today, USPS! Fuck you. They still have their claws in my brother but hopefully not for too much longer. He tells me every day how miserable it is. Consider this your reset button. Time to do what you love. Congrats!
Much appreciated. I've been saying fuck USPS for quite a while not, just not to their face like this. Is your brother on Hive?
They deserve every bit of it. He's not, unfortunately. I've been telling him every day he should join us here. He used to do steemit way back in 2017 and is a fantastic writer. He even has a degree in English. One day I will convince him.
Dude your brother needs to find a way to push through being exhausted after work and start back up here. Once he gets that little engine going, it'll be a lot easier. Hard as hell to get people to start here, but a lot easier if they are already familiar with the basics of how everything functions.
Man tell me about it. I've tried everything, he just uses the exhaustion thing every time. I get it, I used to be tired as shit after work. But I made myself do it because I know my worth. I've showed him my earnings, which are nothing compared to yours, but it's still significant. I've even showed him stats on large accounts. He gets it and he even made a few hundred on one single post back in the steemit glory days, I just think he's comfortable being miserable at this point. Always talks about how much he hates it but won't do anything about it. Again, I get it. I was that way too.
That sucks so much. Getting comfortable doesn't equal happiness. I understand that it's extremely difficult to break out of that kind of prism. The thing is if he got in, he can get out. This is a way out, although it may not be quite as easy as snapping the fingers.
It really does. I hate seeing him so worn out. His dream is to be a writer and write books. Hive is the perfect place to get your material/content out there while earning real world value. One day he'll get tired of me telling him hopefully lol
@daltono brother you take a great step we as a hive community always here to help you please be active and be supportive
I trust that Hive has my back more than USPS does. People here care, while my employer simply does not.
my boys shipping level is 99 😜
Shipping lvl = 99.
Fucks given about it = 0
I'm not meant to be a damn postman. I'm pretty sure we both know this to be true.
You have to do what you have to do. That seems like today's theme.
Best of luck. We'll be cheering for you. and upvoting
I wouldn't have been able to do this without the support of this amazing community. Without you all, I would be stuck in that same loop for an eternity.
Well, congrats on finally emancipating yourself from such situation. As you said, the timing couldn’t be better. There’s so much more you can be, I’m glad you’re letting go of the fear that has held you back all the while, the sky is your starting point from here. Goodluck and cheers to your future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Much love for believing in my potential bro. All encouragement will be safely stored in the bank that is my memory.
You’re welcome my G
you have taken the right and decisive step, I also think how they snatch our dreams and dreams and only give us a meager reward, regulate us and restrain us. honestly i really want to take a step like you but this job i'm doing is the only one, i hope to follow your steps sometime.
You are aware that something is off here too. It's not easy to find a way out, but there always is a way.
recently my friend told me that wearing a mask will limit access to the oxygen. body without oxygen is gettin acidic and acid body is the best place for developing cancer. its partly true. partly, because masks wont block the oxygen flow. the rest is correct.
imagine that those masks really block the oxygen flow. it means that every surgeon, every dentist and most of Chinese people have cancer. c'mon bro, 4 real?
Whether or not that is true is up in the air to me. I just do not like it and my intuition says that I'm not wrong to stick to my opinion on the matter.
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Welcome to freedom!
Nic Cage is one of the GOATs!
Did you see his latest film Prisoner's of the Ghostland? I thought it was pretty good. Still need to watch his other new one Pig. That guy never stops.
he has some really good ones, I agree. CONAIR!!! :D