Being part of this new parallel financial system, makes me both excited and anxious. There will be lots of bumps along the way as the powers that be (currently) will not want this new financial system to gain traction so will do whatever they can to hinder it becoming mainstream. But I think we are at the dawn of a time that no one has ever envisioned before. Let's go there...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Many of these individuals don’t realize the more they push against blockchain the more it “outs” them for who they really are. Their greed and narcissism will be on full display..for the world to see..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It does although they arent well hidden at this point. For some reason, they all got a lot braver in the last few years. It is like they feel their agenda cannot be stopped.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is very true. It is both exciting and anxious. We all want it now.
Infrastructure has to be build. That said, it will happen over time. We will look back 20 years from now on a different era.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta