You and a few others have mentioned those high server costs. I think that alone should make people feel more comfortable giving away that 11%.
I remember a short period of ads. Nothing annoys me more than the ads on YouTube and I refuse to pay for premium. That month's free trial sure was nice though.
I think that in the future if 3Speak ever decides to do ads again, then the beneficiary % should drop to balance it out. It's a tough call as to whether I'm for or against ads. I hate being forced to watch ads that I don't care about. However, I definitely get some ads that are perfect for me and inform me about something new. Plus, that ad pay is lucrative when there is a massive community to support it. Guess we will have to see how things change in the future.
Yeah, like I said, percentage I am okay with, percentage with ads, not so much. I hate ads, lol.