Yep you guessed it right! We have another mail unboxing today, with some sweets for LeoFinance

in LeoFinancelast year

Yep you guessed it right! We have another mail unboxing today, with some sweets I forgot to take a picture of the eave so let's- get to the good stuffright away

Nothing big this time, just two really cool silver commemorative Deutsche marks and an old Mozambique escudos coin.
Let's see some close ups!

Those two German pleces are really beautiful and shiny don't you think? Especially the one with the Ichthyosaur or whatever the fuck it is & Plus, the yellow part is actually gold plated! Silverwise, both stand at 15.5 g. One is 0,925 and the other 0.625, Ok, looks like it's actually a skeleton of a fin whale Moving on the Mozambique coin, it's my first 20$ plece from that era. I already have a 5$ and a 10 $ plece and it's been a while since I was looking to complete the trifecta, so it's nice to finally havel I think MII make a post showcasing all three coins one of these days. I love by the way the pirate vibes they give, they look like they came from a totally different era... And in a way they are I guess, the world in the 1950s was totally different then today! The coin Itself is 10 g of 0.720 purity, the rest being copper.
Ok friends, this is it for today. How you enjoyed yet another silver unboxing, eventually I will revielt these coins individually so that we learn more about them.
Stack on!