For a witness @r0nd0n doesn't have much stake in the game when it comes to HIVE, so of course he wants to funnel all your rewards over to witnessing. This guy is jsut a clown and should not be given the time of day. If he can somehow get the top 20 witnesses to collude to shift all or a majority of the rewards over to themselves hive will die. The only thing we can do is not vote for this douchebag and also not support the witnesses that back this retarded idea.
If this were to go through we could see a huge dump in the price of hive down to under a penny (i.e like where BLURT is now) mainly as the witnesses reduce their unnecessary extra bags of hive.
The future of HIVE in the scenario with rewards given to views instead of curation will just create an ecosystem with a million fake accounts to increase certain post views. Sure we can take this route, but it would be a lot easier to leave well enough alone in this case.
Some people just want to see hive die, I've seen that r0ndon guy in Discord and he is a jerk, can't be trusted, so follow him at your own peril. lol
this whole conversation is just a bad joke created to instill fear and drama, typical r0ndon!
Thank you for your input. I do have a strong feeling that the idea won't get the support of the majority. Although yes, it did bring controversy.